At this time, Fu Xiang bit his teeth and looked at Yin Zhu with wide eyes. "Yin Zhu, you can't do this to us. I admit that I haven't done anything sorry for you." If she could, Fu Xiang would like to be Yin Zhu. If it wasn't for Yin Zhu, she would not be so inferior now, but now she has no other choice.

Yin Zhu also knows that it's wrong for him to ignore Fu Xiang completely. He just wants to say that at least she helped her before, which no one can deny.

"Fuxiang, I'm sorry about that, but I can't leave my partner alone, let alone let him marry someone else, so I have to do it. Of course, if you don't help me, I can understand. If you can, you can go with your people. You don't have to do it. If we don't win, you can take your people away, and I'll help you I believe that even if you can't stay in the temple, you can live well after you get out of the temple. The orc world is so big that it's not easy for Qingling to find you. " Yin Zhuzhan sincerely apologizes to Fu Xiang, which she owes Fu Xiang, Yin Zhu admits.

"You can't take my advice." Fuxiang said.

"Since that Jono is your partner, Qingling won't kill him as long as you don't die. After all, it's a good thing to threaten you. Why do you work so hard?" Looking at Yin Zhu's silence, Fu Xiang can't help trying to persuade him.

In fact, what Fu Xiang said about Yin Zhu also understood, but they wanted to let Jono and Sophie together. Thinking of this, Yin Zhu couldn't accept it. Maybe it was Qingling's way to lure himself.

"In fact, we may not lose. Qingling has been seriously injured. And as far as I know, Qingling has been hit by my master's magic fire. Now they don't dare to come out. They can only hide in the soul eating cliff to heal. Even if they can come out for a short time, their own strength will be greatly suppressed, and their bodies will also be greatly injured. If it's hard to hear, we can all use it up It's killing her. " Actually, Yin Zhu doesn't believe all of what Yin Zhu said.

It can be said that Yin Zhu doesn't really understand the strength of Qingling. Apart from their haunting, Yin Zhu was flustered and didn't think much about the reason why Qingling gave her a move in the temple before. Now, combined with what Beina said, they are all in a magical fire. I think their strength is not as high as her imagination, so when she took it When it came to the staff, they didn't attack themselves.

Yin Zhu doesn't think that just because of the feelings between Beina and Qingling, those people will let themselves go. After all, they can even kill the master who raised and taught them. A little younger martial sister is nothing.

Even if Qingling is attacked by herself, it is estimated that she is still checking whether she can kill them. After all, she can't do it all at once. But when she is in danger, she will try her best. At that time, Qingling should reconsider whether she can do it or not. When she finds that she can't do it, she will take her people away decisively.

The reason why Yin Zhu thought this way was also considered carefully. After all, at the beginning, the beast God sent her directly to accept the inheritance. If the beast God did not arrange the way back, how could he send the only heir to Qingling in front of them? Would the beast God not be afraid of his only root? So the beast God should be sure that those people can't do anything about themselves, and there is a clear spirit, and they can also make a grindstone for her, the new beast God.

As for her guess is not correct, it will have to look at a desperate, if this time Qingling few did not come out, then her guess is very likely to be true.

Although Yin Zhu really wants to save Jono, she is not a madman. She will take Tengxiao Leihe and bury them with her. She can't put the lives of several people in Tengxiao for Jono. If there is no hope, Yin Zhu will leave directly. As Fu Xiang said, Jono's life is not in danger for the time being. She can wait until she is strong Save Jono.

Fu Xiang was still very angry. After listening to Yin Zhu's explanation, she finally felt relieved, but her face was a little ugly at this time. It was obvious that Yin Zhu was trying to test her.

Yin Zhu also saw that Fu Xiang's face was not good, but he didn't mean to blame him. After all, everyone thought carefully. Although Fu Xiang opposed Yin Zhu's plan, he didn't kill Yin Zhu himself. That's enough.

"Elder Fuxiang, I'm sorry. You are a great elder. I hope you won't be angry with me." Yin Zhu came forward and held Fu Xiang's hand. As a little girl, he was not as dignified as before.

Fuxiang originally wanted to pull back her hand, but after thinking it over, Yin Zhu apologized to her. What else could she do.

"Lord, since you have a plan in mind, I'll go down and arrange it." This time, as long as Qingling doesn't show up, there are still many orcs on their side. The orcs' fighting power is not weak, and they are almost the same as the people in the temple. So, they have a good chance of winning.

"Go ahead." Yin Zhu nodded.

On the other side, hongsai has already packed up his things. He is going to stay in Nante and return to the city of the king of beasts. As for the people of the flying lions, hongsai plans to take one third of them back. As for the rest, he will give them to Ninglu, the elder of the flying lions, and let him listen to Tengxiao.

Tengxiao needs people at this time. Feitian lion Yimai helps Tengxiao desperately at this time. With Tengxiao's temperament, he won't leave Feitian Yimai in the future. Moreover, he has left at this time, even if Tengxiao wants to find him, he can't find him.If hongsai was full of confidence when he came to the temple, he was much less powerful when he left. He probably knew that he was a failed father. As for Nantes, after hongsai controlled him by compulsion, he kept scolding him for two days and two nights. However, hongsai didn't change at all. Nantes knew that this time it was true, and hongsai wanted to go The lion king to Tengxiao, think of this Nantes very desperate.

Although the four beast kings of the beast king city said they were fighting with each other, they were still in a group when they went out. Hongsai was going to leave. In addition, the tiger king Chengtian and monkey king kongchen had made it clear that they would take refuge in the new beast king, and the snake king could not sit still. They all chose to take refuge in Yin Zhu. Does he have any other choice? Once he had another choice, he was afraid that the foundation of the king of beasts city would not survive. The three families would certainly join hands to destroy his snake king clan.

What's more, although ten thousand ancestors of the snake king don't like Leihe, the half Orc grandson, now Leihe has turned into the people around Yinzhu. Obviously, it's good for him. Otherwise, we should take refuge in Yinzhu. All the people in the city of the beast king have taken refuge in Yinzhu.

After Mei Ying knew about this, she was so angry that she yelled at the people of the king of beasts for being heartless, but it didn't work. Although the people of the king of beasts surrendered, they didn't leave many clansmen to help Yin Zhu like hongsai did. Only one tenth of the other three kings left. Yin Zhu estimated that these people didn't come to help fight, they were supposed to paddle, by the way To get information.

Yin Zhu is very clear that the temporary surrender does not mean that in the future, especially when she has no strength, she is afraid that these people will soon rebel, so she does not care about the manner of these people in the beast king city, but hongsai's behavior is really beyond Yin Zhu's expectation.

Even Tengxiao didn't expect that hongsai would directly leave so many people who are the main force of Feitian. It can be said that Feitian is the main force of Feitian. Once these people die in the temple, the lion king can't stand firm in the king of beasts city. It's a gamble with him about the future of the lion king.

Tengxiao is still a little silent when he wants to understand this. Then he changes his face and asks Ninglu to take these people back. However, Ninglu listens to him for everything, but he firmly opposes it and says that he wants to protect their king.

Although Tengxiao repeatedly said that he would never take over the Lion King's position, Ning Lu was determined to follow Tengxiao, and obviously intended to play tricks.

What can Tengxiao do for such people? These people are also his people. He can't really fight and kill them. He and Yin Zhu know that this is hongsai's plan and it's also his plan. But they have no way. Tengxiao is so angry that Yin Zhu says, "forget it, don't be angry, for this matter It's not worth it. They helped us this time. We'll repay him another day. There's no need to worry about it. "

Leihe didn't expect that hongsai would do such shameless things, especially when he saw a lot of people in the line of Feitian lion. You should know that when he attacked the orc city before, he took special care of the people in the line of Feitian lion. This time, the orc and the Feitian lion would have a spark. If it wasn't for the people above, he would be afraid of two After all, the enemy of many years is in front of us.

Of course, you don't, but you can't do without sarcasm. People on both sides taunt each other. Flying lion taunts orcs. Even if they follow Yin Zhu, it's useless. The lion king is the companion of the beast God. The other day, they let Tengxiao get rid of these orcs. The Orcs taunt that flying sky is a vein of gold on their faces. Tengxiao doesn't want to be the lion king at all, even at the beginning The only reason why Tengxiao will attack the beast king city and the lion king is because Tengxiao has a better relationship with their orcs.

In any case, the two sides were quarreling. Yin Zhu was stunned to hear that. He thought whether this should be restrained or not. Before the fight started, there would be chaos inside them.

For this reason, Rehe and Ninglu went out to do ideological work and asked them to unite and cooperate.

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