Teng Xiao looks at Hong Sai, who is wearing sad clothes over there. He can't help sneering. He must have found that he is Yin Zhu's partner. He thinks he has interests, so he comes to find his son. He drove him out of the king of beasts city with a false accusation and vowed that he would never have his own son again. What do you do now?

If Hong Sai doesn't look for him anymore, and they are strangers, Tengxiao won't resent him so much, but now Hong Sai is obviously scheming him. He's not so cheap, OK?

Tengxiao had been looking forward to family love before, but now he has Yinzhu and his own children. Tengxiao is far away from those who calculate himself like this. What if he hurts Yinzhu?

"I don't think there's anything to talk about between you and me." Tengxiao said coldly.

Seeing that Tengxiao oil and salt didn't enter, Hong Sai was a little annoyed. He said sternly: "Tengxiao, no matter how I say it, I'm also your father."

Yin Zhu didn't want to take care of Tengxiao's father and son. After all, they handled it better by themselves. We can see that when Hong Sai used his father's identity to oppress Tengxiao, Yin Zhu couldn't stand.

"What kind of father are you? It's better not to have a father like you." Yin Zhu said coldly.

This hongsai is not worthy of being a father. Even in modern times, even the children born by Xiao San have the right to live well. Moreover, Tengxiao has only one father left by him, but hongsai doesn't take good care of him. If hongsai didn't want to take care of him, he could not care at first. There's no need to take Tengxiao back. Tengxiao is in the tribe with the care of the cubs from the orc world Anything can grow.

Hong Sai wanted to push back, but he looked up and found that it was Yin Zhu, the new beast God. They still knew about Yin Zhu, so they had to swallow their stomach if they wanted to fight back. Then he thought in his heart that the new beast God was really very good with Tengxiao, otherwise how could they even take care of this matter.

"Tengxiao, say it yourself." Hong Sai doesn't dare to contradict Yin Zhu. He can only find Tengxiao.

Tengxiao can't recognize and laugh at Hong Sai when he hears this. If Hong Sai really cares about himself, he should know that Yin Zhu is his partner at this time. However, where does Hong Sai care? Tengxiao doesn't want to pretend to be affectionate with Hong Sai here. He directly asks, "if you have something to say, don't waste your time. I don't have so much time to accompany you."

When Hong Sai heard this, he couldn't help his face. He felt that he had come to help Yin Zhu at this time. Tengxiao should give him a good face.

"Tengxiao, I'm one of the four beast kings in the beast king city. Even if we don't talk about the relationship between father and son, you should have some respect for me. Even if you think about your master and son, you should have a better attitude." Hong Sai is very angry. Since Tengxiao wants to talk about it, let's talk about it slowly.

Tengxiao said with a smile, "if you want to talk about surrender, go to find Fuxiang. I don't care about this." Teng Xiaoshu, I clapped my ass and stood up.

Hongsai's face froze when he heard this. He knew that it was Fuxiang's responsibility. The reason why he came to Tengxiao was to show that he was different from others and wanted different treatment. What else could he do if he wanted to talk to Fuxiang.

"Tengxiao, stop for me." Hong Sai said angrily.

"Why." Tengxiao didn't look very well either.

Yin Zhu sighs at this time. Although Tengxiao is easy to talk now, one thing Tengxiao is absolutely not threatened. Just think about what happened between Tengxiao and Tengxiao.

"I'm going to let you take charge of the lion king family, and you will be the lion king in the future." Hong Sai doesn't believe that if he says such a big temptation, Tengxiao can't give himself a good face.

Tengxiao rolled his eyes when he heard this. Maybe Nantes would take the position of the Lion King seriously, but he would not. He never regarded himself as a member of the lion king family. Why should he fight and sacrifice for a tribe that has nothing to do with himself and has not paid for himself? He is not stupid. What's more, he is a man of beast God. He still lacks the name of lion king. He has to accompany Yin Zhu and protect Yin Zhu in the future, so he doesn't have much time to spend with the people of Lion King family.

"I don't want it. I don't like your position as the lion king." Tengxiao said with disdain.

When Hong Sai heard this, he was so angry that he jumped to his feet. This is his most precious thing. As a result, Tengxiao despised it. "You really don't want it. Don't regret it."

Tengxiao heard this and said impatiently: "regret, why should I regret? You lion king are a trouble. I'm living a good life now. Can I find a trouble for myself? If you have any treasure, please give it to your baby son. Don't hang around here. It's boring to watch. " Tengxiao said impatiently.

Tengxiao really doesn't want to rob things with Nantes. Since he was a child, he knew that the position of the Lion King belonged to Nantes. Unfortunately, he tolerated everything but failed to get a good result. Now that he left, hongsai told him the position of the lion king.

"Tengxiao, Hello, you are very good. I'll turn around and go to Meiying. Don't regret it." Hongsai doesn't really want to go to Meiying. Although Tengxiao is angry to death, hongsai doesn't want to be the enemy with Tengxiao.Tengxiao looked at hongsai, who had been bothering him all the time. Finally he put down his face and looked at hongsai Yinyin. "Hongsai, what do you want to do?"

"What do you think of me and Nantes? You used to hold Nantes and hold him high, hoping to kill me. Now you see Yin Zhu and I, turn around and tell me the position of lion king. Have you ever thought that Nantes is not, right? Anyway, you think it's good for the lion king family and it's good for you. You always say you're sorry for your partner, so you're twice good for Nantes. Now? Don't you think you're sorry for me and want to make up for me? Don't be funny, hongsai. Do you think it's a kid's game? I think Nantes and I are both fuckin 'sad Tengxiao cried angrily.

Tengxiao had no mother since he was a child. He knew that he was not the same mother as Nante. When Nante was a child, he pointed to his nose and scolded him for killing his mother. He felt guilty and remorseful. So Nante bullied him again and again, but he didn't retort. He didn't even hate to know that he was driven away. If Nante felt so comfortable, he would take care of his mother Mother's back to Nantes.

Since childhood, hongsai didn't scold Nantes even if he knew Nantes was bullying him. Tengxiao knew from childhood that he might really be a wild seed. He also asked about his mother. Unfortunately, hongsai never answered him. Tengxiao gradually understood that if his mother was gone, she would not want him, or she would never come to see him. Knowing his identity, he would not fight for it many times, but today he told him that he wanted to give up Nantes and give him the position of lion king. Tengxiao was really angry at this moment.

"Hongsai, you are the most unworthy father I have ever met. You are unworthy." Tengxiao was very angry.

Think about how much he hurt Nantes before hongsai. It really meant that he wanted the stars not to be given to the moon and what he wanted. But now he didn't give up just to give up. It's too heartless, and Tengxiao can't accept it.

Tengxiao can accept hongsai's partiality and be merciless to himself. At least it shows that hongsai is human, but he doesn't like his family background. Who ever thought that hongsai really doesn't take his son as his son.

Hong Sai was scolded by Tengxiao and his mouth trembled. He pointed to Tengxiao with trembling fingers, "you, you..." The rest, however, could not say a word.

"Get out of here, get out of here, and leave your place as lion king to Nantes." Tengxiao turns people out impolitely. Maybe he is scolded by Tengxiao. Hong Sai doesn't respond. Tengxiao pushes people out of the door, and then the door closes.

Hongsai is standing outside the gate. Is he wrong? The two sons don't understand him. He just doesn't want to see them fighting each other. Tengxiao is soft hearted and won't take Nante's life.

Yin Zhu looked at Tengxiao, who was still angry. He reached forward and hugged Tengxiao. "Tengxiao is not angry. You have me, tengxi, Tengcheng, tengan and Qiao Nuo baikun. Our family will be together forever."

Tengxiao looks at Yin Zhu's soft leaning in his arms, reaches out his hand and hugs him hard. Tengxiao's voice chokes, "Yin Zhu, I'd rather he doesn't appear in front of me all my life. I don't need his calculation to make up for it. Since I left the king of beasts City, I didn't want to go back, even I was secretly happy in my heart. I finally left that seemingly bright place It's a stinking cage. "

Yin Zhu didn't expect that hongsai would be so shameless. Since he gave up at the beginning, what's the point of finding it back now? Tengxiao is not the kind of person who will bow down for money and power.

And this will make Tengxiao look down on him even more. Tengxiao has a straight personality. No matter what he does, his hatred is complete, and so is his love. He can't accept Hong Sai's calculation.

Although Tengxiao seldom talks about his days in the king of beasts City, occasionally, and the resentment just revealed, Yin Zhu feels sorry for Tengxiao. She can't help hugging her man.

"I know. Don't be sad. We don't want his position as the lion king. Sooner or later, I will rule the world and become the only God in the world. You are my imperial husband, which is more powerful than the lion king. " Yin Zhu changed the topic, pretending to be elated, like a proud peacock.

Tengxiao knew that Yin Zhu wanted to make himself happy, so he nodded with a smile, "that's right. I'm the companion of the beast God. Can I be compared with ordinary people? I don't want a lion king position for me."

Orc city doesn't command the whole Orc world. It's just that Orc city is the best economic and most powerful area in the orc world. Then hongsai and Qingling got the support of some people, so they called themselves four Orc kings. In fact, they didn't get the recognition of all orcs in the orc world.

The Lion King's position is not good to say, it's just a slightly stronger tribal patriarch.

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