"Well, you can make other guests laugh. I'm fine." Leihe managed to coax Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu just reflected that she was followed by a large audience. She was a little embarrassed at this meeting. Yin Zhu quickly pulled tengxi and Tengcheng, "come on, this is your father Leihe."

Leihe looked at tengxiteng two in surprise at this time. He thought Yin Zhu was very anxious to find the two children. If Teng an didn't say they were OK, he was afraid that Yin Zhu would be crazy at that time.

No wonder they kept looking for it at that time, but there was no news at all. It turns out that Teng Xi and Teng Cheng went to the nightmare world. No wonder they couldn't find it.

"Good boy, you are so old. Tengxiao will be very happy to see you two." Reich reached over the heads of the two children.

Tengxi Tengcheng also said hello to Leihe cleverly. As for the people behind Yinzhu, they will turn around and walk away one by one. Then Yinzhu will have no time to take care of them. Give Yinzhu some private space and come back to find Yinzhu in the afternoon.

Bai Yangui slowly left at this time. Seeing Yin Zhu's appearance, he knew that Yin Zhu had a deep relationship with his partner. Sure enough, he thought that there was no way for him to love others, because he could not put his partner first in any situation. The most he could do was not to be ungrateful, so he could only be a friend, not a partner.

Of course, he was a little disappointed, but he would not be too disappointed, because what he wanted at the beginning was a friend. Thinking of Bai Yangui, he slowly kept up with Bai Ji and went out.

About an hour later, Yin Zhu and Leihe had two children chatting. At this time, Tengxiao came back.

Tengxiao looks at Yin Zhu sitting there chatting and the two teenagers who obviously have their own blood traction. He is so excited that he can't take out the things in his hand. He just throws them away and hugs Yin Zhu. "Yin Zhu, I'm not dazzled. It's really you. How do you find this side?"

"Sit down first. You're tired when you go out. Have a drink and take a breath." Yin Zhu gets Tengxiao a glass of water. Looking at Tengxiao sitting beside him, Yin Zhu uses his hand as a comb to smooth Tengxiao's messy hair.

Tengxiao naturally feels Yin Zhu's action. His original excited heart will gradually calm down.

"Yin Zhu, how did you get here?" Tengxiao asked again at this time, this dark abyss is not a good place, and another is that the dark abyss came in, and it's not easy to go out.

"Yin Zhuxian simply summed up what happened here, and then asked Tengxiao about their energy." Yin Zhu can also see that Tengxiao's state is not very good. It should be that he is not well with injuries. He is just a little better than Leihe.

Tengxiao and Leihe heard Yin Zhu ask about what happened after the separation, and they told them what happened after one by one.

At the beginning, they were really ready to stop Wuji and QingHan, so they both had powerful moves. Whatever secret method was useful, they could use it as they wanted. They didn't consider the consequences at all. However, QingHan didn't seem to want their lives. In this way, they were forced into the nightmare world.

But as soon as they enter the nightmare world, they enter the dark abyss. As for why they appear here, Tengxiao can't understand.

Tengxiao has been here for such a long time, and some rules have been found. For example, in the dark abyss, there are some people who practice reincarnation, and there are also some powerful orcs who are completely beast like. He and reih do not belong here. Reih belongs to the sober ORC. According to those people, he should appear in the vast sea until he is completely out of control He will enter the dark abyss, but he is not in any condition, should appear in the land side of the Xi nationality. Of course, Tengxiao has a guess that the reason why they entered the nightmare world at the beginning was not through the teleportation array, but their attack of Wuji and QingHan opened a crack in the array, and then they fell here.

And Tengxiao went out to inquire. When they came here, they took in two people who wanted to be crazy. One was the one who had practiced the reincarnation formula, and the other was the nine headed snake ORC. It should sound like limitless and cold.

Because of Leihe's body and Tengxiao's own injuries, Tengxiao can't take Leihe out alone, especially after seeing the crazy fighting power of the Xi people. Tengxiao can't help but temporarily settle down in the dark abyss. He planned to wait for his body to recover and go out to find Yinzhu. He didn't expect Yinzhu to find them faster.

Yin Zhu had a good chat with them for a while, and then Yin Zhu quickly got some food. After eating these things, she had to go to see Qiao Nuo. As Bai Ji said before, even Qiao Nuo was here, but Bai Kun, the smartest, had no news yet.

But Bai Kun is the smartest. Yin Zhu doesn't worry about him very much. If he wants to, this guy will surely be able to make a living in Xi nationality.

As for the things Baiji said, Yin Zhu also told Tengxiao Leihe. Leihe couldn't help thinking at this time, "do you say Baiji wants you to go back to your original world?"This time, it's not Yinzhu's spiritual journey back, but he goes back with the entity. Leihe can't help but frown when he hears this, "it's not so easy for Yinzhu to cross a world. To put it most simply, our Orc world and the nightmare clan belong to the same world. When we go to the nightmare world, we are all hated because we can't have enough mental power, so we'll adapt slowly. You need to wear it The more a world there is, the more pain we have to bear in the middle of it. We can't easily agree to this. " What's more, they don't know whether what Bai Ji said is true or false. Lei he is worried about Yin Zhu's safety.

What Leihe and Tengxiao don't tell Yin Zhu is that they are not very energetic. They suddenly come to fight the nightmare world, especially the moon at night. The dark abyss is the thickest place of the moon. Even there is a little bit in the air during the day. At the beginning, their heads seem to explode every day, and they are in agony Rolling on the ground all the time, otherwise Tengxiao's injury would not be healed in a few months. He didn't tell Tengxiao that he didn't want Yin Zhu to shed tears. If Yin Zhu knew they had suffered so much, he would be sad. Anyway, it was all over.

"Well, I haven't agreed yet. Even if I want to go, I'll discuss it with the four of you." Yin Zhu patted Leihe's hand to reassure him that he would not make a decision easily.

As for what killed Wuji and cold revenge before, it has been ignored by Yin Zhu.

In the afternoon, Yin Zhu had a rest after eating, and Bai Ji came. Yin Zhu was too lazy to talk nonsense, "didn't you say that my other partner was here? Anyone here? How can I beg you to see it? "

Bai Ji looks at Yin Zhu calmly. Yin Zhu is really rude, but who told him to calculate a big circle? Yin Zhu is angry, and he should be.

"There's something wrong with that Jono. We suppressed him in the bottom stone room, so you'd better go and see for yourself." Bai Ji thought for a while and said.

Tengxiao's face is not very good. After staying in the dark abyss for so long, Tengxiao knows that the more serious it is, the deeper the place where people are suppressed. That is to say, Jono's situation is very serious now.

"Go, lead the way." Hear Bai Ji say that Qiao Nuo is not very good, Yin Zhu where there is spare time with her ghost talk.

Baiji hurried to lead the way in front, and a dozen people followed him.

Then, when Yin Zhu rushed to the stone chamber of Jono on the last floor, he saw that the lute bones on both sides of Jono were passed through with iron chains, and his hands and feet were even locked with iron chains. He was hanging there, almost motionless.

"Jono, Jono, what's the matter with you?" Yin Zhu ran forward anxiously.

"What has Jono done? You should do this to Jono. Put the people down." Yin Zhu cried in a hurry.

Bai Ji stopped in front of Yin Zhu at this time. "No, do you remember the goddess Mengji I said before? Your partner, like the goddess Mengji, has two souls in his body. Now he wakes up the powerful evil soul, especially after absorbing the power of Yuehua, he is afraid to be a devil. "

"Evil spirit? You fart, Jono is fine, and so is Kim. You put people down for me. " Yin Zhu, the two souls of Qiao Nuo's body, knows it. Just before Xiao Jin fell asleep, he thought Xiao Jin couldn't wake up, but he didn't expect to wake up when he came to the nightmare world.

"Tengxiao, help me put down Xiaojin." Yin Zhu looked at his white sacrifice and asked for help.

Baiji also wants to stop. Yinzhu will simply say, "Baiji, get out of the way, or don't blame me for turning over. I know that there are two souls in Jono's body. No matter Jono or Xiaojin, they are my friends. Xiaojin is very good. They won't be any demons. Not everyone has demons in their hearts, they will become demons."

Tengxiao knows Xiaojin. He is very clear that Xiaojin has a little temper, but he will never be a devil. He should not be treated like this.

Tengxiao comes forward to help directly, but baiji is silent. Does Yin Zhu know the double souls of this man's body? But that soul clearly feels negative, and the power of collection is also negative. He is very fast and powerful, which is the same as Mengji's Mingming.

But Bai Ji hesitated for a while. Yinzhu and Tengxiao had already opened the iron chain that bound Xiaojin's limbs. Xiaojin slowly opened his eyes. When he saw Yinzhu standing in front of him, he grinned, "Yinzhu, you're here."

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