As soon as Roland arrived at daze tribe, he said that he was looking for Tengxiao, so he was soon attracted to find Tengxiao. When Tengxiao saw Roland, he was stunned for a while, and then laughed, "Roland, why are you here?" He and Roland haven't seen each other for more than ten years, but they can still recognize Roland. Little Roland is his only warm memory in the orc city.

"Brother Tengxiao, I finally found you." Roland this time happily into the sky's arms.

Roland holds Tengxiao tightly and buries his head in Tengxiao's arms. It's still the taste of memory, warm and safe.

Tengxiao is a little stunned when he sees Roland's action. Then he quickly pulls Roland out of his arms. Now he has a partner, so he can't hold the female. Even if he is a sister, Roland can't, so Yin Zhu won't be angry.

Roland was leaped by Tengxiao's action, and then looked at Tengxiao with tears in her eyes, "brother Tengxiao, do you hate me?"

At this time, Bai Kun, who followed Tengxiao, said in a strange voice, "Tengxiao, I didn't see it. You are a lot of admirers."

Bai Kun is very clear about what is in Roland's eyes. Tengxiao has Yinzhu and is constantly involved with other females, which requires a hard beating. Now he has Yinzhu in his heart. No one can bully Yinzhu, neither can Tengxiao.

Tengxiao heard this and shook his head. "Baikun, you misunderstood me. I just treat Roland as my sister." No wonder Tengxiao is nervous. What will Bai Kun do if he talks to Yin Zhu about some lessons? Although he is also Yin Zhu's partner, Tengxiao is very clear that he is totally in the light of Bai Kun. With the help of Qiao Nuo, Yin Zhu agrees to this matter. He can't compare with Qiao Nuo's deep love with Yin Zhu, and can't compare with Bai Kun's life-saving kindness. Moreover, he has a criminal record, so he was the second among Yin Zhu's three partners at the beginning, so he didn't dare to make mistakes at all.

"Sister, are you sure it's not sister Qing?" Bai Kun starts to talk. He knows that Roland has some ideas about himself, so he shouldn't contact him any more. He thinks that Bai Kun is very beautiful and likes his female more, but he never has an ambiguous relationship with others. He always does it simply and clearly.

Roland didn't expect to guess that she was targeted as soon as she arrived at daze tribe, and her face couldn't hang up at this time.

At this time, Liufeng has been directly angry with beasts, "you dare to insult my master and seek death." In Liufeng's opinion, the whole daze tribe is not worthy of their master. Now the master condescends to come to Daze tribe. They don't treat him well. They dare to insult the master, so he rushes out to fight.

Bai Kun is cold at this time, and the whole person is also knocked out. Even if his talent is good in the Meizu, he has become a totem warrior. Although he has become a skeleton and has been punished by God, the skeleton burned by totem fire is not comparable to that of ordinary orcs. Now his skeleton can be said to be an iron wall, except that his flexibility is not enough No matter how strong he was, he couldn't get out of the tribe.

Liufeng thought that he could beat the man in front of him casually at the beginning, but what he never thought was that he became a beast and was blocked by the other party's light hand. You should know that the orc V had the strongest fighting power when he became a beast. What's more, he was still a totem warrior, but the Daze tribe took his own attack lightly, and this man was the best Is it a monster?

With Liufeng's attack, the people in the tribe immediately looked at Roland in the wrong way. Tengxiao also joined the battle and said, "stop it."

No matter how Roland is from the king of beasts city or the daughter of the white tiger king, if his tribe injures people, it will not be a good ending. But if Bai Kun is injured, he doesn't know how to end and treat Yin Zhu, so the best way is to split them up.

"Liufeng, stop it." Roland this time also quickly called Liufeng, she came here to help Tengxiao, not to add trouble to Tengxiao.

But Roland doesn't quite understand. She just arrived at daze tribe. People in daze tribe don't seem to welcome her very much.

Where does Roland know? That's because she is too close to Tengxiao. Yinzhu is the goddess of the tribe. Roland wants to rob Yinzhu's partner. It's strange that they have good ideas for Roland.

It's hard to persuade people. Bai Kun also twisted his neck at this time. Before he was in the tribe, he couldn't let go of his hands and feet to fight against counterfeiting. He was afraid that he might accidentally hurt the people. However, he was stopped just after the fight. It's really boring.

"It's boring. Forget it, I don't care about it. But Tengxiao, I warn you that no matter what kind of relationship you have with the female, you'd better stop for me. If you dare to do something wrong to Yin Zhu, I'll screw your head off." Bai Kun then turned and strode away.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything wrong to Yin Zhu." Tengxiao said with certainty.

"Yin Zhu? Brother Tengxiao, is this my sister-in-law? " Roland smiles brightly on her face, but cries in her heart. She is still too late.

"Yes, she's my partner." Tengxiao thought of Yin Zhu and couldn't help smiling happily.Seeing Tengxiao's smile, Roland is full of bitterness. As early as she started out, she said that if Tengxiao had a partner, she would quit. But at this moment, Roland knew how painful it was to put it down. She thought about the people who had been missing for so long. Just now, she met again, but then there was no more.

"My sister-in-law must be a very good female." Roland can see that Tengxiao likes his partner, otherwise Tengxiao's indifference would not smile so tenderly.

"Well, Yin Zhu is very good. When you see her, you will like it." Tengxiao said with a smile that he regards Roland as a relative, and he hopes that his partner can be recognized by his relatives.

"Well, I believe in Tengxiao's eyes." Roland told herself that since Tengxiao had a partner and was very happy, she would put her mind away and wish Tengxiao well. She would not destroy Tengxiao. Tengxiao's brother was not happy when he was so old. She would never destroy Tengxiao's hard won happiness. As long as she is sure that Yin Zhu is a good one, she will go back to the beast king city and find some males who like her to marry off.

Liufeng sees his master's strong and smiling face, and he can't help thinking about the injustice of Roland. What's good about Tengxiao? It's worth his master's being wronged. But fortunately, Tengxiao has a partner, so his master's pride should not be able to rob his partner. So his master doesn't have to give in to such a small tribe. They should be able to return to the beast soon It's the city of kings. Liufeng doesn't know whether he should be glad that Tengxiao has a partner or angry that Tengxiao doesn't have his own master in his heart. Anyway, his idea is very contradictory.

"Let's go. You're tired of running all the way. I'll take you to see the patriarch first, and then arrange for you to have a rest. When the rest is enough, I'll take you to see Yin Zhu at dinner in the evening, OK?" Tengxiao directly arranged the next thing.

Roland said that she really needs a good rest, and she also needs time to straighten out her heart. Now she finally understands why the former Bai Kun aimed at her, because her feelings were too explicit, so she was seen. That person is angry. If she wants to see Yin Zhu in the evening, she can't be seen any more, otherwise it will be They were embarrassed.

Montaigne also warmly welcomed Roland's arrival at this time. After all, this is a charming guest from the city of king of beasts. People don't mean it. Why don't they welcome him.

Roland's residence was soon arranged. It was a bright stone house, which was specially let out. After all, Roland used to live in the city of king of beasts, but people had a house to live in, so they couldn't ask people to live in the cave.

Roland would lie down to have a rest, but as soon as she lay down, her tears would fall down one after another. She was very sad, very sad. How happy she was when she found Tengxiao, how sad it is now. Why didn't brother Tengxiao wait for her?

Sister, brother Tengxiao said that she was a sister. Roland thought of what Tengxiao had said before, and felt sad again. It's a pity that she came too late.

make complaints about Loran's break, and then he can't help going out for a walk. Before that, he patronized the small tribes of Tucao, but now he finds that the tribes are not ordinary. The walls are not ordinary. They are not the plain outside the plain, but the walls of the stone walls are so high. Some of them are only small walls. I really don't know how to get that big stone up.

There are also the stone houses still under construction in the tribe, and the tribe's people. The males are powerful one by one. With that momentum alone, Liufeng knows that many people's strength will not be lower than him. There are also the females and the cubs. They all smile and look ruddy, which shows that they are living well and eating well. I heard about daze on the way here The tribe defeated a team of 7000 people with 500 or 600 people. I was shocked when I thought about it. He couldn't do it. However, the legendary long-range weapon and the one who threw the magnifying stone could not be seen. It was impossible for him to see them.

He underestimated Tengxiao. After all, the tribe he chose is good. Apart from the small number of people, there are many people in the world. As long as you have food and strength, there is no shortage of people in this food deficient world.

If daze tribe wants to develop, there will be more and more people, and then they will get better and better. However, no matter how daze tribe develops, it can't surpass the orc city.

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