After eating and resting, Yin Zhu grabbed Jono's hand and said, "Jono, don't you have anything to tell me?"

"Say what?" Jono asked.

"Jono, you forget, I'm in a coma, but Bena is sober. Bena just can't speak because of my coma. In fact, I know what happens. I just want you to tell me personally. Jono, we're going to live a lifetime. No matter it's good or bad, I don't want you to keep it from me. I don't want you to bear bad things alone A partner should be two people and go on together. " Yin Zhu buried his head in Jono's arms.

When Jono heard this, he was stunned and then laughed bitterly, "it's my fault. I just don't know how to talk to you."

"In fact, I am also very entangled, because Bai Kun said that this matter can't be told to you, but I feel sorry for Bai Kun. Now that you know it, I'll take you to see Bai Kun." Qiao Nuo doesn't have any jealousy towards Bai Kun. Let's not say whether Bai Kun can be saved or not. Even if he can be saved later, he will only be grateful to Bai Kun for saving Yin Zhu. He just felt guilty before and didn't tell Yin Zhu about it. Now that Yin Zhu knows about it, his burden can be put down.

Bai Kun? What does this matter have to do with Bai Kun? How can Bai Kun be related to his own affairs? I'm curious.

"Yin Zhu, do you think this is good? In two days, you will hold a companion ceremony with Bai Kun. You can't let Bai Kun leave like this." At this time, Qiao Nuo was determined to give Bai Kun a place.

Bai Kun? Partner ceremony? Yin Zhu had a bad feeling in his heart at this time.

Beina said quietly at this time: "I also think you should give someone a place. After all, they don't even want their life for you. Many people can say that I can't even have their own life for you. In fact, not every male can do it."

You don't want to die for yourself? Looking at this short half month, a lot of things happened.

"Jono, tell me what's going on. What's the matter with baikun?" Originally, Yin Zhu and Qiao Nuo came out of the cave gate to see Bai Kun.

When Jono heard this, he felt a thump in his heart. Didn't Yin Zhu know that he cheated him?

"Yin Zhu?" Jono looks at Yin Zhu with a bitter face.

"Go ahead." Yin Zhu sat down with a big stone and looked at Jono with a serious face.

What can Jono do? He can only tell the story from beginning to end.

"You said that Bai Kun, in order to save me, exchanged his own life for mine? It's not right. What's the relationship between me and him? How can he? Why would he do that? " Recently, Bai Kun has been wandering in front of her, which seems to have a little bit of that meaning. But she has never taken him seriously. Now, this man not only has a real relationship with her, but also has a more important thing because he is dying. It's false to say that he doesn't shake in his heart.

Now that all that has been said, there is nothing to say about the conditions of tribal marriage.

When Yin Zhu heard that he had become the object of the marriage, he was so angry that he could not let Qiao Nuo be the master of the affair. He didn't tell her when he came back from the marriage. No wonder Bai Kun had been courting her all the time before. She also wondered that it was because people treated her as the object directly, so she was so kind to her.

"Jono, you can do it. You're great." Yin Zhu wants to knock Qiao Nuo hard. She is gasping for breath.

Qiao Nuo was worried when he saw this. "Don't be angry, Yin Zhu. If you get angry, it's not worth it. At that time, I didn't think that you would accept him anyway. I said that I couldn't force you, so I didn't want to tell you that I was wrong. You can beat me or scold me, Yin Zhu. Don't be angry."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he tried to calm down his anger. Now he's very angry. So the most important thing is to find a way to cure Bai Kun. As for the relationship with Bai Kun, he can let go first, and he must save Bai Kun. If his life is replaced by another person's life, Yin Zhu will not be at ease even if he lives.

"Now I'm still standing there to do something. If you don't give me some delicious food to see Bai Kun." Yin Zhu looks at Qiao Nuo who is standing there and blames himself. He doesn't say it.

Qiao Nuo saw that Yin Zhu didn't regenerate his own spirit, and he quickly laughed. Then he hurriedly took things according to Yin Zhu's words.

Although on the way here, Qiao Nuo said that Bai Kun's face was a lot older because of his black hair turning white. It's totally different to imagine and see. At that moment, Yin Zhu was shocked when he saw Bai Kun's face.

"Bena, do you have any way to save Bai Kun?" Yin Zhu asked Beina in his heart. After all, Beina was very puzzled. She wanted to find a way.

behna heard this and shook his head in a very guilty way. "Yin Zhu, I'm sorry, I can't help it, but I can't help it, but I could use the aurora grass to detoxify. But the white dream brought back from the great tribal tribe with the cold jade for many years, and absorbed the moonlight essence, which has turned into the cold moon, the grass of the aurora. He has solved your poison and has created the poison of the heart, the cold moon, the grass of the aurora. It's not that poison can't be detoxified. However, only the earthvein fire flower on the other side of the holy mountain can be detoxified. But the immortal has collapsed. Where can we find that thing, so I'm sorry. Even if there are things in other places, Bai Kun can't afford to wait. "Hearing this, Yin Zhu is silent. She feels very sad in her heart. Even Beina can't help it. What should she do? Can she watch Bai Kun die?

"Bai Kun, I've come to see you." The rest of Yin Zhu didn't know what to say, gratitude or guilt?

When Bai Kun heard Yin Zhu's words, he gave a wry smile and quickly took a piece of animal skin to cover his face. "What are you doing here? What are you looking at? It's so ugly."

"You're not ugly. You're the best looking tribe." What Yin Zhu said is true.

"That was before. Now it's ugly. You'd better not look at it. I'm ok. You can go back and have a good rest." Bai Kun is covered with quilt. His voice sounds very lost and not very happy.

Think about Yin Zhu's favorite is Meinan. In the past, he was able to hold his own face. Now he is as old as old tree bark. He doesn't want to be seen by Yin Zhu in such an ugly way.

Yin Zhu saw that he sat down directly at the head of Bai Kun's bed, and then he reached out and gently pulled the hide on Bai Kun's head. "Bai Kun, let me see you. Are you comfortable covered like this?"

At this time, Bai Kun stubbornly said: "don't be ugly, you go out."

"If you don't open it, I'll do it myself, or if you want to talk to me and you're not afraid of me falling down." Yin Zhu is a direct threat. The most important thing for them is her body.

At this time, Qiao Nuo has gently put down the things in his hand, turned and walked out, leaving the space for Bai Kun and Yin Zhu.

When Bai Kun heard this, he was so angry that his teeth itched, "Yin Zhu, you are so powerful. You threaten me with your own body, right?"

When Yin Zhu heard this, he said helplessly: "I didn't want to threaten you, but you always want me to see you. Besides, you don't want me to see you now. When you die, I always want to see you. Or you want me to feel guilty all my life. You know that my mind is very small. Once I keep a thing in mind, I will be very depressed, and then I will not concentrate when I am in a bad mood, It's easy to have an accident if you don't pay attention, and then You can imagine

When Bai Kun heard this, he could not help grinding his teeth again and again. How could Yin Zhu be smart at this time? He used it to threaten him.

"Yin Zhu, you threaten me with your own health. Are you worthy of those who care about you?" Bai Kun was so angry that he directly opened the hide on his head and roared at Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu looked at the face in front of him in a daze. Then he stretched out his fingers and stroked, "why do you want to save me? Is it worth it?"

Bai Kun was stunned when he heard this, and then said: "it's worth it. Why not? You can say that it's the hidden patriarch of this tribe. I died because I saved you. In the future, if there's anything wrong with our family, you'll tolerate them and sacrifice me to win so many benefits. What's not worth it? I think it's worth it, so don't worry about it If you feel guilty, you can give more to Meizu people, just like that. "

When Yin Zhu heard this, he was so angry that he wanted to find something to knock Bai Kun's head open. What was obviously very sad was abruptly said by him as an interest transaction, but to be honest, because Yin Zhu's miserable heart was better.

"Fart, why should I give them what you sacrifice? I'll give you a big funeral later, and then I'll give you the title of niucha. No good will be given to Meizu. Hum, they won't fight for what they want. You'd better use what you sacrifice." Yin Zhu can't help but raise the bar.

Bai Kun almost didn't choke when he heard this. He's not dead yet. Isn't it too early to talk about this?

However, the original sad atmosphere has been dissipated a lot.

"Bai Kun, do you love me?" Yin Zhu suddenly asked.

Bai Kun was silent for a while when he heard this. Do you love him? He appreciates Yin Zhu, but it's more about responsibility. But it doesn't matter whether he loves or not. Even if he doesn't love now, he will love him sooner or later. Anyway, once he decides, he will try his best, so it's not a problem whether he loves or not.

So Bai Kun simply nodded.

"Let's have a chaperone ceremony in two days." Yin Zhu said quietly.

It's not that Yin Zhu wants to be married. It's just that Bai Kun has done so much for herself, and Bai Kun still loves herself. She can only repay herself. She always wants Bai Kun to live well and happily in her last days.

Bai Kun never thought that Yin Zhu would come to such a turning point. He asked, "why? You don't have to Anyway, if he is, why should he have a place.

"That's it. What else do you want to eat? I'll cook it for you. " Yin Zhu said softly.

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