On this side, Yin Zhu went to other mountains to find four kinds of food, but they were all vegetables, not staple food. This disappointed Yin Zhu a little bit, but he got more than a dozen mushrooms and eggs.

Jono also used wood to make a set of tableware for Yin Zhu. He used all kinds of dishes, chopsticks, dishes, spoons and so on. As for the stone pot, Jono's side, he said that he didn't use it either. There are several big bamboo buckets as big as ordinary buckets, which can hold a lot of things. In addition, there are several big rattan bags. I don't know what rattan is made of, which is very strong.

"Thank you." Yin Zhu is very happy with the thing. She can't get it by herself.

Jono just touched Yinzhu's head. Her own thing is hers. Now he thinks Yinzhu is more and more lovely. I don't know when I can move her heart.

At noon, Meng Tai took all the mushrooms Yin Zhu gave him to the square, announced that the mushrooms could be eaten, and took the lead in cooking them first. Sure enough, nothing happened after eating them, and then distributed them to all the people.

In addition, Amy also took people to steam eggs for the tribe's cubs and females to eat. They all ate with mouth watering. Whether it was mushrooms or eggs, they never thought that what they gave up would be so delicious.

Later, Meng Tai said that Yin Zhu discovered the mushroom and asked Yin Zhu to explain to you what kind of mushroom to eat.

Yin Zhu explained the main categories. The brightly colored ones are basically poisonous, and those are inedible. Most of the white, light yellow and gray mushrooms are edible. Of course, Yin Zhu doesn't guarantee this. Instead, he takes out several mushrooms he has collected for you to see and identify. These things can be eaten. In addition, Yin Zhu also lets us go out hunting, if you have seen them or not The brightly colored mushrooms can be colored back, and she will recognize them.

Tengxiao looks at Yin Zhu who is standing in the crowd and talking to the people. He is very confused. A few days ago, he said that Yin Zhu deliberately wanted to die. It turns out that it's not. Yin Zhu just wants to cook mushroom soup.

The villagers are very interested in the mushroom. Many of them come forward to identify the mushroom and ask Yin Zhu if they don't know anything about it. After hearing that Yin Zhu said he would help him identify the mushroom, they feel relieved.

Sophie looks at Yin Zhu standing in the crowd. She doesn't think Yin Zhu knows how to distinguish mushrooms. The patriarch must have taught Yin Zhu. For the sake of face, the patriarch deliberately pushes Yin Zhu out. After all, it's embarrassing for Qiao Nuo to marry a female who can't do anything.

Without Yin Zhu, all this would be his own, his own. The opportunity to be praised by everyone should be your own.

The patriarch thinks that's OK. Since the patriarch wants to withdraw Yin Zhu, don't blame her for being impolite. She always wanted to deal with Yin Zhu in what way. Now she has a way.

"Jones, is it true that you said you would die for me?" Sophie was half in Jones' arms, blowing in his ear.

"Of course it's true, Sophie." Jones feels like he's been in the cloud all the time.

"Doesn't Yin Zhu say mushrooms are edible? When you go out, pick some mushrooms and show them to Yin Zhu for identification. Remember to pick some colorful mushrooms secretly and cook them and eat them. " Sophie said coldly, like a snake with its tongue out.

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