Bai Kun paralyzes himself with something, but Tengxiao's attention is still on Yin Zhu. No, as soon as he turns around, he sees that Yin Zhu's face is full of tears.

"Bai Kun, Bai Kun, Yin Zhu cried." Tengxiao cried out.

When Bai Kun heard this, he came over quickly. Seeing this, he sighed. Then he held Yin Zhu in his arms and patted Yin Zhu's back with one hand, just like pacifying the baby.

Bai Kun knows that Yin Zhu is back. After all, it's an end to his family. Yin Zhu is sad.

Tengxiao reacts at this time. Then he stops talking, but he shouts in his heart that he is too stupid. He pays attention to Yin Zhu all the time, but Bai Kun takes advantage of it.

At this time, Yin Zhu was lying on Bai Kun's body and crying. Bai Kun didn't say anything but comforted Yin Zhu with his own actions.

Fortunately, after crying for a while, Yin Zhu wiped away his tears, "let you laugh." When he said this, Yin Zhu's eyes were still red.

"Well, smile. You look so ugly." Bai Kun gently pinched Yin Zhu's cheek and said in disgust.

"Do you dislike it? If you dislike me, I'll be with Tengxiao. You've found a better one. I promise I won't stop you, hum. " Yin Zhu said angrily.

When Tengxiao heard this, he immediately coaxed, "come on, Yin Zhu. We'll be fine later. Don't pay attention to Bai Kun."

"Good." Yin and Zhu agreed.

Bai Kun doesn't get angry when he hears this. He just amuses Yin Zhu and doesn't want to make Yin Zhu sad about what happened before.

"You've just come back. You're very tired. Have a rest." Bai Kun didn't let go of Yin Zhu at all. He just held Yin Zhu and lay down.

Yin Zhu is really tired, not physically, but mentally. This day can be said to be joyful and sad. In addition, she has been forced to stay on the other side of the earth for such a long time. She will hold her physically. She will soon close her eyes and rest on her body.

At this time, Bai Kun takes a look at Tengxiao, who is still standing. Then he looks at Yin Zhu, who is held in his arms. He smiles faintly and falls asleep.

Tengxiao saw that he could only take out his eyes. Who said he didn't have eyes? After that, he would hold the person first. At least he was in his arms. Can Bai Kun still run to his arms?

Think about now only two people, if it is really a person, he is the lowest EQ one, in the future must suffer.

Anyway, he's straightforward. He'll just hold on to him in the future. Why should he have so much heart? Anyway, Yin Zhu knows what he's like. When he thinks about it, Tengxiao thinks he doesn't have to think much about it. He will act directly in the future.

When he woke up the next day, Yin Zhushen got up and took a breath of fresh air. Then he looked at Bai Kun and Tengxiao with a smile and said, "I haven't come up with any good way to cut off my connection with that world, but I've thought that I can seal my own."

Bai Kun is probably embarrassed to ask himself this question, but Yin Zhu is very clear that this problem needs to be solved urgently, so he still has to seal himself.

"How to seal it?" Bai Kun was puzzled. He didn't want to turn Yin Zhu into a wooden man.

"Don't worry, I want to live with you. I won't do anything stupid. I'm going to use it to portray the array on this body and imprison my soul forever. " Yin Zhu said with a smile.

"I've thought about it. Isn't my abnormality my soul? I think the beast God wants to call people to lead the way. It also needs my soul. That's simple. To seal my soul in this body, the body is alive, I live. If the body is dead, I die. If the soul is alive, one day, once it's out of the body, it's gone. " Yin Zhu said calmly.

"Yin Zhu." Bai Kun can't help shouting when he hears this. The purpose of Yin Zhu's doing this is obviously to prevent the beast God from using her soul as a raft.

"Yin Zhu, do you know what you are doing? Do you know the consequences of that? " Bai Kun asked aloud, very anxious.

Yin Zhu nodded when he heard this. "I know, Bai Kun, you don't have to worry. I know what you mean. If I do this, I can't reincarnate even if I die. If I die, all the spirits will die, or the spirits will stay in the dead body. But Bai Kun, you have to think in another way, if we win the beast God, then I will become true As a new animal God, then age is not a problem for me. I could have lived for ten thousand years. Why should I have to work as hard as others? Unless you dislike me and stick to you for ten thousand years, I'm tired of it

When Bai Kun heard Yin Zhu's words, he shook his head and said, "it's no use to motivate me. Anyway, I don't agree with this method."

Yin Zhu said that if they won at that time, what if? Is there a chance that Yin Zhu's spirits will be destroyed? He will never agree. In other words, Yin Zhu is not a person in this world. There is no need for him to take such responsibility and live well. Why should he make such a great sacrifice? This is absolutely unacceptable.Bai Kun refused, and Tengxiao couldn't agree.

"Yin Zhu, you can't do such a thing. If you dare to do such a thing without our consent, I'll go to the beast God. Anyway, you are not allowed to prepare for life, so I'll give the head to the beast God. Anyway, you are not afraid of death. In a word, it's because we are useless that we want you to do so. So I'd better die early to avoid being ridiculed by the people in the orc continent It's no use laughing at us. At least when we die, we can let the people behind us say that we are not afraid of life and death. " Tengxiao directly threatened Yin Zhu's life.

When Yin Zhu heard this threat, he couldn't laugh or cry. "Tengxiao, who taught you to die easily? Threaten me, right?" Yin Zhu went forward and twisted Tengxiao's ears fiercely. He said angrily.

Although Yin Zhu knows that Bai Kun and Tengxiao are both concerned about themselves, she can't think of any good way. Anyway, she won't let the beast God Wuji destroy the orc continent, because this is her home. She will do everything to protect her home.

"That's the threat." Although the ear is pulled by Yin Zhu some ache, but Tengxiao firm don't change.

"Yin Zhu, what do you want to do? I can't stop you, but I just say that if you are in danger, I will die in front of you. If you are dead, I will accompany you. Everything is fine. You should remember that you will not be alone." Bai Kun said it lightly, as if he were talking about family affairs.

Yin Zhu didn't know when he heard this. He didn't want to do it secretly. Otherwise, these two people would do it. If these two people were really disobedient, they would force themselves. Yin Zhu's teeth were itching with hatred. When they did something, they didn't have a good idea. For example, when Bai Kun saved himself, they didn't have their own consent at all, and then they went straight to work Become their own partner, Jono is also devouring the beast Dan, the patriarch they all know, they don't know, is really too tolerant of them, this one did not put themselves in the eye, now still threaten themselves, although it is for her good.

"Yinzhu, you have to believe that not only me but also jonoreh will follow you. You have to believe that you have this charm." Bai Kun looks at Yin Zhu and his face is very bad. He knows what he says is working, but he worries that his weight is not heavy enough. Bai Kun pulls out Jono and Leihe.

"OK, OK, you don't have to say it. I know what you mean. I won't let myself be in danger. OK, but there's no good way now. Let's do this. I'll draw a Zhenling array on my body first, just seal my soul in my body, and don't draw the other extinction array. OK." Zhenling array is to suppress the soul in the body. Generally, there is no way for the spirit to get out of the body. This is just a simple place, so that when the beast God attacks Yin Zhu, they don't feel it.

Yin Zhu originally wanted to persuade Bai Kun, but she saw that Bai Kun pulled out two more. Forget it, even if this and those two were added, the answer would fall on Bai Kun's side. She couldn't break them back.

As for the effect that Yin Zhu said before, there is a complex array that needs to suppress the soul and destroy the soul as well as add links. The two links have that effect, but Bai Kun doesn't agree. Yin Zhu can only think of other ways.

"Don't worry, Yin Zhu. We can find a better way. I don't believe that the world is really the road of animal God Wuji. There is no road of ordinary orcs. I remember you said that people are the foundation of one world and one country. Can one animal God Wuji really harm the whole world? I don't think so, so we won't lose. " Bai Kun said with certainty.

"Well, we've made it clear. Are we going to go to sea to find the so-called Poseidon island?" Asked Yin Zhu.

"Yes, but I'll arrange this. First, I'll get rid of the hidden danger of your body. The first thing is to devour the soul of the original body. In this way, your integration with the body will be improved. At that time, even if the beast God wants to extract your soul, it won't be so easy. The second nature is Zhenling array. After these two things are solved, we will go out to sea. " Bai Kun's arrangement is very good. After all, they are not familiar with the sea, and there are also dangers, so we should enhance Yin Zhu's combat effectiveness first.

Yin Zhu nodded, indicating that he would listen to Bai Kun's arrangement. They would stay in Shiwu tribe for a while, and then Yin Zhu devoured the original body. Thinking of the original body, Yin Zhu could not help sighing, and then said to Tengxiao, "Tengxiao, do you have anything to say to the original body?"

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