The taste is not bad, and she feels very comfortable. After swallowing the gas, Yin Zhu takes a deep breath, and then opens her eyes. She can feel that her soul has expanded a little. This rapid growth way is really addictive.

But the good thing is that the soul can't be swallowed casually. Nonsense can only turn into a madman, even if Yin Zhu can. That's because Yin Zhu and the original body are the same body, and the original soul is very similar. In this way, Yin Zhu is also careful to swallow up little by little, which can be said to be of the same origin as Jono and Xiaojin. In addition, Xiaojin is willing to be swallowed up, Otherwise, without these conditions, it is basically impossible to succeed.

If anyone else dares to do so, he is likely to become a madman, so there is no need to worry that someone will do harm to the world because of this.

"How about Yin Zhu?" Bai Kun asked curiously.

"I'm fine. You don't have to worry." Yin Zhu said with a smile.

Seeing that Yin Zhu was really OK, Bai Kun laughed, "in this case, we will live here for a month."

Yin Zhu can devour his original body once again, and Bai Kun is also curious about the animal pill left by QingHan. It can be said that the animal pill is the strength of a person's life. According to his own speculation, QingHan should not be completely engulfed. At least he can arrange for himself later, can't he? But why didn't he save his own animal elixir? He just watched his own animal elixir absorbed. He would never say that the animal God didn't know that she had escaped.

Thinking about it, Bai Kun denies this idea. It's impossible. The beast God can't fly up. He must think about this question. But why does the beast God know, but didn't find QingHan? It can be said that the beast God has its own power in the whole continent. It's very easy to find a person, but why did he leave the cold outside for so many years?

Bai Kun thinks this problem is very important. If he can think about it clearly, many of his questions will be solved.

Tengxiao looked at baikun still studying the animal pill with blood. He couldn't help wondering: "baikun, what's wrong with the animal pill? I've seen it for many times. Do you see any problem?"

"No, there are a lot of doubts. I don't understand." Bai Kun shook his head.

"Why did the beast God give up when he had a chance to devour QingHan completely?" Bai Kun asked in great doubt.

Tengxiao at this time very simple answer said: "should be enough strength, do not need it."

"No, the beast God needs it. He needs it in particular." Bai Kun is very sure that the beast God needs QingHan's destiny, and how can he be the beast God if he doesn't completely swallow QingHan.

"If you don't swallow what you need, there's only one answer, that's not daring." Tengxiao said very simply.

Don't you dare? Bai Kun thinks that Tengxiao's EQ is a little low, but he is not stupid. He has a very keen intuition for some things.

Dare not have what thing is animal God dare not do? Can't bear the consequences?

Watching Bai Kun fall into meditation again, Tengxiao doesn't disturb him, because that's what Bai Kun does when he thinks about things. Once he talks too much, he will interrupt Bai Kun's thinking.

Why can't he swallow it? Is it because he can't control the destiny? Or because he can't suppress QingHan, it's not he who devours QingHan, but QingHan who devours her. Thinking of this, Bai Kun can't help shaking all over. If so, it makes sense.

Only in this way, Yin Zhu's noodles become two people, one is the beast God, the other is QingHan, but this is not right. If QingHan wants to take back his destiny, shouldn't he join hands with Yin Zhu? Obviously, QingHan is not on Yin Zhu's side.

Is there no way to get back the living and swallowed destiny? But that's not right. He has some idea about the purpose of the beast God. But what's the purpose of QingHan, and how many disciples of the temple Qingling?

Bai Kun found that there were no simple ones related to the beast God. He really wanted to think about them one by one. Moreover, QingHan said that the beast God was the nine headed snake king, with nine lives. One died in the great catastrophe, and eight died. It was also very important who these eight people were. Unfortunately, at this point, Bai Kun didn't have a clue, so he had to wait for the beast God to jump out Come on, of course. He'll have to think about it again.

When Yin Zhu came out after practicing, he saw Bai Kun sitting quietly on the stump, thinking.

"What does Bai Kun think? He wants to be so serious." Yin Zhu asked curiously.

"Yin Zhu, do you really have nine lives Bai Kun asked curiously.

At this time, Yin Zhu nodded his head and said, "it's very possible that in our world, there is a saying that cats have nine lives. I believe there are also cats here."

"You said that if the beast God still has eight heads, who do you think is most likely?" Bai Kun asked in a calm voice.

"QingHan said that daze tribe is the descendant of the beast God, and there are also half orcs. That is to say, there must be one half Orc among the original people of daze tribe, but since the orcs have to arrange for people I am familiar with, otherwise this arrangement is useless, but I don't want to think about those, because thinking about those are very cruel to me, and the people I care about are all people Wonderful family and friends. " As for the remaining eight aspects of the orcs, their will has only begun to talk about now, which has obviously been taboo."Well, I won't be familiar with you. I can tell the hypocritical one around us. You don't have to worry about it. But I think Sophie should be. She's awakened. " Bai Kun said, does an ordinary person really burst out of blood under pressure, and then have divine power? Bai Kun doesn't believe that if so, they will bear more than Sophie in their life, so the most likely thing is that Sophie is one of the animal gods.

"Morrison should have a problem, too." The orc ancestor Zong fengxu forced Morrison to guard the body for the beast God, saying that Morrison had no problem and she didn't believe it.

"But one day I don't quite understand, if Morrison is, why does he want to split his soul and refuse to go?" Yin Zhu asked curiously.

"No, Morrison is a native orc, not 5000 years ago. For example, Sophie was born in your tribe, not a very old ORC." Bai Kun, the analyst, then looked at each other and said, "that is to say, the other souls of the beast God may have reincarnated."

"That is to say, Morrison may not have the previous memory. Maybe Morrison has a kind of intuition that he will lose himself if he goes, so he will split his soul first. After all, a reincarnation for many times has long been an independent soul. Who wants to become an accessory of others, or even lose himself, is a struggle of the soul." Bai Kun reasoned again.

Yin Zhu nodded when he heard this, "very likely."

That is to say, about eight people, she can only confirm two. As for Qingling, Yin Zhu is not sure.

"Don't worry. I really think it will come to the surface one day. I don't believe that everything can be well arranged by the beast God. You should know that everything has variables. As long as there is a little more wind and a little more wind, the outcome will be different, because everything will change with it, and then it will be thousands of miles away." Bai Kun holds Yin Zhu's hand and comforts him.

Then about the relationship between QingHan and the beast God, Bai Kun said his guess again, saying it was a guess, but Bai Kun thought it should be the truth.

"Well, you just want to tell me clearly about this matter. I don't think I can think so clearly, Bai Kun. You are really good." Yin Zhu said with a smile.

"Well, I've worked so hard to think and think. My brain is going to be broken. Yin Zhu, don't you want to reward me?" Bai Kun put his whole face in front of Yin Zhu with a smile.

Yin Zhu "Bo Bo" to Bai Kun's face, and then happily holding Bai Kun's arm coquetry said: "then I will accompany you at night?"

"You can kiss this face, too. I really don't like it." Bai Kun's mouth is full of disgusting words, but his heart is beautiful. To tell the truth, when he sees the ghost he looks like in the daytime, he doesn't dare to see more, but Yin Zhu doesn't have the look of disgust and fear at all.

Yin Zhu said that he was really afraid at the beginning. Sometimes habit is a good thing, just habit.

"You mean I'm hungry?" Yin Zhubai looks at Bai Kun.

"No, I don't dare. Thank you for not abandoning me." Bai Kun said with a smile.

"No way, my Bai Kun is a fox spirit. He is not a person in the daytime, but a spirit sucking spirit in the evening. If I don't show myself well in the daytime, I will not be able to do anything at night." Yin Zhu seldom teases Bai Kun.

Bai Kun didn't get angry when he heard this. Instead, he laughed happily, because he was a fox and Yin Zhu was praising himself. Originally, Bai Kun didn't care much about his appearance, but now he was fascinated by Yin Zhu because of his face. Now he wants to feel his face.

"Well, little lady, I'll wait for the fox spirit to seduce you tonight." Bai Kun deliberately blows in Yin Zhu's ear and says some provocative words.

As soon as Teng Xiao came back from hunting, he saw the two men scattering dog food. Teng Xiao said that they were really hard to hear, and he didn't think about whether he would be hurt. With Bai Kun, Yin Zhu's eyes were much less on the journey, which really made people uncomfortable.

When Yin Zhu saw Tengxiao coming back, he quickly climbed out of Bai Kun's arms, patted Bai Kun's hand, and then walked to the front of Tengxiao with a smile, "Tengxiao, I'll help you deal with the prey." Anyway, Yin Zhu has no way to tease one of his partners in front of another. He is shy or unwilling to stimulate Ning Wai.

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