Winter is coming very quickly. It's cold day by day. One morning, Yin Zhu woke up and found that there was a thin layer of snow outside the cave.

At this time, Yin Zhu put on a thick sweater and put on a fur coat. It's still cold for a while, but winter hasn't really started yet. The winter of the orc world is closed, and the snow can bury the whole person. The thin layer of snow turns into water when the sun comes out. At this time, the orcs go hunting fast, and they can catch as many prey as they can At this time, many of the prey began to hibernate, but they could still fight a little bit. After a few days, the snow became thick, so they could not hunt even if they wanted to. Moreover, when it snowed heavily, as long as the tribe had food, they would not go out to look for food, because at that time, they would fight with their lives.

The food collected by daze tribe is enough for the people of daze tribe to eat, but the people of daze tribe still collect as much food as possible, which is probably a habit. Anyway, no one wants to be idle. Now they can collect food as soon as they can, and they are afraid of starvation.

The leaves of the yam at the gate of the tribe have fallen out, but they haven't been dug out yet. Montaigne said that those things are at the gate of the tribe. When it's snowing, they will dig again. At that time, the people of the tribe have nothing to do. In addition, it's cold, so it's better to find something to do and warm up.

Because of the snow on the ground, Jono didn't let Yin Zhu go out. He was afraid that if Yin Zhu was not careful, he would fall down. Yin Zhu knew his body well, but he didn't force it. Besides, other people from the tribe would come to visit Yin Zhu, so he would not be bored.

As soon as the winter arrived, it was very cold. The weather changed day by day. It took only ten days from the beginning of snow. Now in one night, there will be snow as deep as knee outside the house. Montaigne has not allowed the tribe people to go out to continue hunting. It's hard to stay idle. Some of them cleaned the snow of the tribe, and some of them were rushed to the gate of the tribe to dig yams Yes.

The yams at the gate of the tribe were planted late, so the size of the yams dug out can't be compared with those dug out by Yin Zhu before. However, each yam has the size of a bowl. It's not bad. Yin Zhu plans to plant the yams in the snow water of the village next year, so that he will grow up a little when the harvest comes.

It's very cold. Yin Zhu is wrapped in several layers of animal skin and feels shivering. Fortunately, there is a Kang burning in the room. Otherwise, Yin Zhu can't stand it. The Kang is also made by Yin Zhu. Once it's made, it's very popular with the female children of the tribe. The young male is more resistant to the cold. The female is basically afraid of the cold At this time, they can only nest in cold caves. This winter is different. One by one, they live in new houses and have warm Kang. They sit on them to play some games and eat some small fruits. On that day, they bask in immortals.

In the past, although little fruits could not fill their stomachs, they were more or less life-saving food. They could not be eaten so casually. But this year, the tribe collected enough food. Even if spring came later this winter, the food was enough. Therefore, Montaigne was very generous and gave these little fruits and snacks to the females and cubs of the tribe.

In addition, there are a lot of animal skins in the tribe this year. Everyone's clothes are tightly wrapped. In the past, animal skins were used to exchange salt for various living materials. But this year, their animal skins are basically all left. With the warm Kang, no one will be able to survive the winter because of the cold.

It can be said that the happiest things this winter are those cubs. They are lively and active, and they are not afraid of cold when they are eating fruit one by one.

Mengtai is happy. He walks around the tribe when he has nothing to do. Looking at the happiness of the people, Mengtai is very satisfied. He used to dream of such a scene, but now it has come true. Thanks to Yin Zhu, Mengtai knows that without Yin Zhu, the people of the tribe can't do it.

Yin Zhu and Qiao Nuo are cooking hot pot at home at this time. Yin Zhu makes a spicy pot bottom, brushes meat slices, and eats sweat all over his head. Bai Kun takes good care of him, because he doesn't have to eat. Qiao Nuo and Tengxiao are not polite to Bai Kun and eat their own.

"It's comfortable to eat hot pot this winter. I tell you that it's boring to eat anything else in winter. You have to eat hot pot to be comfortable." Yin Zhu said with a smile.

In order to make this hot pot, Yin Zhu tossed the sky for a long time before he made it.

"Delicious, we cook every day." Jono gave a gentle smile.

"Good." Yin Zhu doesn't feel greasy either. He's really tired of eating. It's better to add some vermicelli. Anyway, it's better than barbecue.

Of course, it's only because there is too little food here. Yin Zhu says that she hasn't eaten a staple food for a year, no rice, no noodles or anything. Fortunately, Yin Zhu is a carnivore. She's not tired of eating so much meat. It's probably due to the physical problems of the orcs themselves.

Daze tribe has a good life here. Even the dark city has enough salt and knows how to make bacon. They are very powerful. They have prepared enough prey before. The food is also enough. They nest in the dark city one by one to have a rest. On the contrary, the life of the Tuque tribe is not easy. They were robbed once by baikun and twice by orcs. There are still 5000 or 6000 people in the Tuque tribe. However, the food they prepared was collected in the last two months. Although the eight long Laozi Mo caravan brought some food back, it was far from enough.It won't be snowing any more. The Juque tribe also organized people to hunt. Now the snow is not very thick, so it's good to be able to hunt a prey. Of course, for the sake of safety, they are all a group of many people to avoid accidents.

It's just how many people can hunt in this snowy day. This group of people only hunt one small animal when they are tired and hungry. It can be said that it's not enough for them to consume. However, they still have to go hunting. Of course, in addition to the Juque tribe, many small tribes around them also have food. Now it's not very dangerous, so they hunt more prey In the past, daze tribe would go hunting at this time.

Seeing that the people of daze tribe are closing the gate, all the surrounding tribes are envious. Unfortunately, they are not from daze tribe.

Wei Xi saw that the people of daze tribe didn't have to take risks this year, while the people of his own tribe even wanted to take risks hunting. In previous years, only the Juque tribe had such treatment. This gap almost made Wei Xi mad.

Wei Xi is not reconciled to this matter, and he always remembers to revenge. Every winter, hungry wolves in the Luoyue mountains will come out to rob food, which is also the foundation of the Luoyue mountains alliance. What Wei Xi is going to do is that he is going to drive all the wolves to Daze tribe this year.

Normally, wolves don't attack a tribe together. There are ten wolves in the Luoyue mountains. Normally, the Juque tribe easily drives away the wolves that run to the gate of their tribe, and then supports other tribes. This year, Wei Xi's plan is to drive those wolves to Daze tribe, even if daze tribe has one Such a high wall is useless. If there are enough wolves, they can break the Daze tribe.

Wei Xi told the people in the tribe to go out and find out where the wolves in the Luoyue mountain range are. Now it's not cold enough. Only when it's cold enough and can't even walk, the wolves at that time will be extremely hungry and crazy. Once daze is broken, they can't escape even with the thick snow.

Wei Xi said that what he wanted to do was to kill with one blow. When so many people died in his tribe, he always asked the people of daze tribe to pay for their lives.

As for food, Wei Xi said that there are so many foods in daze tribe. As long as the wolves break through daze tribe, they can pick up cheap food. Wolves can eat people, and some vegetarians don't need it. In addition, wolf meat is also a good food. It can be said that Wei Xi's calculation is very good.

No one in daze tribe went out, so he didn't know Wei Xi's calculation. But Mengtai knew that daze tribe was next to the forest of beasts, and wolves would besiege daze tribe every year, so Mengtai arranged people to visit.

It has been snowing for a month, and the whole tribe has become a world of ice and snow. At this time, almost all the people don't go out. Except for the snow sweeper, other people are living in their rooms. The children are too excited to stay one by one, but the males are caught by Tengxiao to have a good exercise.

This so-called physical exercise, because Yin Zhu casually said that strength comes from exercise. The orc works hard every day and slacks off in winter. This is not good. If he doesn't work and don't move in winter for four and a half months a year, isn't he lazy?

So the young males of daze tribe were all arrested for physical exercise. Yin Zhu gave them the method of physical exercise. He also gave them the method of running and fighting between males. Yin Zhu didn't know how to exercise very well. He just talked about some things he had learned in the physical education class in his last life, and the management methods of some later soldiers, the basic skills of the army Although he didn't know how to train the army, he watched a little bit on TV. Anyway, Yin Zhu gave all he knew to Tengxiao Jono and asked them to arrange it according to their actual situation. However, after Tengxiao's training, the strength of the males in the tribe was really much higher.

Tengxiao made more efforts to train these things because of the effect. Tengxiao knew that daze tribe was too small and not strong enough. Compared with what Yin Zhu wanted to do, it was not bad enough. So he could only train these people desperately. Yin Zhu didn't know. He said so casually and created the most powerful iron blood army in the future Orc world.

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