There is a mess in the temple. Qingling doesn't care about the life or death of the people under her. Fuxiang has a headache at this time. At this time, she finally realizes the disadvantages of being in power. Now when she needs help and wants to discuss with Yin Zhu, she finds that she has no way to contact Yin Zhu. She wants to ask Qingling what is wrong What's the matter? You can see that Qingling doesn't even pay attention to Meiying. How can he care about her.

The temple is full of her power. It's not easy for her to find the place where she is now. It's really hard for Fu Xiang to give up. But now she can't bear the fog in the air, let alone go to the bottom of soul eating cliff to see what's going on. After thinking about it, Fu Xiang can only take people away. She's going to stay there for a while Yes, let's see the situation and try to contact Yin Zhu.

On the edge of soul eating cliff, Qingling looks at Shirley coldly at this time and says faintly: "let's go."

Shirley stepped back a few steps at this time, "no, no, no, I won't go down. This, this is a dead end."

Hearing this, Qingling sneered, "you don't have to install it for me. I don't believe you didn't feel the master's call. Now that you feel it, do you think you can escape? It's better to go down and see the master's plan now. "

When Shirley heard Qingling's words, she shook her head pale. "No, we used to win, and we can win now."

Qingling looks at Shirley sarcastically at this time. "You think you've calculated Qingyun. Why don't you think I'm going to trouble you? Because I know it's unnecessary, because someone will clean you up sooner or later. Qingyun is going to take that road, but it's just going a step earlier. It doesn't make any difference."

"You, don't scare me, Qingling. I know that Qingyun is dead. You are angry, but don't think that I will enter the trap you set up." Shirley yelled angrily.

"Well, do I have to deal with you like this? Before you can live, do you think you can live without me? Believe me or not, whatever. In fact, I have a lot of doubts in my heart, but I believe that when I go to the bottom of soul eating cliff, I will probably understand. Of course, I hope what I think is wrong. Let's go, and I won't force you. " Qingling sneered, and then jumped down to the soul eating cliff without hesitation.

Shirley had been worried that Qingling would force her to go down, but she didn't expect that Qingling would go down by herself.

Think of Qingling that is right and not, Shirley can't help but feel cold in her heart, and then turn around and run away quickly. This temple is too dangerous. She'd better leave early, but she always feels that one eye is staring at her, no matter how she runs away.

Shirley knows that she is influenced by Qingling's words. Although she is telling herself not to believe Qingling's words, she is more and more uneasy. Maybe Qingling is right, but compared with Qingling, Shirley knows that she doesn't have the courage and ability to face Qingling. Qingling dares to face it because Qingling is smart and has strength, But what she doesn't have, she can only escape from afar, although many times she knows that escape is only probation.

For master Shirley, there is only fear and fear. Five thousand years ago, she dared to calculate the beast God Wuji, which was produced in many situations. In the past, Qingling forced her, and the beast God also calculated her. Otherwise, how could she do it? Now no one forced her, so she naturally left quickly.

Qingling at this time of rapid landing, the closer to the bottom of the soul eating cliff, the greater her strength will be suppressed, even the original body injury will not be suppressed.

Qingling looked at his broken body with a bitter smile, and then he laughed, "master, I'm here, don't you come out? Unless you really want my life, master, and even my soul will dissipate like this. If you don't come out, master, my injured body will not be able to support me. "

At this time, Qingling, who was trembling because of the fire of destruction, stopped trembling because a layer of divine power had completely surrounded her. The wind generated by the fire of destruction no longer caused any damage to her.

"Shifu, I'm here. Shifu wants to hide me. Can't you see me?" Qingling light smile.

At this time, Qingling saw not far away a huge Hydra quickly came to him, saw the huge shadow of the hydra, Qingling wry smile, Hydra, unexpectedly not dead, not dead, also her master how can so easily die.

Think about the time when the God took the blood, everything was too smooth. Qingling saw the Hydra at this time. At this time, she had come to the front of her. Looking at the different faces on the hydra, Qingling couldn't help but close her eyes. As expected, it was right with her guess.

Clear you seriously look at the nine heads, there are already six clear faces on the nine heads, and three are blank. The above six faces are all familiar to her. Qingling can't help laughing when she sees them.

Qingyun, Bena, Sophie, Morrison, QingHan, and zhutou are her masters. As for the remaining three, Qingling knows that they should be hers, as well as Shirley and Yinzhu.

Of course, in addition to the main head, the remaining six heads are constantly shaking and struggling, obviously not willing to merge with the beast God in this way."Qingling, you are the smartest one of my disciples. How dare you come down by yourself? You are much smarter than that fool Shirley. In this case, do you come by yourself or wait for me?" No extremely light said.

Qingling looked at the original loving face, which would have become very indifferent. Qingling nodded and said, "I'll do it myself, but before I do this, I have a few questions to ask the master. I hope the master can answer them for me."

Wuji nodded at this time and said, "ask." For the cheerful people, she is willing to explain a few times.

"Shifu's body, at the beginning, I was quite sure that the one who killed Shifu at the beginning didn't even breathe. I don't know how Shifu hid it." Qingling is very curious to ask, cultivate to her that degree, can't judge wrong.

At this time, Wuji replied positively: "you are right. At the beginning, you did kill me, but I took the initiative to ask for death. My body at that time had problems because of swallowing the cold. At that time, my body was out of control, so I used your hands to completely destroy that body, or to free myself."

Hearing this, Qingling was silent for a while, and then said, "so Shifu's body was cultivated later, but I definitely destroyed your soul at that time, and I clearly felt the death of your soul."

Wuji laughed at this time, "you didn't feel wrong, right, at that time my soul was gone."

"No, you lie and your soul is gone. How can you be who you are now?" Qingling cried angrily.

"Why not? Look at me. " The beast God laughed at this time.

Qingling looked at the beast God, the nine headed snake and the nine headed snake very seriously at this time. Thinking of this, she looked at the beast God incredulously, "no, no, No Think of this Qingling, all feel that what you think in your mind should not, too should not.

"You're right. That's why I said you're the smartest of them. Now you can come back." No extremely light said.

Qingling laughed at this time. "It's like this. It's like this. I want to understand. I understand." Then she went to one of the remaining three without hesitation, and the snake head opened its huge mouth and swallowed Qingling directly. Then Qingling's face appeared vividly on the snake head.

"Elder martial sister, what do you understand. Elder martial sister, why don't you resist? " Beina, who is still struggling in pain, asks suspiciously. She can feel that Qingling really doesn't struggle, so she is swallowed up meekly. It's not her elder martial sister's temperament at all. It's not right.

"Bena, you are not better than struggling, and struggling is just to make yourself more painful. It's better to be good, and you can't escape. This is fate." Qingling light said.

"No, it's not. I want to help Yin Zhu. I brought Yin Zhu to this world. I want to help her." Said Bena aloud.

Qingling just shook his head lightly at this time, and then looked at the infinity of the Lord's head in a funny way, "see? Ha ha. "

"What are you laughing at? I'll be fine after a while." Wuji said faintly, and then looked up at the sky on the soul eating cliff, "I have left this world for too long. Many people in this world have forgotten my existence. I should go out for a walk and collect my things by the way."

As soon as the words fell, Wuji's huge body floated slowly at this time. Looking at the direction, it was clear that she was chasing Shirley.

Qingling saw the animal God's action, and did nothing. She just closed her eyes quietly and said nothing. As for the surrounding sisters groaning there, she didn't care. Her favorite sister, Qingyun, begged her to save her. She didn't respond. She just kept quiet and didn't know what she was thinking.

At this time, Yin Zhu has completely engulfed the soul of the original owner. After engulfing the soul of the original owner, Yin Zhu feels that her power is more powerful, even the divine power has increased a lot. Yin Zhu knows that as long as she practices for a few more months, she should be able to save Bai Kun.

Thinking of this, Yin Zhu was very happy. At this time, she clapped her hands and said, "let's go to the dark city to see if Leihe and his curse can be touched." With the magic power, Yin Zhu can't wait to help his partner relieve the pain.

As for the temple of the sun, it doesn't matter.

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