As soon as Yin Zhu's words were finished, all the people present were stunned. Did Yin Zhu say that?

Meng Tai was overjoyed when he heard this. The crime of taking advantage of the female is big, but small is also very small. The main reason is that Yin Zhu had been dying before. Now, Yin Zhu is willing to let go of it.

"Tengxiao, you heard me, Yin Zhu said. She won't pursue your fault." Meng Tai is very happy to hold Tengxiao's hand.

"What's your plot?" Tengxiao really didn't believe that the man who wanted to die twice in a row just to force him to marry her would let him go.

Yin Zhu wants to say that the original owner likes Tengxiao very much and doesn't want to give up. But the original owner doesn't want Tengxiao to die. If he knew Tengxiao would rather die than marry her, he probably wouldn't do that. And she doesn't need to. Although Tengxiao is so damn attractive, couples who don't have love can only become resentful couples in the end. She doesn't want to live like that.

"No, I just want to be open." Yin Zhu said lightly.

"What are your conditions? If it's too much, I'd rather go to the place of God's punishment. " Tengxiao's handsome face was tight.

"Tengxiao, I'm not as bad as you think. Don't think about me with bad thoughts. I just like you. I can't like myself. But if you would rather die than get rid of me, I'll let you go. I hope you live, that's all." This is her final defense for the original owner.

Tengxiao was silent when he heard this.

Some of the people present were silent, because apart from this reason, they couldn't think of the reason why Yin Zhu wanted to let Tengxiao go.

Yin Zhu looked at the crowd and turned to walk towards his cave. I can only help you with your business. It's an end to what you've done. After that, this body will belong to me completely.

After finishing this, Yin Zhu felt relaxed from the bottom of his heart, and the original owner had gone completely.

Looking at the far away Yinzhu, they all know that this time it's true. Yinzhu really let Tengxiao go. It seems that Yinzhu is not so bad.

Montaigne was very happy to see this. "Well, it's OK. They're all scattered. Those who should go hunting should go out as soon as possible. They don't need to eat today, do they?" Montaigne laughs and drives people.

But Tengxiao was still standing in the same place. Meng Tai patted Tengxiao on the shoulder: "Tengxiao, in fact, Yin Zhu has some bad problems, but the essence is not bad. Forget it, things are over. What do you say and do? Go and help you."

Tengxiao goes back to the cave where he lives with his face stretched. He squats down and sits weakly. Why is it that he is sad to see Yin Zhu say those words? He thinks that he is so unscrupulous in saying that he would rather die than marry these days, which is also a kind of harm to Yin Zhu. The female has never been insulted like this in the world of orcs.

But he still won't marry Yin Zhu. He just feels that he owes Yin Zhu a little.

Since he owes her, he tries to make up for it. After thinking about it clearly, Tengxiao feels much better in his heart. He collects all the animal skins in his cave and plans to give them to Yin Zhu. It's a compensation.

Tengxiao carried a lot of animal skins to the entrance of Yinzhu's cave. After hesitating for a while, he began to shout, "Yinzhu, come out."

Yin Zhu listlessly went to the gate of Shandong Province and saw Tengxiao standing in front of him. Some of him said: "what else can I do for you?"

"I'm sorry, Yin Zhu. These skins are for you. It's my apology." Tengxiao looks at Yin Zhu's bad face and says it carefully. Then he puts down a pile of hide in his hand.

Looking at others carefully apologizing to themselves, no matter how much dissatisfaction they have, they are saying that this is the original owner's fault. "Don't apologize. You're right. I'm too demanding. Take it back." Yin zhurou said.

"You, it's good that you don't blame me. I put the things here." Tengxiao turned and ran.

The more Yin Zhu didn't blame himself, the more Tengxiao felt guilty. He didn't dare to look at Yin Zhu's face and ran away.

What can Yin Zhu say when all the people run away? Besides, these are all excellent leather, genuine leather. Touching the soft fur, Yin Zhu can't wait to roll on it. It's so comfortable. In modern times, these skins are hundreds of thousands at least.

Since others so sincerely forced to give themselves an apology, then she reluctantly accepted it.

Yin Zhu has already tucking his sleeping grass for one hundred times, and with so many leather, he can finally make complaints about a decent bed.

She happily moved these skins into the cave. There were 48 skins in total, and the quality was very good. Yin Zhu took three skins to make the bed, and the rest of the skins could be made into animal skin skirts.

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