Yin Zhu, who is not far away, has seized the opportunity at this time, and then directly uses the method of dealing with the cold to seal the small fire. As for the carrier of sealing the small fire, it is also simple, that is, his own body.

Yin Zhu will never leave the small fire as an uncertain factor, so the only way is to seal the small fire in her body, and then slowly devour people. Of course, in this way, the original body will completely disappear. Although it's immoral, Yin Zhu has to do it. She admits that she is either a lion or a vicious person. What's more, she admits that the original body I'm also calculating her, so I'm not embarrassed.

What's better than this body? As for seizing the body, Yin Zhu doesn't worry that she will lose or even win at all. Because she is too lazy, Yin Zhu doesn't believe that she will practice as hard as herself. As for her strength in the totem stone, Yin Zhu thinks that those are all foreign, which is better than her self-cultivation What's more, Yin Zhu feels that his yearning for life and faith are stronger than his original body, so he is sure to win.

Yin Zhu has already carved an array in the palm of his left hand, which is used to seal the original body. Of course, Yin Zhu also thought that if there is no way to seal, Yin Zhu would give up this hand. Anyway, he would never give the original body a chance.

This is also the way Yin zhubaikun decided after a long discussion.

Xiaohuo looks at Yinzhu who suddenly comes out and holds himself in his hand. He can't help shouting, "Yinzhu, what are you doing?" What's more, Xiaohuo finds that Yin Zhu's palm has a force of attraction, which makes her unable to break free and return to the totem stone.

"Do what you want to do to me, such as devouring you." Yin Zhu smiles coldly.

Xiaohuo can't help but be stunned when he hears this, then he shakes his head fiercely, "no, you can't do this to me. Besides, I never want to devour you."

"Why are you still pretending to me? Little fire? Or should I call you Yin Zhu? Yin Zhu of the orc continent. " Yin Zhu sneered.

Xiaohuo was silent for a moment, then after a long time, he took a serious look at Yinzhu and said, "how do you know?"

"How do you know? Do you think you're good enough to keep it a secret? " Yin Zhu sneered.

When she crossed over, it was a mess. She managed to make a good life. She also had a child. Why should she give way to others? Even if her body was originally Yin Zhu's, her partner and her children only admitted to her.

"You can't do this to me. The body is mine, the child is mine, and Tengxiao is mine." The original body is shouting.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help laughing, "you're wrong. They're not yours. First of all, you don't want the children. They're alive because I take over. So they're mine. As for Tengxiao, he never accepts you. He even prefers to take risks to die, so he's not yours. As for the other partners, he has nothing to do with you It's yours, but I won't argue with you. "

"No, no, no, you're a thief. You can't steal. These are all mine, sooner or later." The original body cried angrily.

"For your sake, you can give me your last words. As long as I can do it, I will try my best to help you do it." Although Yin Zhu thinks that she is hypocritical, she still has to make herself feel less guilty.

"No, I won't tell you my last words. I won't die, said the beast God. You are my housekeeper. Help me take care of my home. I'll take the ready-made ones later. I have the protection of the beast God. You can't hurt me." The original body this time very proud of call up, obviously feel that they have backing, don't worry about Yin Zhu.

"Is that what the beast God has been doing up to now? Besides, I'm a disciple of the beast God. Do you think the beast God will help you? The beast God is deceiving you. For example, now you can ask, "if I'm gone, will Tengxiao live with you?" Yin Zhu looks at the original body sarcastically.

"I have only one partner, Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu lives, I live, Yin Zhu dies, I die." Teng Xiao looks at Yin Zhu affectionately and says it with an oath.

"I'm Yin Zhu. I'm Yin Zhu. She's a liar, a liar. Didn't you say that she seems to have changed? She's not Yin Zhu at all. She's just a ghost who doesn't know where she came from. " The original body says aloud.

"I know that when I came to chat with you before, I was just guessing your identity, but I didn't confirm it. So I deliberately told you that I had only one partner. You forgot that I was Yin Zhu's guardian. The guardian's contract was a soul contract, so I will always follow Yin Zhu. It belongs to Yin Zhu, not to you." Tengxiao said lightly, with a happy smile on his face.

The original body this time fiercely called up, "won't, won't, the beast God certainly has a way, certainly has a way to dissolve that contract." But at this time, she didn't believe that the contract could be broken. After all, as far as she knew from childhood, the guardian couldn't break it. They would be together for generations, and the contract would not end until a person's ashes were annihilated in the world and there was no sleep left."Beast God, do you believe what she said? Stupid. She even cheated her own disciples, not to mention you, a stranger. " Yin Zhu looks at the original body sarcastically.

The original body was obviously a little flustered at this time. Her little body was beating in Yin Zhu's hand. At this time, most of her body had been submerged in Yin Zhu's palm. After a while, the palm could completely seal the original body. Of course, Yin Zhu's left hand could not be used for the time being, because sealing the original body was also like sealing herself. Fortunately, it was too late Yin Zhu's seal is just a hand. Before, Yin Zhu had been worried that it would affect his whole body. Now he feels that his body can move flexibly, that is, his left hand is a little stiff and inconvenient.

"What did the beast God tell you? You would believe in the beast God so much. You keep saying that you like me and love me. You just want to possess me and hurt me with the excuse of love. " Tengxiao couldn't help saying at this time.

"No, I never wanted to hurt you. I really want to hurt myself and I don't want to hurt you. I, I can't help it. You, you don't want me. The beast God told me that as long as I am willing to lend my body, you will fall in love with me. Besides, the body is only temporarily lent out and will be returned to me later. That's why I agreed. The beast God also said that it won't hurt you and that it will give you back to me. " The original body sobbed.

"Did the beast God say anything else?" Tengxiao asked in a hurry.

"No, the beast God just let me wait, saying that when the time comes, you will become me, and I will be very happy. There are so many beautiful and powerful partners, I have never thought of harming you." The original body keeps arguing.

Yin Zhu nodded when he heard this. Yes, she knew the original body's love for Tengxiao. As for the original body's limited knowledge, the beast God would not tell the original body the details.

However, from the original body, we can see that the original body should be used by the beast God to deal with Yin Zhu. Let Yin Zhu leave the body, and what the beast God wants Yin Zhu's soul to do. Yin Zhu has no idea for the moment, but it certainly won't be a good thing.

At this time, Yin Zhu has completely sealed the soul of his original body in his left palm. After the seal is completed, the whole palm becomes very heavy. It is very difficult for Yin Zhu to lift his hand, let alone do other things.

"I think I'm going to be disabled for a long time." Yin Zhu smiles.

The soul power of the original body is not weak. It seems that the beast God Wuji has given a lot of benefits in order to make the original body compete with himself.

"Don't talk nonsense." Bai Kun didn't like Yin Zhu at all. When he heard this, he couldn't help reaching out and knocking on Yin Zhu's head.

"Just kidding. Don't mind. Don't mind." Seeing that the faces of the two partners were not very good, Yin Zhu quickly coaxed the two partners with a smile.

"Don't say that next time. I don't like it." Bai Kun said directly.

"Good." Yin Zhu says with a smile that Bai Kun is quite overbearing sometimes.

"I don't like it either." Tengxiao saw Bai Kun's attitude, and then he made a hasty statement.

"OK, OK. I'll try to see if this totem stone is broken first." If the totem spirit is taken away by itself, I don't know if the totem will be broken. If the tribe's strength suddenly drops overnight, maybe the tribe will fall out.

Fortunately, Yin Zhu checked it carefully and found that the totem stone was ok, but the power in the totem stone was gone. I don't know when to accumulate so much power again. I'm afraid that the tribe won't have new totem warriors for a long time.

"If this totem works, I want to destroy it." With this thing, Wuji is afraid that it can locate the Daze tribe, which is very bad. Besides, Bai Kun is also worried that there is a conspiracy in this totem stone, just to destroy the totem stone, for fear that it is not easy to explain to the tribe's people.

"It doesn't matter. Just keep it. I remember totem is faith and the root of a tribe's strength. It should have nothing to do with the beast God." Belief has existed long ago, so the powerful tribe should be true. As for the original body, it's just infinite calculation. No matter what totem stone is, there's no need to stop eating for choking.

"OK, listen to Yin Zhu." Bai Kun smiles. Anyway, he's always there. He can just get into the totem stone. Although he's punished for going in, he can go in and have a look if he has nothing to do. He'll never let go of a corner to see what it can hide.

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