After lunch, he took a short rest to continue on the road. This time, instead of supporting Yin zhufei, Xiao Jin started with the army.

This is very good, lest Tengxiao and Ninglu rush. Yin Zhu's time is very precious, but he doesn't have to rush so hard. Besides, if they keep on going, everyone's body can't bear it.

Tengxiao looks at Xiaojin, who is standing beside Yinzhu with thick skin. He can't help but smoke his face. Forget it, Xiaobu can't bear to make a big plan. He'd better bear the loss first. Besides, he can't hook Yinzhu's mind when he's beside Yinzhu, so his partner is too failed.

What's more, the best way is to let Xiaojin know that Yin Zhu doesn't have any of his existence in his heart. He can even ignore his existence directly. It's useless for outsiders to persuade him to love. Maybe it will backfire. The best way is to let Xiaojin give up.

Tengxiao naturally took Yinzhu's hand, then glanced at Xiaojin, and then bowed his head to Yinzhu with a gentle smile, "come on, Yinzhu, I'll take you."

Xiaojin can't help but curl his mouth when he sees this. Does Tengxiao think he will win openly? The little golden eye turned and the man flew out directly. After a while, the little golden eye turned around and came back. When he came back, there were not only beautiful flowers but also fresh fruits in his hand.

"Come to Yinzhu. These are the flowers I just picked. It's best for you. In addition, you can eat these fresh fruits to avoid thirst on the road." With that, he shoved things into Yin Zhu's arms. At this time, Yin Zhu quickly reached out his hands and took over the things that Xiao Jin had handed over.

Tengxiao was still holding Yin Zhu's hand with pride, but at this time he watched Yin Zhu's hand slip away from his palm. Xiaojin used this method. He wanted to see what he would do in the evening.

Tengxiao is cold. It's only a short time to please Yinzhu. Can Xiaojin please Yinzhu all the time?

"Thank you." What Xiaojin picked is a kind of light blue unknown wild flower. It smells like a light fragrance. The taste is not very strong, and the flower is not very big. It's a little bigger than an adult's nails. It's hanging on the branches in a bunch. Yin Zhu likes it very much.

"Just like Yin Zhu." Xiao Jin said happily.

Tengxiao sees that Yinzhu's attention has been attracted by Xiaojin. He coughs twice. It's hard for people not to pay attention to such a sudden cough.

Yin Zhu couldn't help looking up at Tengxiao standing beside him in amazement, "Tengxiao, do you have a cold? It's still a sore throat. "

Ninglu and they also look at Tengxiao with concern at this time. Tengxiao is their little clan leader.

Tengxiao also felt that his cough was too much, at least everyone's attention was too much. He pretended to cough twice, and then calmly said, "it's OK, there's sputum in his throat."

"Xiaojin is not sensible. You give Yin Zhu so much fruit, and Yin Zhu can't finish it. Come on, let's eat together." Tengxiao directly changed the topic at this time, and then took the seven or eight fruits in Yin Zhu's arms, leaving only one for Yin Zhu.

Even if Xiao Jin wants to be gallant, it depends on whether he agrees or not. Xiao Jin has the ability to find more things to see if I can finish them all.

At this time, Yin Zhu couldn't see Tengxiao's mischief. She couldn't help glancing at Tengxiao. Seeing this, Tengxiao couldn't help coming up to Yin Zhu's ear and muttering, "I'm so sad that you didn't look at me carefully with Xiaojin."

Yin Zhu didn't expect Tengxiao to be jealous because of this, so he couldn't help patting him angrily. "You know that I pay attention to him because of Jono. What's more, Xiaojin is an outsider. He should be polite to others. You, you and I will make it up to you in the evening."

Tengxiao heard this, his heart opened with a smile, "you said."

"Don't be so mean, be generous, you know?" Yin Zhu stares into the sky.

Xiaojin looks at the way Yin Zhu and Tengxiao bite their ears. He can't help feeling jealous. The best time Yin Zhu has with him is when they can talk peacefully. Then he takes her hand and says he wants to take risks with her.

Tengxiao nodded with a smile, "I know. I promise I won't embarrass him." As long as there is no small gold in Yin Zhu's heart, it is useless for him to be courteous.

"Xiao Jin, thank you for your fruit. You've worked hard. Come on, you'll have a fruit, too." Yin Zhu smilingly takes back a fruit plug from Tengxiao's hand and puts it into Xiaojin's hand.

Seeing that Yinzhu didn't forget himself, xiaojinyuan's sullen face immediately turned into a flower, "thank you, Yinzhu. The fruit is so sweet." Xiao Jin took a bite and said foolishly.

Tengxiao can't help biting his teeth when he sees Xiaojin's appearance. It's really silly. He's smart and he's used to deal with him.

Some of the original atmosphere of drawing swords and crossbows has finally subsided. Yin Zhu is greatly relieved. She is really worried about the fight between the two.

In the next period of time, Xiaojin will always bring all kinds of flowers and fruits to Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu's harvest is full along the way, and he can't take them with both hands. Although there are some surprises at the beginning, when he can't hold them, it's not a surprise, it's a shock."Xiao Jin, why do I think you are strange today? What's the matter? " Yin Zhu couldn't help asking again.

Tengxiao saw that he smoked his mouth. He wanted to see what Xiaojin said. Dare he say that he likes Yinzhu?

After hearing this, Xiao Jin hesitated for a moment, and then saw Tengxiao standing aside to watch the joke. He felt very uncomfortable, so he pointed at him casually, "strange Tengxiao, I don't like him. I want you to ignore him. Well, I just want to be the kind of light bulb you said, or the two kilowatt one."

Yin Zhu can't help laughing and bending over when she hears Xiao Jin's words. She used to say some modern words to Xiao Jin casually, and Xiao Jin asked what he meant. Unexpectedly, just once, Xiao Jin not only remembered them, but also learned and used them flexibly.

"You're so cute, Kim." Yin Zhu couldn't help rubbing Xiaojin's hair.

"So you like me like this?" Xiao Jin looks at Yin Zhu with wet eyes, full of hope.

"Of course." Yin Zhu agreed.

Xiaojin is happy to hear this, but Tengxiao's face is gloomy. He thought Xiaojin had no hope at all, but now Yinzhu's answer is so simple. Is he too relieved and self righteous?

"Yin Zhu, you can only like me here, like me alone." Tengxiao at this time directly hold people in his arms, overbearing said.

At this time, Ninglu's eyes were polished to see the play, and their little patriarch was very domineering.

Seeing this, Yin Zhu stares at Tengxiao. Tengxiao says what he's doing. Although he hears this, his heart beats faster and he's in a good mood, what's the point of adding drama at this time.

"What are you doing? Didn't I tell you?" Yin Zhu stares at Tengxiao, and then struggles from Tengxiao's arms. She doesn't have the pleasure of showing her feelings to everyone.

"But you say you like him." Tengxiao said very wrongly.

Seeing this childish Tengxiao, Yin Zhu could not help sighing helplessly, "uncle, you are my own master. I say that like is just pure appreciation, not love. I will say this once. I love you. Don't worry about it. Don't be fooling around in the future. Shame." The last few words Yin Zhu said in Tengxiao's ear in a low voice.

With that, Yin Zhu bit Tengxiao's ear.

Tengxiao touched his ear. It hurt a little, but there was no wound. Yin Zhu was a little angry, but he noticed the propriety.

Tengxiao, who has been confessed by Yin Zhu, is very happy. He likes to listen to Yin Zhu say that he loves him. However, Yin Zhu seldom says love words, so he is shy. I think he is in a hurry just now.

Xiao Jin is very unhappy to see that Yin Zhu and Tengxiao are biting their ears again. He knows that there must be a gap between them. The gap between them needs to be made up by him slowly. Moreover, he is doing too much today. What if Yin Zhu knows what he wants? She said that she loved Jono and would certainly save Jono. Now that he and she are not very close, we can't scare him. We'd better stop first. This time, it's cheap.

He wants to boil the frog in warm water, slowly let Yin Zhu fall in love with himself unconsciously, and gradually immerse himself in Yin Zhu's life. Only in this way can Yin Zhu not refuse.

Seeing that Tengxiao was no longer noisy, Yin Zhu turned to see Xiaojin, only to find that Xiaojin had gone to one side.

"It's all your fault. I'm sorry. Next time you're not allowed to do such a thing. You don't want to be shameful. I still want to be shameful." Yin Zhubai took a look at Tengxiao and felt that he was boiling hot.

Tengxiao knows that Yinzhu is shy, but he doesn't lean up any more. Otherwise, Yinzhu will be angry. Anyway, Xiaojin doesn't stick to Yinzhu now, so he let Yinzhu take a breath. Anyway, the evening will come soon.

Yin Zhu doesn't know he's ready to go to the next big pit. Tengxiao has been waiting for the arrival of the evening, and even thinks about n-many plans.

On the other hand, Sophie is in a bad mood after she escapes from Yin Zhu's hand. She looks at her feet turning into snake tail. She thinks she can easily defeat Yin Zhu when she has enough strength, but she doesn't think that because she becomes a orc, she is naturally controlled by Yin Zhu.

How can she be willing to go so hard? She has the strength of today. Besides, if she can't deal with Yin Zhu, Qingling will not treat her like now. At least she can't lose the help of Qingling.

Yin Zhu, Yin Zhu, she is her devil, she must find a way to kill her, kill her, otherwise she has no chance to look up in her life.

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