Yin Zhu and Bai Yan will be together. They have already crossed the plain to the mangyuan tribe.

"Yin Zhu, you see, we don't know what happened to Zichen now, so we don't want to show our identity first. Let's look at the situation first. Is it feasible?" Bai Yangui put forward her own opinions.

When he didn't know Zichen's purpose, Bai Yangui would take Yinzhu's interests first. If Zichen's purpose was beneficial to the whole world and his family, he could only say sorry to Yinzhu at that time. Of course, he would not deal with Yinzhu. Anyway, he was not bad for himself. At that time, he could only stand by My conscience.

He has a good feeling for Yin Zhu, but there is no way to compare all this with the interests of the whole nation. Besides, he is not an individual. He has been in bad health since he was a child. He has gained many benefits from the tribe. Now, Huang Yan has a purpose to let him follow Yin Zhu.

"Good." Yin Zhu nodded, she won't be so reckless, purple Chen is what kind of person, she still don't know how can be rash to know.

"What's more, you said that your contract should belong to Zichen. Now we are going to the mangyuan tribe. Would you try to feel Zichen's existence?" Bai Yangui thinks that since she wants to hide in Zichen, she always has to try whether the so-called contract still exists or not. Otherwise, Yin Zhu is a living icon. It's useless to hide.

The normal contract can sense the contractor, but because Yin Zhu's contract is only one third, and it is still from others, and it has been moved three times, no one knows what the contract is for.

Yin Zhu tried to communicate with his own spirit, and found that the contract was useless and had no connection. He could not feel the slightest bit of it.

"I can't feel it, but maybe Zichen has a special way to feel it." Yin Zhu thought, for the moment, she didn't feel that the contract had any influence on her, but Zichen borrowed so much money to make this contract useless.

Maybe it's just to locate her. Yin Zhu turns his head to see Bai Yangui at this time, "what should I do?"

"First, you use your mental strength to separate the contract, and then when we go to the Castle Peak tribe next to the mangyuan tribe, we will stop and wait until we find out. Is it feasible for us to go to the mangyuan tribe?" Bai Yangui put forward his own opinions.

"OK, I don't mind. Thank you for reminding me." Without Bai Yangui's reminding of the contract, Yin Zhu would have forgotten about it.

Bai Yangui wants to say that you are welcome. He only does things by heart. When Yin Zhu's interests conflict with his tribe's personal interests, his choice will make Yin Zhu sad. So he will help Yin Zhu as much as possible when he can be good to him and help him.

Of course, even if Bai Yangui doesn't mention it, Yin Zhu will try to avoid Zichen first. How can he understand the purpose of Zichen's going to the orc world? Otherwise, he might just bump into someone else's trap.

Yin Zhu took a look at the location of the Castle Peak tribe. To the west of the mangyuan tribe, Bai Yangui said that it was a small tribe. There were not many people in the tribe. It was only an hour's journey to the mangyuan tribe, which was very close.

"Let's go to the Castle Peak tribe." With a wave of his hand, Yin Zhu set out.

What Yin Zhu didn't know was that Zichen, who was transparent in the mangyuan tribe, would touch her forehead and heart and say to a young looking man sitting in front of her: "master, the person we are waiting for is coming." This purple Chen is clear just a soul body, purple Chen unexpectedly did not have entity.

However, normally speaking, if the people of Xi nationality want to exist with soul body, shouldn't they practice reincarnation formula? Can this purple Chen how can use soul body to stay in the nightmare boundary mainland this side, really strange.

"Well, it's good to be here. We have been preparing for this for thousands of years, and we should be here." Bai Ji said, clearly very young, that pair of eyes is very vicissitudes.

"Zichen, I made you look like this. Can you blame me?" Bai Ji reaches out his hand and gently touches Zichen's head. At this time, Zichen, who was originally a soul body, actually slowly solidifies and has a body.

Zichen shook his head hastily. "I don't hate it. I'm willing to sacrifice for my people. It's my luckiest thing."

"Well, if you don't blame me." Bai Ji said with emotion, then looked up at the distant sky.

"Well, I'm going to meet our distinguished guest. She's coming soon. If we're not enthusiastic, I'm afraid the guests will dislike us and then won't come." Bai Ji smiles, then turns and steps out.

Purple Chen sees this to shake head to sit down, what all didn't say, own master came out, no matter that Yin Zhu is willing to come of, always will come of.

Yin Zhu and Bai Yangui were stopped by a very young looking man before they could get to the Castle Peak tribe. "Since the guests are here for Zichen, why don't they go to the mangyuan tribe?"

Yin Zhu and Bai Yangui's face will change greatly. Yin Zhu thinks that the news of his coming here has not been leaked out, and this person knows his identity at once. Is that the reason for the contract? She wrapped the contract layer upon layer with her mental strength, but she didn't expect to be discovered. Yin Zhu didn't know how they felt it. Normally, if they wanted to feel it, they would send out radio waves. Unfortunately, Yin Zhu didn't see any abnormality."Are you Zichen?" Bai Yangui would ask curiously. Of course, what surprised him even more was that the man in front of him felt very weak. His strength was just like him, very weak.

"No, I'm not Zichen. My name is Baiji." Bai Ji said with a smile.

Bai Yangui's face changed when he heard this. The famous Bai Ji, even though he looks very weak now, no one dares to look down on him.

When Yin Zhu saw that Bai Yangui's face had changed greatly, he knew that the identity of the man in front of him was not ordinary.

"What do you want to do?" Bai Yangui unconsciously uses honorifics.

"Don't worry, what didn't I want to do? Just want to talk to you? How can you go to mangyuan tribe with me? I promise that no one will hurt you when you go, and no one will imprison you. You just listen to me. You can leave if you want and stay if you want? How about it? " Baiji is laughing.

Yin Zhu looked at Bai Yangui uncertainly at this time. Bai Yangui nodded at this time definitely, "master Bai Ji never lies. He can still believe what he says."

What else can Yin Zhu do when he hears this? This person has come here to invite her and promised not to hurt her. He just wants to talk to her. Can she refuse? Even if not reconciled, Yin Zhu still keeps up with Bai Ji.

"Yin Zhu, what do you think of the nightmare world?" Bai Ji asked faintly. He called Yin Zhu's name directly. It seemed that he was familiar with Yin Zhu.

Maybe the puzzled expression on Yin Zhu's face was too obvious. Bai Ji rarely explained, "my disciple Zichen told me, so I know your name."

Zichen's master? The legendary master of genius, no wonder Bai Yangui is so respectful. He really has no chance to escape.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Yin Zhu is very curious. What should such a person say to himself? She seems to have no calculation, just chat with her, Yin Zhu doesn't believe it, OK?

"Just talk about it. What do you think of the nightmare world and the people in it?" At this time, Bai Ji repeated the question that Yin Zhu had not answered before.

"The nightmare world is amazing, and so are the people here." This nightmare world is far from where she lived. If there is a bit of mythology in the orc world, there will be a lot of mythology in this nightmare world, especially in the Xi people. After practicing the reincarnation formula, they can live forever, which is more like a myth.

"Compared with the orcs?" Baiji asked again.

"People on this side of the nightmare world are stronger." Yin Zhu said impolitely.

Bai Ji shook his head and said, "the Xi people are not powerful. We only rely on the accumulation of time and space. In a short time, the orcs will be even stronger than us."

"What do you want to ask? May I ask you a few questions? " Yin Zhu can't help asking back at this time.

"Of course." Bai Ji answered without hesitation.

"Zichen is your disciple. Do you know what he did in the orc world?" Yin Zhu tilted his head and looked at Bai Ji.

"Of course I know. I told him to do those things, so I know very well." Bai Ji said without hesitation.

Yin Zhu's face turned black when she heard this. She looked at Bai Ji angrily. "Why do you do that? Why do you destroy the civilization of the orcs for thousands of years? Do you know how many orcs starve and freeze to death every year because of the things Zichen does? There is no hatred between the orcs and the satis. Why should they start a struggle between them? "

"The struggle between the two ethnic groups? No, it's too serious. I didn't want to do that. " Bai Ji explained with a smile.

"No? You can say you don't want to, but that's what you're doing. " Yin Zhu was very angry. What did Bai Ji want to do and why did he kill so many people.

"Well, if you want to think like this, I have no way. Don't you want such an answer after Zichen? When I'm in the tribe, I'll tell you the cause and effect of all things. Then you can tell me what to do if you are in my position. Let's go. " Probably because of Yin Zhu's angry appearance, Bai Ji didn't explain any more.

Bai Yangui's face is very bad. These things are not done by Zichen, but by Bai Ji. I'm afraid that the development of things will go according to the worst situation he expected. What should he do?

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