"Now what? That little bitch of Fuxiang has betrayed us and gone with that woman. " Mei Ying said anxiously at this time. She hated Fu Xiang. She thought that Fu Xiang was her most powerful competitor before she was the palace leader. She kept doing harm to herself, and finally became the palace leader. However, the beast god suddenly came back, and then Fu Xiang turned away with half of the people in the palace.

At this time, the man in black on the left looked at Mei Ying angrily. "Mei Ying, I made you the palace leader. As a result, I didn't have any sense of propriety when I met something. I even let my men rebel. Now I still ask what I should do? If you can't do anything, I might as well have someone else

"Miss two, spare your life." Mei Ying was so scared that she knelt on the ground and trembled. She knew the master's methods.

"Come on, you go out now and catch that woman for me." Qingling in the middle looks at Mei Ying trembling. He is also a little annoyed. How did he choose such a fool at the beginning? But now it's too late to regret.

"Which woman?" Mei Ying asked stupidly.

Hearing this, Qingling said: "in addition to the woman who offended and stole the animal God's inheritance, what else? Who do you think it is? "

"Can, can that person, that person already got animal God inheritance." Mei Ying said in a trembling voice.

Qingling is really going to be angry at this moment. Before his feelings, he doesn't even dare to fight. It's not because there are more people helping him, but because he doesn't have the courage at all.

"Inheritance, inheritance has a fart use, which of us hasn't got the inheritance of the beast God, we have practiced for so many years, now which woman just started, if you can't clean up such a woman, then it's useless for me to keep you." Qingling said angrily.

Mei Ying's body trembled when she heard this and nodded hastily, "master, I can do it. I'm going to catch that woman."

In fact, Mei Ying also wants to ask, Fuxiang has now taken refuge in the new beast God, what can she do to win, just because Qingling is angry, Mei Ying still has a lot of help words, did not dare to ask.

"Go away." Qingling is very angry.

Mei Ying heard this and ran away in a hurry. She was afraid that she would lose her life if she stayed here again.

"Elder sister, what shall we do?" Qing Yuan on the left asked anxiously.

Qingling then said with a faint smile: "since people have appeared in the temple, I'm going to have a meeting for a while. After all, it's also the younger martial sister we loved since childhood, isn't it?" When Qingling talked about love, he made a special effort.

Qingyuan was silent when he heard this. Yes, they really loved the little girl with their heart. After all, the child was so cute. Shifu didn't have time all day. The child's magic was taught by them. Little fart Chengtian followed them. The elder martial sister cried, especially when they were in trouble.

Sometimes Qingyuan also missed the past. If it was just a younger martial sister, they would love her all their lives. But who could have thought that they could not compare with the younger martial sister who would act coquettishly and make trouble after practising all the things in the temple? Originally that lovely person villain becomes hateful.

Five thousand years have passed, so long time is a torment, they expect her to never appear, but also expect her to appear.

Shirley sighed heavily at this time. She knew that the position of the beast God would never be hers. Did she regret that it took so long or even cost to sit down? It's a pity that there is never a way back in the world. In fact, even if there is a way back for her to choose, she will go the way she is now. It's just what kind of ghost is the regret and loss in her heart.

"Elder martial sister, is it OK for you to go out? As soon as you go out, you're afraid that you'll be burned by divine fire again, and your spirit will be hurt at that time. " Shirley said anxiously.

Yes, the reason why the three of them hid on the cliff of soul eating cliff was that although they won the battle with the beast god five thousand years ago, they were all hurt by the beast god fire in the end. The fire could not be seen. It burned the spirit and could not be extinguished. They tried many ways, but it was useless. Therefore, the spirit dissipated little by little, and finally, it was too late I can't help but run to the soul eating cliff. There will be an inexplicable black fog floating on the soul eating cliff. The black fog can devour people's soul, and it can also devour the immortal fire that can't be extinguished.

In order to get rid of the sacred fire on them, they had to live here for a long time. Because of the existence of the spirit eating cliff, the sacred fire can no longer hurt their souls, and there is a sacred fire outside. The black fog of the spirit eating cliff has little effect on them, but the sacred fire is the means by which the animal God finally broke the cauldron and sank the boat. It took them 5000 years to kill the sacred fire, no Guo Shenhuo is very weak now. Shirley estimates that they can put out the Shenhuo in a few decades.

But no one thought that the descendant of the beast God should appear so soon, and get the inheritance so soon. It seems that God wants to give their younger martial sisters time to grow up. In the past, they used to use intrigue, so they don't count. Now they want to fight openly and honestly?All people take it for granted that this animal God is reincarnation of Beina, and it has nothing to do with Beina.

"It doesn't matter, but it's only for a while. I can hold on." Qingling light said.

Hearing this, Qingyuan bit his teeth and stood up, "elder sister, I'll go out with you."

"No, I'm not going to fight. What can I do with so many people? You two stay here." Qingling said that the whole person had disappeared in the cave.

Shirley sighed at this, then closed her eyes and went on practicing.

At the same time, the whole Orc continent began to be in chaos, especially those related to Yin Zhu.

As soon as she sent out the notice in heaven and earth, she knew that something had happened in the temple. The person she had been looking for had already arrived at the temple. No wonder she couldn't find anyone outside. At this time, she hurried back to the temple with someone.

In daze tribe, people who know Yinzhu are going crazy. They know that Yinzhu is very powerful, but they never dream that Yinzhu is a beast God. No wonder Yinzhu knows so much that others don't know. It turns out that it's a beast God. Some people in daze tribe have built temples to worship Yinzhu.

Meng Tai and Bai Kun are not as optimistic as the tribal people. Yin Zhu and Tengxiao went to find Qiao Nuo at the beginning, but somehow they became animal gods. Although they knew that Yin Zhu was the descendant of animal gods for a long time, this was far from what they expected. Bai Kun wanted to go out and find Yin Zhu right away. Unfortunately, because of God's punishment, he had to cover the totem stone Walk within the scope of the cover.

Bai Kun is very clear that the people in the temple will never let Yin Zhu go just because she has become a new beast God. They can even kill their own masters when they were in Qingling. What's more, Yin Zhu is now compared with the former beast God. So Yin Zhu is very dangerous now, but they can't get out.

Bai Kun is in a hurry, but they don't have enough manpower. At this time, Bai Kun goes to Mengtai to discuss that he is going to send people to attack the Juque tribe. Now the morale of the people in the tribe is high because Yin Zhu is a beast God, and they have stored a lot of weapons, so they should be able to attack the Juque tribe.

Bai Kun is going to unify the Luoyue mountains as fast as he can, and then he is going to Yinzhu. Of course, if he can't get out, he has to give Yinzhu a solid backing in the rear.

Mengtai nodded when he heard the request. Now it's a little hasty to fight Juque tribe, but it's OK.

Daze tribe soon organized its staff, and then only 40 or 50 people were left to guard the city, and hundreds of other males were sent out.

When daze tribe goes to attack Juque tribe, the surrounding tribes will be scared to death. What's the situation? Is daze tribe crazy? Even the people of Juque tribe think it's a joke. They think daze tribe is crazy. The victory of defending the city doesn't mean the victory of attacking the city. However, this battle was unexpected. Only one day and one night, the soldiers of daze tribe defeated Juque tribe.

With the disappearance of the Juque tribe, daze tribe directly issued a notice to the surrounding small and medium-sized tribes, either surrender or perish, daze tribe stretched out sharp claws to the surrounding tribes.

Of course, if you slap me, you will naturally give me sugar. Daze tribe is very generous to those who submit themselves. As long as they are loyal to the tribe, they will give you houses, food and clothes. They all want to have a good life, and their life is guaranteed, so this individual will begin to submit.

Leihe, the city of darkness, and Morrison knew that Yinzhu had gone to the temple and was recognized by the beast God. Morrison had organized a large number of people to fight in the place of God's punishment, and Yinzhu became the beast God. Then their fate would be relieved soon. Now we should protect Yinzhu well.

Leihe is in a mess. He always thinks that something has happened to Yinzhu. Yinzhu said that he would come to see tengan in a few months. How could he suddenly go to the temple? And it's not so easy for them to enter the temple quietly. How did Yinzhu get in?

At this time, Leihe also hurriedly organized people to go to the place of divine punishment. Although there were some contradictions between Leihe and Morrison, Leihe also knew that it was better to save Yin Zhu first. Morrison was more familiar with the place of divine punishment than he was, so he joined hands with Morrison for the time being.

The land of God's punishment immediately became lively because of the arrival of these people.

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