Tianxue is very happy to barbecue with the sauce given by baikun. This sauce is what Sophie left in daze tribe. The zuimongxiang is not a casual thing. Baikun bet that Tianxue doesn't know zuimongxiang.

Sure enough, Tianxue doesn't know this. As for baikun, she is willing to ask the females in the tribe to bless her. She is eager for the whole world to declare that baikun already belongs to her.

As for why barbecues are given to pregnant women, it's very simple, because there are too many people in the Juque tribe. If we all give them, we can't catch so many prey like Bai Kun. Just give them to pregnant women.

Bai Kun helps Tian Xue barbecue together. Watching the pregnant women of the Juque tribe eat the barbecue as greedily as Yin Zhu, Bai Kun finds an excuse to leave, and then goes to several warehouses of the Juque tribe with the better people to prevent fire. As for the two guardians in front of the warehouse in the hands of the totem soldiers, they are all taken down, Bai Kun It's a direct order to kill. To be soft on one's enemies is to harm oneself.

When the pregnant women started to attack one by one, the priests of the Juque tribe also came to check the situation of the pregnant women. As soon as the priest left, Bai Kun slipped into the priest's cave to look for Aurora grass.

There are a lot of things in the house of the Juque tribe. Bai Kun searches quickly, leaving him little time. When the priest sees the pregnant women, he will know that they are drunk, and then he will come back quickly. Fortunately, he arranged the follow-up. At this time, the clansmen who sneaked in have already started burning the warehouse of the Juque tribe.

All the things in those warehouses are wealth, especially grain. Bai Kun is deeply distressed that so many things have been wasted. It's shameful to waste grain anywhere in the orc world, but Bai Kun can't take these things away. He can only burn them down, which can create chaos. Second, without this wealth, Juque tribe is afraid of the strength of the whole tribe They have to be reduced a lot.

It is estimated that even the people of the Juque tribe didn't expect that baikun would burn these warehouses. After all, it is the orcs who enter the tribe to snatch things instead of burning the whole warehouses. That's really cutting flesh on other people's hearts.

Even when Youjia knew about baikun's plan, he hesitated all the time. After all, in anyone's eyes, he was reluctant to give up such a cruel hand. Finally, baikun convinced Youjia.

The priest of the Juque tribe was so angry that he almost killed Tianxue when he knew that more than 20 pregnant women in the tribe had eaten Zui Meng Xiang. Pregnant women are the hope of the tribe. Where did the Zui Meng Xiang come from?

After knowing that Bai Kun gave it to her, especially before Bai Kun came from daze tribe, I can't figure out why. It's obviously a beautiful plan of daze tribe to revenge on her own tribe. Thinking that the priest almost didn't vomit blood, she had some Aurora grass, but only one plant was enough to cure two people, and there were too many people poisoned by the tribe, Tianxue is used up of that small bottle of sauce.

The priest almost didn't scold Tianxue bloody at this time. He just wanted to trouble baikun, but Tianxue said that baikun had gone to pee. The priest didn't yell well at this time. Baikun must have gone to find Aurora grass himself.

The priest just wanted to take people back to encircle Bai Kun, but he heard the cry of one side of the people, "fire, fire." The priest turned his head and looked at the fire in the distance. In those directions, there were tribal warehouses, and then there were fires in other warehouses.

The priest didn't understand that they had been calculated. Wei Xi was so anxious that he was organizing people to put out the fire. In addition, he was looking for someone to catch Bai Kun. At the same time, he kept cursing and scolding the people of daze tribe, such as heixingan and so on.

More than a dozen warehouses of the Juque tribe were on fire. When the people of the Juque tribe saw the fire, they were all stunned, and then went crazy. The financial affairs were the wealth of the whole Juque tribe, representing the food and clothing of the whole tribe in winter, but now they are gone.

The whole tribe is in a mess. The priest is running towards his home. Bai Kun has turned the place where the priest lives upside down, but he still can't find the aurora grass he wants. Bai Kun is sweating. There is only a container and a table in this room. He has searched all these places, and even can't find it He made a mess of that simple container, that is, the pile of animal skins in the corner that recorded the development history of the tribe, also called baikun, made a mess, but he still couldn't find Aurora grass.

The priest must have put something as important as Aurora grass beside him, but where would he put it? Bai Kun's eyes quickly swept over the wall.

There are no small holes in this cave. The ground and wall are clear at a glance. Where will the aurora grass be placed?

The salt water drops one by one. Bai Kun knows that the time is getting shorter and shorter. The priest is afraid that he will come back soon, but where is it?

The aurora grass, the aurora grass, Bai Kun looked at it again and again, his eyes suddenly looked at the big tree at the door of the priest. When he talked with the females of the Juque tribe, he remembered that a female said that the priest's favorite thing was to sit on the big tree at the door. Thinking of this, Bai Kun jumped out and quickly climbed up the branch.Sure enough, in a bird's nest at the top of the tree, Bai Kun saw a tiny amount of Aurora grass, and the whole Aurora grass grows on a cold jade. The aurora grass grows in the cold Arctic, and only this jade can make the aurora grass live. I didn't expect that they would put it on a tree.

After seeing the aurora grass, Bai Kun quickly put his things in his arms and walked towards the gate of the tribe. Now, the gate of the tribe in Juque is just like a sea of fire. Fortunately, Bai Kun has an arrangement. When he goes to the corner with the tribe, there is already a flying Orc waiting for him.

Bai Kun flies away from the Juque tribe directly. It can be said that everyone's eyes are attracted by Bai kunfei, and the people of the Juque tribe also send flying orcs to pursue them. At this time, the fire-proof orcs have left the Juque tribe, and then they will use bows and arrows to help stop the flying orcs of the Juque tribe.

There are many orcs in the Juque tribe, but they can fly a lot. However, daze tribe's bows and arrows are locked at the bottom. It's impossible for them to catch up with baikun. Baikun doesn't want to get rid of the flying orcs in the Juque tribe. He just needs to stay away from the Juque tribe a little bit. When he gets to the mountains, there are still people from the tribe The people of the Juque tribe.

After Bai Kun left a little, he went back to Daze tribe with Aurora grass. Naturally, there were special people behind.

Bai Kun returns to Daze tribe with Aurora grass. All the people are relieved. This time, Yin Zhu is saved.

Jiuyue and Bai Xi quickly give Yin Zhu the medicine of Aurora grass. In just half a month, Yin Zhu's whole body has shrunk seriously, and his face is only a little bigger than his palm. It makes everyone feel sad, but his stomach is getting bigger and bigger.

Qiao Nuo carefully fed Yin Zhu the decoction, and then everyone sat and waited for Yin Zhu to wake up.

However, half an hour after Yin Zhu ate the decoction, the cyan color on her face slowly pushed away, even the strange pattern slowly faded away, and everyone was very happy. However, after all the patterns faded away, another bright white pattern slowly climbed up Yin Zhu's cheek.

"Jiuyue, come and see. What's the matter?" Jono screamed in horror.

And at this time, Yin Zhu seems very uncomfortable, the whole head began to keep sweating.

Jiu Yue and Bai Xi are also shocked at this time. They rush to check Yin Zhu's condition for thousands of times. However, they can't find out any result. They can only judge that Yin Zhu is poisoned. They have changed from the previous drunken dream to another unknown poison.

In the dream of intoxication, Yin Zhu can still sleep quietly, but this unknown poison, Yin Zhu's whole body seems to be in great pain, his whole face is distorted and sweating constantly.

"Jiuyue, what should we do now? Yin Zhu seems to be suffering. " Jono cried, trembling all over.

"Patriarch, Jono, this drunken dream incense is a strange poison in ancient times. We only know from our memory that it needs Aurora grass to detoxify, but we have no idea why Aurora grass is useless." Nine Yue and white Xi two very guilty of low head, said he had no way.

When Jono heard this, he was in despair. "What do you mean? What do you mean? There's no way? What can Yin Zhu do?" Looking at Yin Zhu, I'm afraid I can't make it.

Meng Tai looked at Jono, who was about to lose his sense, and sighed deeply, "Jiu Yue Bai Xi, you two should think about it carefully, but if you have a way to save Yin Zhu, you must think of a way."

Nine Yue and white Xi two people discussed for a long time, but there is no way, two people pale looking at Meng Tai, and then shook his head.

Jono saw that the whole person was going to lose control. "There's no way. As a tribal priest, you made a mistake. When Yin Zhu was poisoned by the medicine, he said," there's no way? It's all you. If it wasn't for you, Yin Zhu would have been able to hold on for at least half a month. You've hurt Yin Zhu. "

When Montaigne heard this, his face turned black. "Jono, shut up. Who taught you to talk to the priest like that?" Nine Yue and white Xi two people's facial expression is pale, even if Qiao Nuo doesn't say, their heart is also not good.

Tengxiao turned around at this time, "I'm going to find the bastards of Juque tribe to do my best."

At this time, Bai Kun came out and said, "I have a way to save Yin Zhu."

As soon as Bai Kun's words fell, everyone's eyes were fixed on him. Even Bai Xi looked at him in surprise. "Bai Kun, what can you do to save Yin Zhu? Say it quickly."

Bai Kun at this time a faint smile, "Mammy, you forget our Meizu skills?"

When Bai Xi heard this, his whole body was shocked, and then he looked at Bai Kun with tears in his eyes, "child, do you really want to do that?"

Bai Kun nodded, "Qiao Nuo Tengxiao, please leave. Tomorrow I will give you a lively Yin Zhu."

Qiao Nuo Mengtai still had questions. Bai Xi drove out all the people present at this time. "Let's all go out and let Bai Kun save Yin Zhu." As for other things, Beth didn't say much.

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