Yin Zhu doesn't know that she has been missed by a cunning fox. At this time, she is still struggling in the kiln.

Recently, the kiln has been put into production. It's a pity that the bowls produced are relatively rough and some of them still have bubbles. Anyway, they are not beautiful enough. One less time will destroy half of the bowls and half of the finished products. This can be said to be Yin Zhu's most crazy. However, no matter how to change it, the power is about 50%. Yin Zhu is so angry that he doesn't know where he is I didn't do a good job in school.

Of course, the main thing that kiln factories are burning recently is tiles. Tiles are not bad at all. As for bowls, Yin Zhu always tries to find out how to adjust them.

Yin Zhu's body shrinks again because he is staring at the kiln all the time. He thinks it's very good. Now he can be called plump and fleshy, not too fat. It's just that Amy Tengxiao and Mei Li are thrilled. They want to ask Yin Zhu to have a rest. After all, it's about the tribe. The house should be built before winter What the Ministry has built can't stop Yin Zhu from being busy, so we can only change the way to supplement Yin Zhu.

This is another bowl of bone broth made by butengxiao. It also contains delicious dried mushrooms. It's very delicious. After a period of tempering, Tengxiao's cooking skill is a fast tonic. At first, Yin Zhu was a little disgusted. Now he can take it. At least in the current situation, there are not many species in this simple condition, Yin Zhu feels that it's very delicious It's just like that. It's neither bad nor delicious. Tengxiao's cooking is better than her.

I remember her old mother said that a woman must have a good cooking skill, so she practiced her to death. As a result, you and her cooking skill is just like that. You can barely see people. As a result, Tengxiao school will be around soon. Is he really talented? Learn everything quickly? Think of this, the heart is not comfortable, people are more popular than the dead.

"Yin Zhu, come and have soup." Tengxiao said softly.

Looking at Yin Zhu's busy face stained with mud, Tengxiao doesn't feel that Yin Zhu is dirty at all. Instead, he feels that the serious Yin Zhu looks very dazzling.

When the people working around heard this, they called out, "Yinzhu, go, go." Yin Zhu's body is losing meat. The people of the tribe all see it. They all feel sorry for Tengxiao.

"How to make your face covered with mud." Tengxiao smiles and reaches out to wipe the mud on Yin Zhu's face. Yin Zhu looks at Tengxiao's affectionate eyes and can't help turning his head and looking at him.

"Tengxiao, you don't have to bring me something to eat when I'm working. Everyone is working, so I'm more delicate. I need to make up meals and snacks, right? It makes me special. " Yin Zhu took a white look at Tengxiao.

Tengxiao said at this time: "how can you compare with them? They're old men one by one. Besides, you're still pregnant. My mother said that you should eat more at this time. You can eat several supplements by yourself, and you can't eat too much." Because what the kiln does is either mud or fire. The temperature is so high that the females don't come here. Besides Yin Zhu, the others are males.

Teng Xiao also glared at the onlookers. They were thick skinned. They knew that Yin Zhu was thin skinned, and they still looked at him.

People around say that it's rare to see Yin Zhu, who has always been sensible, show such a girl's coyness. As for Tengxiao, a man's wife slave, it's even more difficult to see. There's less entertainment in small tribes, so it's rare to see a play. Why don't you watch it.

Besides, Tengxiao has really changed a lot. In the past, Tengxiao was very good at it, but his whole body sent out air-conditioning. Except for a group of young people who were familiar with him in the tribal hunting team, Tengxiao didn't have much contact with other people. Facing females, Tengxiao was even colder. However, many females like Tengxiao, but most of the time Tengxiao is a flower of high coldness Like now, it's just a warm man in the family.

It's the embodiment of a good male to be in the hall, in the kitchen, inside and outside. You know, the females who think Tengxiao has done these things have begun to ask for their partners according to Tengxiao's appearance. Because of this, some males in the tribe hate Tengxiao so much that their teeth itch. This damned guy, chasing females Let's go after females. What should we do in a high-profile way? The whole tribe knows how good he is to Yin Zhu, which makes them become dregs one by one.

Strength is not as good as others, tenderness is not as good as others, appearance is not as good as others, daze tribe male said one by one internal injury unceasingly.

Of course, when they are asked by the female to do Tengxiao's work, the male will also say that if you have Yin Zhu's ability, I can spoil you like that, so inexplicably, they become the model companions in the tribe. Of course, the title is granted by the people in the tribe, and Yin Zhu absolutely does not admit Tengxiao is his partner.

Tengxiao in Yin Zhu's eyes is a nuisance, plus the face of the rascal and lust.

Tengxiao helps Yin Zhu clean his face, and then takes sugar. "Your hands are dirty. I'll feed you." Tengxiao is very gallant with a spoon to hit Yin Zhu's mouth.

Around are a group of fiery eyes, these people can not feel when the light bulb, Yin Zhu is very embarrassed, she a pet to again, quickly wash their hands clean, and then grabbed Tengxiao hand inside the bowl, "I'm not disabled, want you to feed."Tengxiao said that the failure of feeding was due to the large number of light bulbs around him. Sooner or later, he would succeed again. Didn't Yin Zhu not like to see him bring soup at the beginning? Now it's not a habit to drink soup every day.

"Don't talk nonsense. Besides, don't you have time? Besides, if I don't feed you, you'll eat it obediently? " Teng Xiao doubts that Yin Zhu is so busy that he doesn't prepare to eat. Only when he follows him for 24 hours can he stare at Yin Zhu.

Tengxiao's way is to serve Yin Zhu well and let him get used to his service. Once he leaves his service, he can't stand it. Habit is the most terrible thing.

Yin Zhu doesn't know that none of the men around him is simple. They are all good at it.

"I don't know if Jono's coming back soon." Yin Zhu sighs. It's been more than 20 days since Jono left. He doesn't know how things are going. At the beginning of telling the truth, Jono left and Tengxiao was watching. Yin Zhu is really not used to it, but Tengxiao stewed it like a frog in warm water. In the back, Yin Zhu is used to following Tengxiao, but Tengxiao looks at himself His eyes are getting hotter and hotter day by day. Yin Zhu can't help shouting, "Jono, come back quickly. If you don't come back again, I'll be taken away by wolf cubs if you kiss my wife."

"You miss Jono?" Tengxiao has a bad feeling when he hears that Yin Zhu mentions Qiao Nuo. However, he thinks that it's Qiao Nuo who helps him to stand beside Yin Zhu. He can't help but appreciate Qiao Nuo in his heart. He knows that there is Qiao Nuo in Yin Zhu's heart, so he doesn't know whether Yin Zhu has himself in his heart for such a long time.

"Of course, Jono is my partner. I don't miss him. Who do I miss? I dream of Jono coming back soon. You know, one day is like three autumn, you count how many years I've been separated from Jono, and I'm going to cry. " Yin Zhu expressed his strong yearning for Jono.

Tengxiao's heart is sour and astringent. He hasn't seen him for more than 20 days. He thinks he hasn't seen him for many years. It turns out that Yin Zhu thinks about Jono so much. He thinks about it all the time. Is what he has done in the past 20 days useful?

Tengxiao denied it for a while, and immediately became self-confident. Anyway, he has made progress now, and it's a step further. Besides, his ultimate goal is that he will live in Yin Zhu's heart as deeply as Jono one day.

Yin Zhu doesn't have himself in his heart because he doesn't do well enough.

"Don't worry. No matter whether it's done or not, Jono will be back in one or two days." Thinking that Jono is coming back soon, where is Yin Zhu's place? Tengxiao suddenly thinks that Jono should not come back so soon.

In the past 20 days, he really fell in love with Yin Zhu. If it was for the sake of responsibility, then in the past 20 days, he gradually fell in love with Yin Zhu, the girl's beauty, her intelligence, her tenacity and all kinds of things.

Tengxiao deeply hated his death before, otherwise there was nothing wrong with Jono now. Unfortunately, he didn't know it earlier, and he didn't regret it.

"Yes." Yin Zhu gave a sound.

"So Jono will be back any minute?" Yin Zhu asked.

Tengxiao nodded. It's hard to estimate the time of the long journey. It's normal to walk a little faster and a little slower.

"Then I'd better go back to take a bath and change my clothes first, or Jono will hate me when he sees me like this. Yeah, take a bath first." Yin Zhu clapped his hands and made a happy decision.

Tengxiao looks at Yin Zhu foolishly. In the past 20 days, Yin Zhu can say that he is tied up with the kiln. It's no use what others say. Everyone has lost a whole lap. Everyone worries about it. In fact, now the kiln is like this, and we need to improve it slowly. It's not a big problem whether Yin Zhu will come or not, but Yin Zhu will come. No one can persuade him He said casually that Jono might be coming back. As a result, Yin Zhu said that he wanted to take a bath and dress up to welcome Jono.

It turns out that if you want to deal with Yin Zhu, you just have to sacrifice Jono. It's so easy to use. However, it's also because you want to understand that Yin Zhu has to clean up his mind. Teng Xiao feels even more congested. They all say that women are good for themselves, and Yin Zhu can be dirty in front of him. Is it because you don't care about him? Want to understand this, Tengxiao heart plug.

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