Tengxiao looks at Bai Kun lying on the bed with a black face and deep eyes. He doesn't know what he is thinking. Seeing Tengxiao coming in, Bai Kun jumps up. This man is also his competitor.

Tengxiao already knows that Bai Kun is going to have an idea for Yin Zhu. To tell the truth, he is really entangled with this matter. What is entangled is that he has not been recognized by Yin Zhu. Of course, he also knows that Yin Zhu's most important concern is his life. If Bai Kun can make Yin Zhu accept it, it will be no problem for him. This person's mind is better than anything else I'm very strong, maybe I'll succeed. I just think that I haven't been recognized yet, so I'll catch up with Yin Zhu. I don't feel comfortable again.

"How come I haven't played enough, and I want to do it again?" Bai Kun touched his painful face and sank his face. If it wasn't for guilt, he wouldn't let his handsome face become like this and his image would be completely destroyed.

"I've come either to do it or to chat with you." Tengxiao sits down slowly. Isn't this guy proud to stimulate Yin Zhu? Then he can also stimulate Bai Kun. Thinking that he is also a person who knows Yin Zhu's secret and that he has never been compared by Bai Kun, his heart will be more comfortable.

"What are you talking about? Yin Zhu? " Bai Kun asked in a calm voice.

"No. Let's talk about how Meizu, one of the most powerful races in ancient times, fell to the present situation. Tut tut. " Tengxiao looks at Bai Kun sarcastically.

Meizu, it seems that the secret of his race can't be hidden. He didn't think it was a big problem, but what did Tengxiao say? How could he not understand one of the most powerful races in ancient times.

"What do you mean?" Bai Kun asked in a calm voice.

"As far as you heard, I thought that this race did not exist. I didn't expect that it still existed. It seems that your race is deeply hidden, but the race has been preserved, but the relevant inheritance has also been lost, and your most powerful skills can't be used. No wonder you live like this." Tengxiao is in a good mood for constant ridicule.

"Tengxiao, you have something to say. After all, everyone is a tribe." Speaking of the secret of his race, how can Bai Kun not be excited? Unfortunately, he has never heard of these things, and he doesn't know whether they are true or not.

"The most powerful part of the Meizu is not to enchant the orcs, but to enchant the wild animals, so as to enslave them for their own use. Do you think people with such ability will be weak? But in the end, it's a backward tribe. There's no inheritance. It's no use saying anything. " Tengxiao sees that Bai Kun's face is deformed again.

"Are you serious?" If Meizu really has such ability, how wonderful their life will be. Why has he never heard such rumors.

"Believe it or not, ask your priests. They should know something." Tengxiao said, patted his ass and went out, thinking that after Bai Kun knew these things, he would not be able to sleep in his heart.

"Wait, do you have a way to enslave wild animals?" Bai Kun can't help catching up and asking.

When Tengxiao heard this, he glanced at baikun, "yes, yes, but why should I tell you?" With that, without looking at Bai Kun's silly appearance, he turned and left.

When Bai Kun sees Tengxiao go, he can't lie down any more. He doesn't want to talk about Yin Zhu any more. He goes to ask Bai Xi about it.

Bai Xi is teaching Zixin a lesson at this time, "girl, I told you to be careful. Fortunately, Yin Zhu has no malice to us, otherwise you will really harm the tribe."

Zixin nodded respectfully. Today, she did something wrong.

Zixin sees Bai Kun coming in with such a face, and her heart that she was taught to be a little uncomfortable is almost flying. Today, she has heard about Yin Zhu. I didn't expect that Bai Kun, who is so smart, would have miscalculated one day.

When Bai Xi saw Bai Kun's face, he wanted to laugh, but the child's face was like this. How could he come out and run away without a good rest at home.

"Bai Kun, is your face still in pain? I'll go back and fix some herbs for you." Although Bai Kun has made some mistakes, Bai Xi thinks that Bai Kun must have a purpose in doing these things. Naturally, the purpose is for the interests of the Meizu. This boy just takes the interests of the Meizu too seriously and loses his sense of propriety.

Bai Kun is too sensible and pays too much for the tribe. Even if Bai Kun is wrong, Bai Xi is reluctant to criticize him.

"Well, Zixin, go down and have a rest. I'll talk to baikun." Bai Xi quickly sends the little girl away. Even if she wants to instruct Bai Kun, she can't let Zixin listen and lose Bai Kun's face.

"Baikun, now you are a member of daze tribe, that is, we are all members of daze tribe. Before joining the tribe, we can talk about terms and interests. But once joining the tribe, we should treat ourselves as members of the tribe. If we blindly treat ourselves as Meizu, it will harm you. Daze tribe can't accommodate such people. We can serve our own family People are a little cautious, but you should remember that you are from daze tribe now, especially you have to live with Yin Zhu. You must think about this carefully. Otherwise, the marriage object will be changed. I don't want to hurt you. " Bai Kun said lightly."Mammy, I already know about this. It's my fault. It's my impatience." Bai Kun sincerely admits his mistake.

"Well, Mammy is glad that you can think so clearly." Bai Xi said happily that Bai Kun was good at this. He did something wrong and reflected on himself faster than anyone else. He never had to worry about it.

"You come here at this time, but you have something to ask me?" Now that Bai Kun has figured it out, but he comes to his side at this time of dark, there must be something serious. After all, today is their first day in daze tribe, and it's time for them to have a rest. If it's not a particularly important thing, Bai Kun won't disturb them to have a rest at this time.

"Mammy, I heard that Meizu is one of the most powerful races in ancient times. The most powerful ability of Meizu is not to charm people, but to enslave wild animals." Bai Kun simply repeats Tengxiao's words.

When Beth heard this, the whole man stood up abruptly. "Who did you listen to about this?" After all, the whole Meizu is known only by her old priest. Even the patriarch Bai Xue doesn't know about it. Meizu has been desolate and her glory no longer exists. Otherwise, how could she like her tribe to be annexed.

"Is it true? Mammy Hearing this, Bai Kun couldn't help but feel excited. Who could have thought that the most useless Meizu was actually so powerful.

"What's the use of whether it's true or not? The ancient Meizu did have that ability. However, after the ancient catastrophe, no one in our family knows how to enslave wild animals, so we only have that ability, but we don't have that capital. It's useless to say anything." Bessie said, with her eyes closed and very disappointed.

"Mammy, Yinzhu is a person who can see through our identity at a glance, and they know that we are the Meizu, and they also know that we are the most powerful Chinese organization in ancient times. Our tribal people don't know about this, but they know better than us. And I think Yinzhu has a way to enslave the beasts again. ”Do you want to talk to Tengxiao when he's free in the evening? It must be impossible. It must be to keep him awake.

However, Bai Kun has to admit that his appetite is really hanging up. He wants to sleep tonight.

Sometimes, people really can't be too anxious, let alone offend others.

"Really, the Daze tribe knows how to enslave wild animals?" Bessie was so surprised that the whole body stood up.

"Let's go and find Yin Zhu." Bai Xi can't sit still any more. She pulls Bai Kun to find Yin Zhu and asks him to understand.

Bai Kun couldn't help but smile bitterly. "Mammy, I'm sure I can't do it tonight. Yin Zhu should be tired at this time. I think daze tribe is deliberately hanging me, which makes me feel uneasy. As for the way they have, they will definitely give us. After all, we are also members of a tribe."

Bai Xi also knew that she was worried. She carried her back around the house for several times and said, "I know. OK, we'll go to find Yin Zhu tomorrow. No matter whether they have a way or not, they know Meizu so well. Maybe there's something we don't know. In addition, it's called the female in the tribe. If she takes a fancy to the male, we'll settle down as soon as possible." Bai Xi is further integrated into daze tribe, which can also be regarded as the male of daze tribe eating a sweet jujube.

"I know, Mammy, you'd better have a good rest tonight, and we'll have the spirit to talk about it tomorrow. In addition, I think this matter will be on the table at that time, and it must be in the presence of the patriarch Montaigne." Bai Kun also talked about his ideas in detail.

"That's for sure. Bai Kun, the tribe you're looking for this time is really good. If I can find the ancient inheritance of Meizu, I'll be willing to die." Said Beth with great pleasure.

Although the matter is just a little, not sure, but Beth is still happy.

"What's more, tomorrow I told the Mengtai patriarch that we are all tribal people, and they don't need to provide much food. It's just that they can provide our people with food for one month. After all, we have one month to get familiar with it, and people who want to come to our tribe can find food by themselves. Besides, those little girls have found partners, and some people have to bear it, so as to avoid the burden of the tribe All the food stored for the winter is wasted. " For the sake of inheritance, Bai Xi can give in to all those who give in, as long as they get the inheritance.

"Don't worry, Mammy. I'll take care of these things." Bai Kun quickly comforts Bai Xi. Since Tengxiao has come to tell him this, daze tribe will surely give him the way to enslave the beast. After all, Meizu is strong, and daze tribe is also strong, isn't it?

It's just that they will be taught when they are bribed. It seems that if we really want to ask the females of the tribe to work hard and make the two tribes integrate completely, daze tribe won't have to worry that they will cheat and run away.

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