Early the next day, Bai Ji brings several guardians of the dark abyss to Yin Zhu's house. Yin Zhu's family is ready to go out.

"Take me to Wuji and QingHan." As for Meng Ji, Yin Zhu wants to see them, but since Yin Zhu wants to find out the truth, he can't sacrifice everything to them, otherwise what he sees is not what he wants.

"Let's go." Bai Ji said, Yin Zhu will find that Bai Ji's side has a young and beautiful young man, who she didn't see yesterday.

Bai Ji takes people around and comes to a stone house. Yin Zhu finds that the dark abyss is very big, but there are few normal people living in it. They are basically people who have lost their mind.

"Yin Zhu, this is the person you want." Yin Zhu nodded, then pushed the door open and went in.

Just after entering the door, Yin Zhu could not help but frown when he saw Wuji and QingHan, because QingHan had become a dying old woman at this time. As for Wuji, the nine snake heads were drooping. I don't know why. It seemed that the nine heads were beginning to merge, but they didn't merge completely. The faces on the nine heads were all puffing, which made them look very beautiful They are dazzled and look startling. Like Jono before, they are bound there, and they have runes to extract their power.

"Wuji, QingHan, I've come to see you. I'm afraid you didn't think of your end." Yin Zhu said lightly.

There was still a lot to say. This will see the two. Yin Zhu knows that there is no need to say a lot of things. She just has a few doubts that she has not made clear. Just make sure.

At this time, QingHan slowly looked up and looked at Yin Zhu standing in front of him. He couldn't help laughing, and then said in a very indifferent tone: "long ago, thousands of years ago when I betrayed my master, I knew that I would not have a good end, Zichen? Zichen, why don't you dare to see me, Zichen? "

QingHan's eyes went directly through Yinzhu and looked at the outside of the stone house. Obviously, she didn't want to explain at all, and she didn't want to talk to Yinzhu, just wanted to talk to Zichen.

"Where is Zichen?" Yin Zhu turned around and asked. At this time, the young man who followed Bai Ji stood up.

Yin Zhu looked at this man carefully. It's true that he is a beautiful man. No wonder he can endure the cold and do so much for him.

"Zichen, don't you have anything to say to me?" Cold and quiet said.

"I'm sorry, QingHan, I'm sorry." Zichen looked at cold eyes empty, as if nothing worth her attention, he couldn't help feeling heartache.

"I'm sorry?" QingHan couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"I've been thinking about how Shifu and I got to this point. You can't help it." At this time, QingHan turned his head and looked at the muddled Wuji. Tears fell down drop by drop. "In my life, the most sorry thing is Shifu, Yinzhu. Do you come here to want the truth, or are you with them?"

"Nature is the truth." Yin Zhu said in a calm voice.

QingHan sighed and said, "thousands of years ago, I was lured into the Yanzu. You know, at that time, the Xizu was in a mess. As soon as I entered the Xizu, I met Zichen. Then he protected me and took care of me all the way. Slowly, I fell in love with Zichen. But even if I like Zichen, I still want to go home. After all, the Xizu is not my home. What's the difference in living habits Too many, too many, so I try my best to go back. For this reason, Zichen's life and death only meant that the soul became a contract with me and came back to the orc continent with me. At that time, I was heartbroken because I wanted to go home and hurt Zichen. Now I think that all the love and sacrifice are arranged and calculated by others. "

After taking a breath, QingHan continued, "I think my lover is dead. I want to make my lover live like crazy. Then Zichen says that his soul will disappear slowly. For this reason, I specially made a piece of jade that can raise the soul and put Zichen in it. Zichen says that he can also lend his spiritual strength to the orcs by contract, and the orcs will worship him He said, "this is the origin of totem stone."

"However, it's not enough to have totem stone. That's just to ensure Zichen's immortality. I want a real lover."

"Zichen said that our world is flawed, even if regeneration is just like that to him. Zichen told me that for the sake of the rest of our life, we are going to the kingdom of God. He said that the satis have found the place of the kingdom of God, but there is a strong seal there. We can't break the seal between the two worlds. For this reason, I found Shifu, who has always wanted to further protect us You orcs think that if you become a God, you can take some things from the kingdom of God to change the lives of orcs. Shifu doesn't know. He thinks that there are many good things in the kingdom of God, but they don't have any. I know that those people are in the Shizu. Shifu wants to go to the kingdom of God, but he can't go at all. None of us can open the seal of the kingdom of God, and in order to find out the kingdom of God Where the seal is, I say that I am the destiny of heaven. I can feel the seal of the kingdom of God. Zichen actually told me where the seal is, which should be calculated by those people. Then, Yin Zhu, you know, we didn't have enough strength, so we killed the orc people in the mainland with blood sacrifice, opened the gap of space, and got our own separation in the past, and took Yin Zhu away You've been brought here. In fact, at the beginning, we thought about our past, but we couldn't get through it. I know very well that if I dare to try, I will die. ""It's been thousands of years without any movement. I'm going to be disappointed. Then you come back, Yin Zhu. I'm so excited. Zichen tells me that you are the soul of a different world. Go back and use your soul to open the way, so that we can take the opportunity to escape to the legendary heaven."

"Then why did you send me back to the nightmare world?" Asked Yin Zhu.

"I didn't want to send you back to the nightmare world. It's Zichen's hands and feet. Even my master and I are Zichen's hands and feet. Do you know Yin Zhu? My master is not a ruthless person. He has always hoped that he can be strong, that he can protect his people, and that he can become the beast God respected by the real orcs in the world. Unfortunately, he has been destroyed by me all his life. " QingHan said and sobbed.

"How did she become like this?" Yin Zhu pointed to Wu Ji and asked curiously.

"Because Shifu is really crazy in order to become a God. She has paid so much, but all of it has become a conspiracy. She splits her own soul. It's not easy for her to want to merge back. Especially if the soul is not complete, it's more complicated with my soul. It's not so easy to merge. It's not crazy." Cold and bitter smile.

"Yinzhu, don't believe Zichen's words. You can see that they even cheat their feelings. What else can't cheat? But I think you are very suspensive. You attach too much importance to feelings. Even I know that this is your weakness. You'd better get rid of this, or you will die miserably. In fact, the orc land is full of companions. Don't care. If you don't find another one, you can get away with it. " QingHan said with sarcasm, she said so clearly, if Yinzhu doesn't listen, she has no way, after all, weakness is not it? The weakness is not so easy to change.

These are the so-called truths. Yin Zhu wants to say that the people who are also sacrificing for nothing are outside. If there is any valuable information about the cold, these people will not let themselves see the cold and Wuji.

"Is that all you have to say to me?" Yin Zhu asked calmly.

QingHan has turned his head to see Zichen standing on one side at this time, "Zichen, in addition to sorry, do you have nothing else to say to me?"

Zichen this time trembled a body, then say: "sorry."

"Zichen, are you sure that you will win? Don't you think I don't know much? Zichen, do you really love me? Have you ever been in love? I mean it QingHan asked some bitterly.

Yin Zhu smokes his mouth when he hears this. Is QingHan too much? He has hidden something that he didn't say. It will obviously be used to threaten Zichen. Is QingHan not good for you? Are you not afraid of what I do to you?

"QingHan, I, I have loved, I have loved you sincerely." Zichen clenched his fist hard, even now he loves it, but sometimes he can't choose a lot of things. The things he carries are too heavy, destined to bear the cold.

"I'm sorry. I really loved you." When QingHan hears this, his tears fall down one by one. Yin Zhu can't see it any more. This is a silly girl. Yin Zhu thinks he'd better find the truth by himself.

"But I don't love you. Now I don't love you. Zichen, I hate you." QingHan cried out.

"I'm sorry." Zichen walked forward and hugged QingHan. Then Yinzhu saw Zichen glowing all over. At this time, even the mark on Yinzhu's head kept glowing. Yinzhu felt that his head was a little painful. "What's the matter?"

Yin Zhu looked up and saw that QingHan silently opened his mouth to himself. Then with a bang, Zichen and QingHan disappeared, leaving only the empty iron rope in the room. The two men disappeared like an explosion. However, the rest of the people in the room did not receive any influence. No, no, the second one belonged to QingHan disappeared There will be only eight left.

Yin Zhu rubbed his forehead and heart at this meeting. What did QingHan mean when he didn't say it just now? Yin Zhu guessed that it meant, "be careful of your relatives." But their relatives, everyone Yinzhu absolute trust, cold is dying to warn her? Or dig a hole for her?

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