Tengxiaomu stood in front of Yinzhu and rubbed his hands. "Yinzhu, if you have anything I need to do, you can tell me directly. I promise to do it well for you."

Looking at Tengxiao's honest appearance, Yin Zhu says that he can't fight even if he wants to fight, and he also feels like bullying others.

"Tengxiao, in fact, we were wrong at the beginning. The wrong beginning will not have a perfect ending, do you understand?" Yin Zhu feels that he needs a spiritual tutor who can speak well and help her persuade Tengxiao to change her mind.

"I know it's all my fault. I'll try to correct it." Tengxiao obediently stands in front of Yin Zhu.

"I tell you that no matter how much you pay, you won't get the harvest. Now that you are willing to pay, don't resent me for not getting the harvest." Yin Zhu touched his head.

"No, and I've got the best return." Tengxiao looks at Yin Zhu's stomach.

Yin Zhu saw this and said, "well, if you insist."

Seeing that Yinzhu didn't drive himself away, Tengxiao laughed so much that his mouth turned up, and then followed Yinzhu with a smile.

It's almost noon. Yin Zhu is going to have lunch. Before he took a bowl of soup, he can only eat half full, and he has to eat a little more.

As soon as Yin Zhu goes to the square, he sees Amy waving to him with a smile, so he goes straight forward. Amy looks at Yin Zhu holding his hand, pats Yin Zhu's hand with a smile, and takes Yin Zhu to sit down.

"I heard you drove Tengxiao out of the cave yesterday?" Amy asked with concern.

Yin Zhu's face broke when he heard this. How could Amy even know this. And my dear mother-in-law, you care so much about your daughter-in-law's relationship with other males. Is that ok? okay?

"Yin Zhu, Tengxiao is just too proud. He has never suffered a loss. He should teach a good lesson, but it's just a good lesson. It's hard to be stiff all the time." Amy persuades Yin Zhu as an elder. Naturally, Amy is happy with Yin Zhu's devotion to his son. However, in terms of the development of a tribe, including standing in Jono's position, Amy still hopes that Yin Zhu can accept Tengxiao. After all, if Yin Zhu only has Jono as a companion, Jono will have to bear too much burden in the future and always need personal help It's impossible to accompany Yin Zhu all the time. With Tengxiao, Yin Zhu won't be alone when Qiao Nuo is busy.

Yin Zhu heard this one and two to persuade himself, can't help but full head black line.

"Aunt Amy, I don't understand. Why don't you persuade me that I only like one Jono?" Yin Zhu thinks that if he goes on like this, he will be crazy.

Amy laughed at this and said, "Yinzhu, of course I hope you like Jono. Then Jono is happy. It's the happiest thing to be with your beloved partner, but do you know Yinzhu? Life in the orc world is too difficult. No one knows how long he can live. Maybe if you go hunting today, you won't be able to come back tomorrow. If you choose Jono as the only one, what will you do if Jono has an accident? You don't care, you don't rely on, what about the rest of your life? The reason why females have several partners is not because females are rare, but because it is the most suitable way for orcs to live, whether male or female

"Child, I don't mean to force you to choose, but to tell you, let you think clearly, child, you are still young, haven't seen many natural and man-made disasters, this Luoyue mountain every year don't know how many orcs die, there are floods in summer, cold in winter, lack of food and hungry wolves, orcs have a long life, but not many orcs die of old age, he said They are more likely to die of war and starvation. Females have several partners. They are generally good-natured partners and brothers. In this way, they can go all out to fight. When they are hungry, they can give up their lives and give up the chance to live to their brothers, because the children and partners behind them are taken care of by people who can rest assured. " Amy smiles and pats Yin Zhu's hand.

"You see, even your mother has several partners, but they take care of each other. How many of those females in the tribe will quarrel with each other? No, Their feelings are better. I hope you like Jono forever, but I don't want Jono to bear too much. In fact, it's contradictory. " Amy said with a smile.

"Tengxiao is not bad. Don't be so stubborn. Give Tengxiao a chance and give yourself a chance to think clearly." Amy patted Yin Zhu's hand.

When Yin Zhu heard this, she was silent. She understood that customs include the actual situation. It's better to find more partners, but does she want to do as the Romans do?

"Thank you, Aunt Amy." Tengxiao, who is behind Yin Zhu, quickly thanks Amy.

"Take good care of Yin Zhu." Amy patted Tengxiao on the shoulder to show her support.

Amy looks at Yin Zhu's stomach. Tengxiao is lucky. Once she had a baby. I don't know when Jono's baby will be. But Yin Zhu is easy to bear. I think she can be a grandmother soon.

Looking at Tengxiao's bright smile, Yin Zhu felt it was very eye-catching.

Then the two of them sat down and went to Tengxiao for barbecue. Yin Zhu grabbed a piece of grass and played with it. Looking at Tengxiao, who was busy all the time, Yin Zhu began to ponder. Tengxiao worked very fast and talked with the people around him. He didn't know what to say and was very happy.In addition to barbecue, he also made a lot of vegetables, which were ready to stir fry. The vegetables were prepared for her. Tengxiao didn't like them. They spent a lot of energy in hunting, but they didn't consume enough vegetables.

Yin Zhu really doesn't understand Tengxiao. He just wants to tie her to her for the sake of her children without hesitation, and even don't want to repay her. If she thinks in terms of empathy, she can't do that. She can't make up for her life's happiness for her children.

Small nine Yue at this time gathered to Yin Zhu's side, mysteriously said to Yin Zhu, "Yin Zhu, do you want me to help you divine your fate with Tengxiao?"

"No Yin Zhu simply refused, who knows if Jiuyue will come to a match made in heaven.

"Yin Zhu, you are upset." Jiuyue said with a smile.

Yinzhu heard this, turned to look at Jiuyue that childish face, feel this words from her mouth spit out very disobedient.

"Jiuyue, you know what, you are in a mess." Yin Zhu finished rubbing Jiuyue's head and disordered Jiuyue's neat hair. Then he felt more comfortable in his heart.

"No, I'm not young. The age of the priest doesn't depend on the actual age of the priest. The age of the priest comes according to the age of knowledge she inherited. In other words, I've been hundreds of years old and know everything. At most, I can't use it flexibly." Jiuyue replies with a smile.

Jiuyue says that being a priest is very lonely. She has always been high above others. Even if she looks like a child, no one dares to disrespect her. That is to say, Yin Zhu dares to make trouble with her. This kind of feeling is not to mention, it's quite good.

Hundreds of years old? Seeing that face, Yin Zhu said that she felt itchy and pinched it again. For a face like a child, she could not respect it. Moreover, now Jiuyue is still learning witchcraft with her, so she is not a descendant.

"Little girl, I've eaten more salt than you've eaten rice. The old man's eyes are bright." Jiuyue looks at Yinzhu with a smile and his face changes.

Confused? Take a look at Tengxiao. He cut the barbecue into small pieces and put it on a whole plate. He took the vegetables and broke a bowl of soup. Jiuyue glanced at him and said, "it's a pity that I have no one to take care of the old man." Then he sighed deeply.

"If you want to take care of yourself, it's easy. When you are older, just find a partner. In fact, it's OK to find a young boy now. He's the one who loves you the most See nine Yue tease oneself, Yin Zhu can't help but reply.

Nine Yue hear this words corners of mouth smoked to smoke, which tribe priest marry? It's not a good idea to abduct a priest.

"Come on, old man, I'm leaving, so I don't have to get in your way here." Nine Yue finish smoothly climbed up, and then patted his ass to go.

Yin Zhu see smooth slip away, and then look at the people sitting next to him to take good care of themselves, well, by nine Yue so a tease, her heart now really confused.

Seeing Yin Zhu in a daze, Tengxiao couldn't help asking in a low voice, "why, isn't the barbecue delicious?" Tengxiao picked up his own roast meat, so sad. The skill of roast meat is not as good as that of his partner. What should he do if his partner dislikes it?

Yin Zhu shakes his head and picks up the barbecue on the table. The barbecue is very fat. It's covered with honey. It smells like honey. It tastes sweet and delicious.

Although it's not as good as the barbecue he made, Tengxiao made it with great effort. Didn't you see that the barbecue he ate was baked casually? She can't say this is not good, that is not good.

If you make any more trouble, the whole tribe will say that she is hypocritical. Maybe her mother will send Martin to deal with her.

Tengxiao saw that Yin Zhu didn't eat much. He was puzzled. After hesitating for a while, he said, "Yin Zhu, I'm stupid and I don't know what you want to eat. If you have something you want to eat, you tell me and I'll get it for you."

"Yes, thank you." Yin Zhu nodded.

Seeing that Yin Zhu didn't refuse himself, Tengxiao said yes. As long as Yin Zhu didn't refuse others, he would be happy. Unfortunately, Yin Zhu still didn't say what he liked to eat.

Go back and ask the females of the tribe what they like to eat. One by one, Yin Zhu always wants to eat something similar. Tengxiao decided to go back and get it himself, especially fruits and vegetables.

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