Leihe pulled Morrison out of the cave at this time. As soon as he walked out of Yinzhu's cave, Leihe's face turned black. His green eyes stared at Morrison and asked coldly, "Morrison, give me an explanation, why do you say that? That's not the way at all. It's divine punishment. "

Leihe is very clear about Yin Zhu's temperament. When Bai Kun saved Yin Zhu with his own life, he was already recognized by Yin Zhu. He is Yin Zhu's partner. Once Bai Kun is punished by God, how can Yin Zhu accept it? This seems like hope, but it is a bottomless abyss.

Morrison looked at Leihe sarcastically at this time, "Leihe, you have a deep feeling for Yin Zhu, and you don't think about yourself at all."

"Morrison." Reich's eyes were fixed on him.

Morrison laughed at this time, "reih, I didn't force them to use this method. As for the consequences, I didn't hide at all. They can't blame me for choosing that way."

When Leihe heard this, he was so angry that he asked them to choose. Now he knew that Kun had no other way, so he would jump down even if he had no future. He had no choice at all.

"Leihe, you don't have to be angry with me. I'm not calculating. Yinzhu, I'll tell you the truth. Reih, I'm different from you. You haven't received our inheritance. If you die, you will suffer for your whole life. But I'm different. I've been standing in that position and accepting the inheritance of my family elders. I've been suffering for thousands of years. It's not easy for me to have the opportunity to change my curse. I'll break him with anything I say. I can't let my descendants follow me I live in pain like this. " Morrison said with a tired face.

"I really have a little intention in proposing this method, but you can rest assured that Yin Zhu is the hope of our family. I can't do anything to hurt her. I just want to give her a little pressure and let her move forward quickly. When she sees that her partner is suffering, she will try her best to learn something to inherit and take us to untie our curse. When she has enough strength, she can also save Bai Kun, so this is really an opportunity to save Bai Kun. Moreover, our family has been waiting for too long. I'm really afraid of waiting for her It's too late. " Morrison is very clear about Reich's strength, and half of the power of the dark city is really controlled by Reich. If Reich doesn't agree with him, it will be bad, so he will try his best to explain it.

Leihe is still very unhappy to hear this, even if Morrison has no malice, but it can't give Yin Zhu pressure.

"Morrison, no next time, or I'll never let you go." Reich said coldly.

"Don't worry, I care more about Yin Zhu's safety than anyone else. I won't let her have anything to do. Our purpose is the same. You have to believe me. Forget it. It's no fun to say so much. I'll go back and get some food for daze tribe." Morrison also knew that daze tribe had to store food, so he went back to hunt as many prey as he could. Hunting was very easy for orcs, especially when there were many prey.

After that, Reich Morrison went to meet Montaigne to discuss the next thing. The two tribes formed an alliance. Of course, the Daze tribe was in a favorable position. Of course, the orcs were not pleasant after all. The Daze tribe could not make an alliance with the dark city, so it was to aggrieve the dark city.

Orcs hunt hard. Montaigne and ray Morrison discuss that they can exchange their prey for food they can store.

As for the exchange ratio, the two sides had a good discussion for a long time. Leihe naturally had no problem with this matter. He didn't need to exchange food. He had a backpack given by Yin Zhu in his hand. Leihe had tried it, and it wouldn't break if he put it in. Moreover, he could make a large storage box to load a lot of prey. Anyway, it only counted the quantity, not the quantity The size of the backpack is huge. Sometimes Leihe thinks that the backpack is a miracle. As for the people of Morrison, they will find a way. Moreover, Morrison has high strength and many people under him. It is necessary to suppress them. Daze tribe can make bacon in exchange for the proportion. Daze tribe earns money, which greatly increases the strength of daze tribe.

Although Morrison doesn't have the heart to calculate Yin Zhu now, Leihe is very worried about Morrison, who is only for the benefit. Now for their curse, he can do it wholeheartedly. However, once Yin Zhu has lifted their curse and someone gives them enough interest to make them envious, will he come back to calculate Yin Zhu Hector is not at ease, so the best way is to suppress people and take control of the dark city.

Of course, as the Lord of the dark city, he will also appropriately seek welfare for himself.

Morrison is very surprised. This time he came to help daze tribe because of Yin Zhu. Of course, Morrison won't fight Juque tribe for daze tribe. If he can keep daze tribe, he will help to keep it. If he can't, he will try to keep Yin Zhu. However, the development prospect of this small tribe is very good. Look at the high wall and stone house And today's bacon, only those who inherited from ancient times can understand these things.

Morrison has no doubt about the novel food of daze tribe. In his opinion, all the surprises are brought by Yin Zhu.After several tribes discussed with each other, Leihe left quietly. As for the exchange of food, Leihe said that when he came, he had a better way than Leihe.

People in daze tribe still don't trust Morrison very much, but Leihe is different. Leihe says that it's very easy for him to sneak in alone at night.

On Yin Zhu's side, Bai Kun was still coaxing Yin Zhu, "Yin Zhu, don't worry about it. Besides, I didn't say I would do it right now. I'll wait until the last day. If I can't help it, I'll go."

Seeing that Bai Kun was still coaxing himself, Yin Zhu tried to hold back his sadness and nodded, "OK, I'll support you what you have to do."

Besides supporting her, Yin Zhu finds that he is useless.

"Bena, light up the totem with the spirit. This is punishment. Since it is punishment, it can be cancelled, right? How can I save Bai Kun? " Yin Zhu asked in a calm voice.

In the past, Yin Zhu knew that he was carrying the inheritance and mission of the ancient times, but he didn't feel any sense of urgency. In that way, he just had to go through life without a sense of crisis and no motivation. Now he is facing the fate of Bai Kun, so Yin Zhu wants to work hard.

Bai Kun doesn't want her own life for her. Can't she practice hard? If that can't be done, how can she be worthy of Bai Kun's affection.

"When you become a beast God, and you inherit the position of the beast God, you can sense the totem of the world. Totem is the hope of each tribe, and the totem of each tribe is the treasure given by the beast God to the tribe. When you become a beast God, you can lift the punishment and save baikun. Of course, baikun can last until you become a beast God." Beina said quietly.

The beast God is not something anyone can do. At least she has a very good talent. She has practiced in the holy mountain for more than ten or twenty years, but her strength is still much lower than that of the beast God. Yin Zhu's talent is not good, so according to her estimation, it will take at least 70 or 80 years for Yin Zhu, and by that time, can Bai Kun still persist?

It can be seen that Yinzhu is like this. Beina doesn't want to dampen Yinzhu's enthusiasm. Besides, the reason why baikun chooses such a site is to see a glimmer of hope? It is Yin Zhu's hope to become a beast God.

"Bena, from tomorrow on, I will try my best to practice and not waste any time. You remember to urge me all the time." In the past, Yin Zhu and Bena studied hard. Although they could not talk about fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, they were absolutely not serious. In addition, Yin Zhu was pregnant and did other things, so his enthusiasm for learning was not very high.

It has to be said that Morrison's strategy is successful. For Bai Kun and his partner, Yin Zhu will study hard.

"Good." Bena simply responded. She knew that the girl who had been brought from the alien world to the orc world by herself would finally start to work hard and really go to her destiny.

Bai Kun doesn't know that he has become Yin Zhu's driving force. Even if he knows, he won't stop him.

In the following days, in addition to taking care of Bai Kun, Yin Zhu spent all his time seriously studying relevant knowledge, and even got up early in the morning to ensure at least six hours of study time and two hours of review time a day. It can be said that Yin Zhu was desperate.

For this, Qiao Nuo is distressed. However, it's useless for anyone except Bai Kun to stop Yin Zhu once in a while. Qiao Nuo can understand Yin Zhu, so he doesn't stop him because he understands. But he is distressed. He is already thin, so he will be thinner. Fortunately, Yin Zhu is very rational and ensures his daily diet and health under Jiu Yue's examination It's healthy.

The last members of Baixue Meizu have all arrived at this time. Baixue also knows about baikun. For so many things that happened in a short time, she didn't think of it. She didn't blame baikun, but she felt very sorry for baikun. In fact, Baixue secretly regretted that there were so many males in the tribe. She didn't want to marry baikun when she knew it. That's not good Xu baikun would not be like this.

Bai Kun has paid too much for the tribe, but how can a good child not be happy?

As for baikun's next road, since baikun has chosen, she will not stop it. She believes in baikun and even more believes that Yinzhu will save baikun. Baixue just grabs baikun's hand and puts it into Yinzhu's hand.

"Yinzhu, I'll give baikun to you. You'll love each other all your life." Snow said he felt uncomfortable.

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