Then Qingrong introduced several friends to Bai Kun. They are Lvzhu, Lanxia and HuangFei. They all have a good relationship with Qingrong. It can be said that they are the same as brothers. Seeing Qingrong recommending Bai Kun like this, they naturally get close to Bai Kun. As long as he has a heart, they will not get along with each other. After a while, five of them have been together Brothers are as good as a family.

Qingrong will make an appointment with Bai Kun to go to Shushi in a few days, and buy something by the way.

Originally, it's not like this, but now Bai Kun's identity is different, so for the sake of safety, we'd better take more people. Moreover, even now Qingrong doesn't know whether Bai Kun has practiced the reincarnation formula, whether he can be reborn or not. In case of an accident, he can't bear the consequences.

These brothers are the people he absolutely trusts. Qingrong will show that he doesn't know whether he is good or bad when he meets baikun.

Green bamboo several for Qingrong requirements feel a little surprised, but see Qingrong stressed several times, they know, this thing should be what have to do, please let not say, they also don't ask, good to their degree, don't need to ask so clear.

Bai Kun also took a close look at these people. Among them, LAN Xia is the most powerful and Huang Fei is the weakest. However, Huang Fei's mouth is the most eloquent and lively. Seeing how Qingrong and these people speak skillfully, Bai Kun knows that these people have a good relationship.

After a walk here, Qingrong takes baikun to see Qingyi, the eldest of the clan. Qingyi is a man who looks like he is in his fifties. He has a gentleness of years that no one else has.

Green Wing see white Kun when faint smile, "looks very beautiful, no wonder can enter the eyes of purple sacrifice, your things your master told me, you are a disciple of purple sacrifice, I have nothing to ask you, what you need to tell Qingrong, what needs also directly said, can give you I will give you."

"Thank you, patriarch." Bai Kun sincerely thanks, which is the advantage of backstage. He didn't see the patriarch's unnecessary words and didn't ask. He also said what he wanted.

It seems that master cheap's status in kuihai tribe is far from comparable to that of a priest. It's also the strength of Ziji. I'm afraid it's a transcendent status in any tribe.

"Don't thank me. It's OK. You can go." Green Wing sent Bai Kun away with the fastest speed.

Bai Kun thought the patriarch would ask him a few questions, but he sent him away when he saw him. It's so simple.

Looking at Bai Kun going out, Qingyi can't help but feel relieved. Fortunately, he left directly. He was really afraid that the ancestor would ask for something from him. When there was more, he was not willing to give. It was not good not to give. It seemed that this man was very modest. Knowing that he had no contribution to kuihai tribe, he didn't dare to give anything.

As for the origin of baikun, Ziji also told Qingyi that his special identity really made Qingyi remember. Of course, Qingyi also knew that baikun's special origin must be of great use to Ziji. He didn't want to know anything. His only requirement for Ziji was not to involve kuihai tribe. Ziji agreed.

I don't know what this person will do next. Forget it, he is naturally timid and has no big ideal. It's better to be a shrinking head turtle because he doesn't know anything.

Qingrong sees that even the patriarch doesn't care about baikun's affairs. She feels flustered and some of them are not good. Does she know too much.

Bai Kun probably saw Qingrong's uneasiness and could not help saying, "elder brother Qingrong, you are the first person I know in the nightmare world. You are very kind to me. In my heart, you are my elder brother."

Bai Kun is in an Qingrong's heart. He looks at Qingrong as a relative. Qingrong is overjoyed to hear this and embraces Bai Kun's shoulder, "good brother."

"Then you go back to ask the priest if you agree to go to shsh. I'll prepare some things first and pack up some things that will be taken to shsh." Qingrong tells Bai Kun to return to the place where he lived before and then slips away.

Qingrong knows very well that if she wants to live for a long time, it's better not to inquire about the secrets about her position. Sometimes it's better for people to live a simple and stupid life, at least happy, and not so uneasy as now.

But now that he has known Bai Kun, he has promised to accompany him to hush. This must be done. As for the later, if the priest wants him to stay away from Bai Kun, he will stay away. If the priest wants him to be around Bai Kun, he will listen to the priest's words, and don't think about the others. That is the best way for him.

"Well, I'll go and ask." Bai Kun replied with a smile. He also wanted to ask what he meant by the strange divine inscription he found on the other side of the altar yesterday.

"Coming?" Bai Kun came to Wenkou of Ziji, and there came the voice of Ziji.

Bai Kun said that there is such a master who can be foreseen anytime and anywhere. He has no choice but to be surprised.

"You'll find the problem very quickly and observe it very carefully." Ziji will smile at baikun.

"Master, since you know the question I want to ask, can you answer it for me?" Bai Kun asked urgently."Ask." Ziji said calmly.

"Master, I don't know what I want to ask?" Bai Kun asked curiously.

When Ziji heard this, he reached out and tapped baikun's head with his fingers. "You can do anything when you are a priest. You can even guess from your heart. I can only count that you have found a question and want to ask me. I don't know what kind of question you have. If you know everything, I will be invincible in the world."

Bai Kun also nodded with emotion when he heard this. If Ziji didn't know anything, what else would she do? "Master, I found that the Runes of the altars in the two worlds are different yesterday. Why is that?" Bai Kun asked the question directly.

Ziji's face changed when he heard this, "what are you talking about? You said you saw that the runes on the altars in Orc land and nightmare land were different? "

"Can you write that different Rune?" Asked Ziji.

Bai Kun also thinks that this should be the key. However, the rune Bai Kun clearly remembers in his mind. When he thinks about it, he can remember it. However, when he is ready to write it, he finds that he can't write it. Bai Kun is shocked. For the first time, he finds that even if he knows something, he can't write it.

Looking at Bai Kun's sweating, Ziji suddenly asked, "is there no way to write it?"

"If you can't write it, the runes on the altar are originally given by the way of heaven. It can be said that they are natural runes. Naturally, you can't write them as a mortal." Ziji said with emotion.

"Well, I'll take you to the altar and show you then." Bai Kun said excitedly.

Ziji shook his head and said, "no, it's useless, because everyone's eyes see different runes. This should be your chance. You can't tell me, but it's up to you to guess what the runes mean."

When Bai Kun heard this, he couldn't help but become a bitter gourd. He thought Ziji could help him to solve his doubts, but he found that Ziji couldn't either. It was hard to find something, but he found that it couldn't be used.

To tell the truth, there are a lot of runes above that Bai Kun doesn't know what they mean. Now it's even harder to guess that.

"Well, this can't be solved for a while and a half. Guess when you have time. Is there anything else?" Asked Ziji.

"Master, I'm going to go with Qingrong in two days." Bai Kun's tone was calm. He had to go, just to inform Ziji.

"Well, I want to send a message to your partner, right? Go ahead, but I can tell you, your partner doesn't arrive so soon." Ziji said with a smile. She could guess Bai Kun's anxious state of mind, so she didn't stop him.

Bai Kun couldn't help laughing when he heard this. It seems that he didn't want to get together with Yin Zhu so soon.

"By the way, master, can you calculate whether my other brothers are safe?" What Bai Kun will ask is the safety of Tengxiao and Leihe.

"Your brothers? They're tied up with your partner, and then you'll meet in the nightmare world. " Ziji said directly.

Bai Kun is very happy to hear this. It shows that Tengxiao and Leihe are not in danger. Will they have reached the nightmare world? It's good news. He has been worried about Tengxiao and Leihe.

Ziji didn't explain much when she saw that baikun was happy. Anyway, she didn't say that those people had a good life, but it's true that they can't die. As long as baikun and his partner continue to walk on, they can always meet, and there's nothing wrong with what she said.

"Well, let's go if there's nothing else." The purple sacrifice orders the guests directly.

Bai Kun nods and leaves. En, they are not like the apprentices, because Ziji only answers questions for Bai Kun, and other medical reforms don't care. Don't you see that Bai Kun drives people away after asking questions?

Bai Kun is planning to go to Hushi to do something. Although he says he can't meet Yin Zhu for the time being, when he comes to that market, he can have a good look at the news.

Anyway, even if it's useless, he's easy to do it. If he doesn't do anything, he's very upset.

Besides, Ziji's calculation may not be all right. Yin Zhu has a saying that many things are possible after they are done. If you don't do them, you may not have them at all. What if he can get information from Yin Zhu? What's more, it's a trade between the two circles. I'm afraid there will be all kinds of goods there. Maybe there's something he can use.

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