Soon Xiao Jin came back with a prey. The first thing he did was to see if Yin Zhu was still in the cave. When he saw that Yin Zhu was still sitting in the cave, he was relieved.

"Why worry about me running away? Then you can just find a rope to tie me Yin Zhu looks at Xiaojin with a white eyebrow.

When Xiao Jin heard this, he shrugged, "if you want to die, just go."

Seeing that warm mouth, which used to be familiar with before, now spit out such words that can kill people, Yin Zhu wants to rush up and tear up this person's mouth. How can a big man be so careful.

as like as two peas freely flowing style of writing, he was able to blink his eyes. The roast meat was exactly the same as that of Joe. The action was the same as what he did.

Unfortunately, Xiaojin is not willing to look for the past, and even less willing to listen to things about Jono. Yin Zhu feels a little at a loss. She wants Jono, wants Jono back, and wants to.

Xiaojin looks back and sees that Yinzhu is obsessed with looking at himself. Xiaojin can't help but frown and turn his mouth in disgust. This look won't disgust him. He just thinks that Yinzhu is not looking at him, but at others, which makes him feel disgusted.

Soon the barbecue was ready. Xiao Jin neatly divided the barbecue into several large pieces, held them by a large leaf, and handed them to Yin Zhu, "eat, don't tell me you're full when you look at my face."

"Yes, there's a word for it. I'm satisfied to see Jono's face." Yin Zhu made a fierce provocation.

"I'm warning you, I hate to hear that name. Don't challenge my patience." Xiao Jin said impatiently.

Yin Zhu shrank his head when he heard this, then rolled his eyes and stopped looking at Xiao Jin.

When Xiaojin sees that Yinzhu doesn't say anything more, she nods with satisfaction. Yinzhu can't help but make a face at Xiaojin. Then she angrily takes her own food and goes back to the cave to eat. She doesn't want to see Xiaojin, so that she won't get angry and lose her appetite.

The two soon finished eating, but they didn't seem to have anything to say. Yin Zhu was probably still angry.

After staring at Xiaojin together, it's better to have a good rest. Thinking of this, Yin Zhu starts to make the bed and get ready for sleep. Fortunately, she has enough things in her system backpack for going out. She's not used to going to bed on the ground at random.

Yin Zhu took out a few pieces of animal skins, made a soft bed for himself, and took out the hide. As for Xiao Jin, he had been busy with Yin Zhu's work, but he didn't speak. When Yin Zhu finished his work, he lay down and went to sleep, but Xiao Jin didn't speak. After a while, he found that Xiao Jin had been sitting at the entrance of the cave and had a rest with his eyes closed .

Looking at Xiaojin's appearance, he is still protecting Yin Zhu. Thinking of this, Yin Zhu can't help but feel guilty. Is this bullying? After thinking about it, Yin Zhu can't help but say, "I have animal skin here. You can make a bed to sleep by yourself."

She didn't sympathize with Kim, but she didn't have the heart to hurt Jono's body.

Xiaojin looks at the animal skin that hit her head, then smiles and builds a small bed at the entrance of the cave to have a rest. The female is quite soft hearted, but it's good for her not to mention the annoying Jono.

Then the two did not say anything. Xiaojin looked at the night sky in a daze, but Yin Zhu's long breath came from the cave, and he was obviously asleep.

This female's heart is really big, so she fell asleep. Xiao Jin couldn't help shaking her head helplessly. I don't know how this female who didn't have any vigilance became a beast God. She didn't trust him very much.

Xiao Jin shakes his head and closes his eyes to rest. In the wild, the orc is just sleeping. It's impossible to enter deep sleep. It's very dangerous, especially there is a Yin Zhu beside him.

Just in the middle of the night, Xiao Jin suddenly heard some news coming from the cave. He thought there was something wrong with Yin Zhu and rushed into the cave.

In the moonlight, Xiaojin saw that Yinzhu's face was covered with tears, and his mouth was still muring something. He lowered his head and listened carefully, but he heard Yinzhu half sobbing again, "Jono, where are you? Come back quickly, I miss you so much, miss you so much, Jono."

"Jono, come back quickly. If you don't come back, Xiao Jin will bully me, Wuwuwuwu..."

After a while, he still gritted his teeth and pushed Yinzhu, "Yinzhu, wake up, wake up."

Yin Zhu opened her eyes vaguely and looked at her familiar face right in front of her eyes. She couldn't help jumping into Xiao Jin's arms and holding the person in her arms. She cried happily, "Jono, Jono, I finally found you."

Xiaojin looks at the person who pours into his arms and froze. The tip of his nose is full of the smell of Yin Zhu. It's a very light but fresh and pleasant smell. It's different from other females. It's the first time that he feels the smell from females.

Even Wu Yu can't compare with Yin Zhu. Wu Yu is regarded as a friend who can chat and talk, but Yin Zhu makes him feel at a loss.Xiao Jin was stunned for a while, then yanked Yin Zhu out of his arms and threw him on the bed. Then he yelled, "I tell you not to mention that name in front of me, forget it!" With that, he bared his teeth and made a fierce appearance.

Yin Zhu was stunned for a moment, then he hugged himself and cried again.

Xiao Jin looks at Yin Zhu crying alone. He shakes from time to time. He looks very pitiful. He walks back and forth impatiently, and then says, "cry, cry what? You cry in the mountains in the middle of the night. You cry very frightening, you know? If I hadn't been scared out of sleep by you, I wouldn't have cared about you. "

However, Yin Zhu didn't have Guan Xiaojin at all. He just cried.

"Don't cry. I hate it." Seeing this, Xiao Jin went up impatiently, and then rudely wiped away Yin Zhu's tears.

Tears stained hands very hot, hot, Xiaojin some silly looking at the tears in his hands, and then some powerless covered his chest.

What's the matter with him? He looks so miserable.

This is actually a situation set by Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu did fall asleep before, but Yin Zhu has a cheating device. Yin Zhu asked Beina to wake up when she was in the middle of the night. Just now, Yin Zhu had woken up. She just wanted to test Xiao Jin's attitude towards herself, and how to stimulate Xiao Jin, and whether that can also stimulate sleeping Joe No.

Yin Zhu doesn't believe that Qiao Nuo will die. Even if a modern person has multiple personalities, even if someone is asleep, as long as he is stimulated, he may wake up.

It's a pity that Jono doesn't wake up, but she won't give up. As long as she has the chance, she will try to stimulate Xiaojin. Her Jono is waiting for her.

Yin Zhu thinks that Qiao Nuo is really sad, so tears flow out naturally. She is just so rude treated by Xiao Jin. This time, her tears can't stop. This time, it's not sad, but her eyes are rubbed.

"Don't cry any more. If you cry any more, you'll be ugly." Looking at the flow of Yin Zhu's eyes, Xiao Jin is a little flustered, but he doesn't know how to make Yin Zhu not cry, so he can only say with a tiger's face.

"Anyway, I already have a partner. No matter how ugly I am, there are people who want me. If I'm afraid of something, I feel sad and I want to cry." Yin Zhu thinks he's a little rogue now.

Of course, Yin Zhu has been crying a lot recently, because of Jono. For Jono, Yin Zhu is sad and angry. Jono doesn't hesitate to do such a big thing because he thinks it's good for her. Hasn't he thought about it for her? How can she bear it when he has an accident.

That's disrespect for her. The most important thing for a partner is mutual trust. Even if he wants to go, he has to tell her. Even if she opposes, if she can't compromise, she will help to find the best way instead of taking risks without any protective measures. When Jono comes back, she will have to wait for a long time Pay attention to him and punish him well.

"Who wants you, just those crooked melons and cracked dates want you." Thinking of Yin Zhu's friends, Xiao Jin can't help turning his lips. They are not very good. As for what's not good, he can't tell. Anyway, it's not as good as him.

"Who's wrong? Will you speak with your conscience? Isn't Jono good-looking? Tengxiao is the first beautiful man in daze tribe, not to mention Bai Kun. My partners are all peerless beautiful men, OK? What's more, now you use Jono's face. Are you a crooked melon yourself Yin Zhu said unconvinced.

Xiao Jin turned a white eye when he heard this, and he didn't want to talk with Yin Zhu any more. "I don't sleep in the middle of the night, rest here and talk. If you are sick, don't take a rest as soon as possible." Finish saying Ma Liu of find belong to own bed, go up.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he almost rushed forward, grabbed him and scolded, "you are sick." Think about the value of force on both sides. Finally, let's go to sleep.

Just after lying down, Yin Zhu has no sleepiness. She really doesn't know what kind of stimulation is the big stimulation for Xiao Jin and Jono. How to stimulate him? It seems that her little tricks are useless.

Forget it, I don't think about it for the time being. Anyway, she's going to Utopia next. Xiao Jin will go with her. She will find a way after such a long time. Besides, after such a long time of contact, she will find out Xiao Jin's weakness.

Want to understand a good comfort for his heart, Yin Zhu secretly took a look at the cave outside the small gold, seems to have fallen asleep, this sleep speed is really fast enough.

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