In the silent night, several people around the altar did not dare to make any noise. They watched carefully. Some people in the tribe were attracted by the movement here. However, Montaigne had already arranged night patrollers to block those people back.

Around the quiet, only to hear Bai Kun a painful groan, this groan for people who care about Bai Kun, every sentence is suffering, especially Yin Zhu, she feels like her heart is put on the fire, hot pain does not stop, do not know when is the end.

At this time, Yin Zhu's sweat kept falling from his forehead like rain, and his skin was already wet. Beina could not help but persuade Yin Zhu, "Yin Zhu, the spell has been completed, you'd better leave, so as not to disturb Bai Kun. The rest is up to Bai Kun himself." Don't look, it's Beina who thinks it's suffering, not to mention Yin Zhu as a partner.

Bai Kun wants to ask Yin Zhu to leave, but the pain has made him unable to speak.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he shook his head. "Beina, if I don't have the courage to see baikun, how can baikun, who is suffering from capital punishment, persist? Besides, baikun has been punished for me. Beina, you don't have to worry about me. I can hold on. You can rest assured."

When Beina heard this, she wanted to say something, but seeing Yin Zhu's stubborn eyes, she finally stopped and didn't say anything more.

The totem burns bit by bit, and finally the last bit of meat on Jono's body is burned out, and a dark skeleton appears in front of Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu thought it was over and wanted to cheer. At this time, Yin Zhu saw Bai Kun's groan suddenly grow bigger, and the whole skeleton began to shake violently.

"Well, what's the matter?" Yin Zhu asked anxiously.

At this time, Beina sighed and said, "Yin Zhu, now is the real beginning of soul melting. Before, totem stone just swallowed the flesh and blood of baikun, now the next thing is to swallow the spirit of baikun." This is the most terrible and painful thing, which Bena didn't say.

"You just wait by. Don't disturb him." Said Bena, clenching her teeth.

Isn't that painful enough? Who has studied this divine punishment? Why is it so insidious?

Yin Zhu saw that the skeleton frame of Bai Kun was shaking, as if she couldn't bear it. She could even see a faint shadow of Bai Kun moaning and twisting on the skeleton. It was very painful, as if a big hand was trying to separate him from the skeleton.

"Beina, Beina, think of a way to relieve Bai Kun's pain." Seeing the transparent figure's constant distortion, Yin Zhu couldn't help crying for Beina.

"Do you want them to continue the blood sacrifice now? We'll have to take more of our prey for blood sacrifice. " Bena said helplessly.

At this time, Yin Zhu quickly called to the people below, "come on, go get some prey."

Hearing this, the people below went in a hurry. They thought that there were enough preys prepared before, but they didn't expect that they were far from enough. Thinking of this, Montaigne quickly asked people to go to the tribe's warehouse to get the preys. They could find the food later, but Bai Kun had only one life.

With the arrival of the prey one by one, Yin Zhu recited a mantra according to what Beina taught him. But after the food was absorbed by the altar, Yin Zhu saw that Bai Kun didn't feel very comfortable. At this time, Yin Zhu cried and asked Beina, "Beina, it seems useless."

When Beina heard this, she could only sigh, "Yin Zhu, how can divine punishment be relieved so easily? If it's only so easy to relieve, we won't teach divine punishment. This sacrifice can appropriately relieve some pain, but I think so many sacrifices will be relieved by one ten thousand, and the punishment can only be relieved by one percent at most, so it's up to Bai Kun himself I'll stick to it. "

One percent? When Yin Zhu heard this, he could not help feeling a little desperate, which had little effect.

"Bai Kun, I beg you to hold on. If you can't hold on, won't all your previous hard work be wasted? I beg you, you must be well Yin Zhu kneels down beside Bai Kun in tears.

Several people around the altar also cheered Bai Kun one by one at this time, "Bai Kun, come on, we must hold on."

"Bai Kun, come on, as long as you hold on, I'll give you my husband's seat." Jono cried with tears in his eyes.

"Come on, baikun. You can't let mammy send a man with white hair to a man with black hair." Cried Beth bitterly.


We are all encouraging Bai Kun in our own way, hoping that he can be strong and hold on.

Leihe and Morrison, who always pay attention to Daze tribe outside daze tribe, naturally know what happened to Daze tribe at this time. Leihe looks at Morrison coldly at this time, "everything has developed according to your wishes, are you satisfied?"

Thinking of Yinzhu's going to preside over the ceremony, Leihe felt sorry for Yinzhu. It was like putting a knife into Yinzhu. Thinking of this, Leihe threw a bunch of eye knives at Morrison.

"Go and have a look." Morrison said this time."No Leihe didn't want to go. He was afraid that he would rush up and take Yinzhu down when he saw Yinzhu's uncomfortable appearance.

"I really want to go. Are you sure you won't regret it if you don't?" Morrison sneered, then stepped into the night and dived toward the Daze tribe.

Leihe saw this and quickly followed. He didn't want to go, but he wanted to go again.

Leihe and Morrison escaped the patrol and came to Daze tribe. Fortunately, in order to facilitate the contact between the two sides, Montaigne gave them a secret passage entrance. Otherwise, it would not be so easy for them to enter daze tribe with the higher wall.

When the two men arrived at the altar, Meng Tai ignored them when they found out. They were attracted by Bai Kun on the altar.

Everyone prayed for Bai Kun to survive the disaster. Fortunately, Yin Zhu was not on their side.

However, the light of baikun's spirit became more and more dim under the burning of the totem stone. Yin Zhu saw that he was crying and pleading, "Bena, Bena, is this baikun going to fail?"

Beina is silent, but Yin Zhu already understands.

"Bai Kun, Bai Kun, I beg you, please stick to it for me." Yin Zhu had bitten his lips and bled.

When Leihe saw Yin Zhu's pain, he couldn't help staring at Morrison. Morrison was also surprised. He knew the super pain of divine punishment, but he didn't see the real suffering of divine punishment. In the past, LAN Shuang's divine punishment once a month was hiding by himself and didn't see anyone, so he didn't know what kind of punishment it was Tao is terrible, but no amount of imagination can compare with what I saw with my own eyes.

God punishment is too terrible, no wonder LAN Shuang would rather disappear than live like this.

Looking at Bai Kun as if he was going to fail, Morrison could not help pressing his lips. If Bai Kun failed, all his previous calculations would be defeated, and even Yin Zhu might not recover because of this blow.

Thinking of this, Morrison's lips wriggled for a moment, trying to say something but then stopped.

Everyone's encouragement didn't bring much strength to Bai Kun. Bai Kun's spirit weakened little by little, and then just like a bunch of small flames, Yin Zhu could no longer cry.

Morrison saw that his face was very bad. He was going to turn blue when he saw that. The idea was his own. Although Bai Kun chose it, he really died. Isn't Yin Zhu surprised?

Spell it? Do you want to spell it or not? Morrison thought about it and said, "Yin Zhu, if you want to help Bai Kun, you should immediately seize Bai Kun's hand."

Yin Zhu's heart has long been broken. At this time, when she heard Morrison say that she could save Bai Kun, she didn't think much at all. She climbed up to Bai Kun's side and grasped his hand.

This change came so fast that all the people didn't respond, but Bena didn't have time to respond.

At this time, the totem fire along Bai Kun's hand burned to Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu felt very painful, but he was not burned like Bai Kun.

"Morrison, what are you doing? You want to die, don't you? You want to die." Reich couldn't help beating Morrison at this time.

Morrison is scheming against Yinzhu. Thinking of this, Leihe wants to kill Morrison. He said before that he couldn't count on Yin Zhu, but turned around and sold him.

"Yin Zhu is the leader of this totem stone. This totem stone is called out of nothing by Yin Zhu. It can't kill Yin Zhu. Although it does harm to Yin Zhu's tribe, it can save Bai Kun. With Yin Zhu's help, Bai Kun will survive." Morrison hastened to explain.

Unfortunately, Reich doesn't stop Morrison's explanation at all. Can he let Morrison go without his life? In his eyes, no one can hurt Yin Zhu, even a hair, as long as he knows.

Morrison looked at Leihe completely desperate play, angry to scold, "Leihe, all said won't want Yin Zhu's life, you what crazy."

Leihe didn't care about it at this time. He just tried his best. If he didn't clean up Morrison this time, Morrison wouldn't do the same next time. Tengxiao, who was on one side at this time, couldn't help but join the battlefield. He would have suffered a lot when he was on the other side. In the end, Morrison would dare to talk nonsense and beat him to death.

When Jono saw Yin Zhu in agony, he was ready to rush to the altar. Since he had to sacrifice himself, he might as well let him.

Fortunately, Montaigne's eyes were sharp. When Jono half stepped on the altar, he held the man, "Jono, don't make trouble. What do you do when you go up like this? Yin Zhu is OK. You see, Yin Zhu is OK. "

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