Bai Kun looked at Qingrong in dismay at this time, "brother Qingrong, have you misunderstood me? I didn't cheat you, really."

Qingrong heard that Bai Kun was still sophistry at this time. He was so angry that he made several fists at him. "You are still sophistry at this time. Do you think I'm a fool?"

Bai Kun will also react. It must be because the inexplicable wall blocks his way. Qingrong will turn around and say that he has cheated him. But what's the matter with the wall? Can it tell if he is a person in nightmare world? If that's true, it'll kill him.

But it's not right. He's a Meizu man and a nightmare man. He's just a bad talent nightmare man who has been left in the orc continent. He shouldn't be rejected by nightmare. Hell, what's wrong?

"Brother Qingrong, I really didn't cheat you. If you say I cheat you, you always have to tell me where I cheat you." Bai Kun tries to open his red and swollen eyes to Qingrong.

Qingrong will also remember that the boundary wall is a common sense that anyone in the nightmare world should know, but Bai Kun bumps into it. That is to say, if Bai Kun really doesn't know about the boundary wall, another possibility is that Bai Kun practices the reincarnation formula without knowing it, and then he is stopped by the boundary wall.

However, in either case, it shows that Bai Kun is not right. It can be said that people in the nightmare world all know about the boundary wall and Hanhai, and Bai Kun obviously knew nothing about Hanhai before. As for the reincarnation formula, people in the nightmare world all know it. Bai Kun can't practice the reincarnation formula unconsciously.

"You'd better tell me who you are, where you come from and what you want to do." Qingrong looks at baikun calmly. He always thinks that baikun has a conspiracy. Hanhai is in a mess, but nothing more can happen.

Bai Kun really wants to cry. He just wants to get some information and find Yin Zhu. He doesn't know where and how Yin Zhu is now, but he will be caught dead by Qingrong. It's impossible for him to escape.

"Say, don't say I'll kill you, I don't like to kill, but it doesn't mean I won't kill." Qingrong looks at Bai Kun's silence, and the whole person becomes very fierce. Even the empty hand is holding a sharp blade.

Bai Kun believes that the blade can easily pierce his heart and cut off his head. Before Qingrong, he had the heart to bear with him, but it will not.

"Don't, brother Qingrong, don't, I really don't have any malice. I'm a lost man, and I want to ask you for directions. I said before that I came here for no reason, and I was sent here." Bai Kun hastens to stop Qingrong.

"Where were you before, and where did you send it to Hanhai? You'd better give me a clear answer. If the answer makes me dissatisfied, I'll point my knife directly at your head and think about it. I don't have much time to play with you." Qingrong said coldly, not polite at all.

Bai Kun knows that this man is not so easy to deceive. After all, he asked a lot of common sense questions before. These things are not what normal nightmare people should ask. If he doesn't give a reasonable reason, Qingrong will not let him go.

Bai Kun gritted his teeth and said, "my name is Bai Kun. I'm the Meizu from the orc continent, that is, the people left in the orc continent by the nightmare world. Now there are only more than 200 people left in the orc continent, and I can't live any longer. I inadvertently found the knowledge about my ancestors and wanted to find out if I could find a way to glorify the race. Then I found the so-called ancestral land Somehow it's sent here, that's it. "

Seeing that Qingrong seemed to believe what he said, Bai Kun said, "as soon as I came here, I appeared in Hanhai. I thought I could find good things in my ancestral land, but I came back to the nightmare world. There are too few things I know about the nightmare world. I don't understand many of them. I don't even understand why those people outside attack people so crazily. You are good, so I'm sorry It's up to you. I just want to get some information and think about how to go back. I really don't have any intrigue. My strength is so low. What can I do for you? As long as you don't want to, you can turn around and leave. What can I do for you? " Bai Kun whispered.

"You said you came from the orc continent?" Qingrong looks at baikun in shock.

"Yes." Bai Kun didn't dare to mention Yin Zhu. He took everything to himself, hoping Qingrong would let him go.

Qingrong looked at Bai Kun seriously and said with a complicated look: "what can you prove that you are from the orc continent? You don't think you want me to believe in your empty words!" In fact, Qingrong society has already believed Bai Kun's words, and only the nightmares from the orc mainland don't know anything common sense. He only wants certificates and just talks about them casually. After all, for many years, he has never heard of the news about the orc mainland, let alone someone coming over there.

Certificate? Bai Kun will frown and look at Qingrong, and then think what can prove his identity? At this time, he directly took out the totem stone hidden behind his cloak, "this is the totem stone of our tribe, can you prove it?"

Qingrong had been attracted by the totem stone. After a while, he trembled and stretched out his hand, carefully checked the totem stone, and then said: "is this thing called totem stone in your place?"Bai Kun nodded, "well, what's your name?"

"Soul stone." Qingrong said very seriously.

"I just found out that this soul stone has a master. You are his master." Qingrong looks at baikun with a smile.

Bai Kun saw that Qingrong was smiling so kindly that he snatched the totem stone. It was related to his life, so he couldn't ask others to take it away. "This is mine." Bai Kun doesn't know why Qingrong says that he is the owner of the totem stone, zhenhun stone. Just listening to it, he knows that it's a treasure. Qingrong doesn't like his totem stone.

Seeing Bai Kun's action, Qingrong couldn't help but smile, "don't worry, I don't want your zhenhun stone, but zhenhun stone is a very important treasure. You should put it away first. Next time you can't show it to others, OK?"

Qingrong looks at baikun carrying the zhenhun stone on his back. He can't help but draw a corner of his mouth. "You can get the zhenhun stone into your mind. You don't have to carry it like this."

When Bai Kun heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then said, "how do you accept it? Do all of you have soul stones? "

Qingrong's mouth is even worse when he hears this. The boy must be lucky to get the zhenhun stone. Zhenhun stone, such a treasure, he just heard of it. It's the first time he's seen it. He just heard that zhenhun stone can be put into his mind. He doesn't know how to take it.

A person with a soul stone and a clean background doesn't need to worry about any conspiracy. Such a person should turn him back to his tribe.

"Zhenhun stone is hard to get from immortals. It's not a commodity. Everyone has it. Even I don't know how to collect zhenhun stone. You can carry it first." Qingrong smiles, pats Bai Kun on the shoulder and says, "Bai Kun, I can tell you that after you come to the nightmare world, I'm afraid you can't go back. Do you have any plans or a place to stay? If you really don't have a place to go, follow me first. Otherwise, with your strength, you will die if you don't understand and love to mess about. "

Clearly want to turn people to their own tribe, but just say a look of mercy, this is only Qingrong.

Bai Kun is glad to hear this. Qingrong is not bad, and he doesn't rob him because of the precious totem stone. Now he really knows nothing about the nightmare world. He really needs a guide. Qingrong is obviously very suitable. At least he doesn't have to worry about stabbing Qingrong in the back.

As for Qingrong's excited appearance after seeing the totem stone, Bai Kun is also looking at it. It seems that the totem stone is really valuable in the nightmare world. For Qingrong to invite him and him, it's obvious that he can bring benefits to each other. Only in this way, Bai Kun won't refuse. Bai Kun is most worried that he will be abandoned because he is useless.

"OK, then I'll thank elder brother Qingrong." Bai Kun said thanks with a smile.

Later, Qingrong leads Bai Kun back to their tribe. Along the way, Bai Kun also begins to ask Qingrong how he found himself abnormal.

Later, Bai Kun knew that the nightmare world had been divided into two parts. One part was the normal nightmare people, who lived on the land, and the other part was the people who had practiced the reincarnation formula, who lived in the Hanhai sea. There was a boundary wall between the Hanhai sea and the land. Only the Terrans could walk through the boundary wall at will, while the people who had practiced the reincarnation formula on the land could go to the Hanhai sea, but they could not return Go, that is to say, for those who have practiced the formula of reincarnation, the boundary wall is one-way and cannot go back.

But he didn't practice any reincarnation formula, but he was planned to be in this category. Is it because of divine punishment? Another is that it is clear that he is controlled by the totem stone, but now Qingrong says that the totem stone is his, which has a lot to do with it. When you look back, you must see what the reincarnation formula is.

With the chat between Bai Kun and Qingrong, Bai Kun knows more about the situation of the vast sea. He will finally understand the reason why people attack him along the way. People who have practiced reincarnation formula will slowly lose themselves and become very crazy. Before, those who attacked him on the sea are all those who have lost their minds. Those who are not the craziest are even crazier Crazy people have been sealed, and zhenhun stone is a legendary deity, which can keep the last light in the heart when satiating the crazy people. So it is called zhenhun stone.

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