Yin Zhu several just returned to his residence, Yin Zhu couldn't help rubbing his head, and then asked: "what do you think of today's things?"

Tengxiao and Leihe shook their heads at this time. They were not familiar with Ziji or Baiji, and they didn't know if it was a play directed by them.

Tengxi Tengcheng saw this and couldn't help saying, "ziji is the most powerful priest in the world after my master. It's said that he used to be my master's younger brother. They used to have a good relationship. We are not very clear about him. The master never told us about him, but he is very powerful."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he nodded. What can be named after a profession? Can it be powerful?

Just when Yin Zhu was still having a headache, Yin Zhu suddenly heard a very familiar voice, "Yin Zhu, I'd better explain this matter."

"Bai Kun." Yin Zhu turns back in surprise. Then she sees the person she misses standing at the door. She gets up and climbs over and hugs Bai Kun.

"Bai Kun, you're here at last. I miss you so much." Yin Zhu said excitedly, mainly because he had been waiting too long, and there was no news from Bai Kun.

Tengxiao looks at Bai Kun who holds Yin Zhu tightly in his arms and can't help thinking, why don't he have such treatment?

"Well, I miss you too." Bai Kun touched Yin Zhu's head, then took Yin Zhu's hand and went in.

Xiaojin will look at baikun a little unpleasantly. This person is another partner of Yinzhu. It's really annoying. The most important thing is that the face is so annoying. Xiaojin can remember that Yinzhu likes beautiful women. However, Xiaojin's hair turns out to be the least impressive among Yinzhu's partners.

Seeing Bai Kun's beautiful face, Xiao Jin secretly wondered if he could drag people out to communicate later. It's better to turn that face into a pig's head, so that Bai Kun can't use that face to seduce Yin Zhu.

Bai Kun felt Xiao Jin's hostile look for the first time. He would look at Yin Zhu in doubt. How did Qiao Nuo become like this.

Yin Zhu immediately understood Bai Kun's meaning. She sat down with Bai Kun's hand in her hand, and then introduced him, "Bai Kun, this is Xiao Jin."

When Bai Kun heard this, he immediately understood the existence of Xiaojin. He thought he had no chance to see Xiaojin in his life, but he didn't seem to offend Xiaojin. How could he be hostile to him? It's strange.

"Bai Kun, it looks like you're having a good time." Tengxiao will say hello to Bai Kun with a smile.

"Fortunately, after I separated from Yin Zhu, I went directly to Hanhai, and then worshipped Ziji as a teacher." Bai Kun says the point very simply.

"You said Ziji was your teacher?" Everyone will be very surprised.

"Well." Although that Ziji didn't teach him anything, he did worship his teacher at that time, so there's nothing wrong with saying that.

"Bai Kun, since Ziji is your teacher, how much do you know about Ziji? What is Ziji here for?" Leihe could not help asking at this time. After all, the appearance of the purple sacrifice was very abrupt. If there was no purpose, no one believed it.

"Well, don't worry. I'll explain it slowly. I don't know how much you know about this nightmare world, Yin Zhu?" Bai Kun looks at Yin Zhu very seriously at this time.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he nodded and said something he knew. When Bai Kun heard this, he asked, "Yin Zhu, can you show me the statue you got before?"

Yin Zhu directly handed the strange statue to Bai Kun from his backpack. Bai Kun would have a look at the statue, and he was very sensitive to the spiritual power after practicing the reincarnation formula. He would immediately feel the spiritual power in the sculpture.

Bai Kun does not hesitate to impact the statue with her own mental strength, and then the original wooden statue will even give off a dazzling light. Yin Zhu has long known that the statue is not simple, and would have followed her at the beginning, but she has been unable to find out the abnormality in the statue. Unexpectedly, Bai Kun knows what's wrong at a glance.

"What's the matter? Bai Kun Reich asked anxiously.

"I just made a guess, but I didn't think that my guess was true. This statue should belong to Mengji, the beast God. This statue left a trace of her spiritual power in it. Then the statue also depicts the Rune of the diamonds absorbing the soul power, which is used to nourish the spiritual power in it." Bai Kun sighed and said that his mental strength was the same as that of Mengji he had seen before, so it was Mengji's mental strength. However, it was also a little different. The mental strength in the statue was obvious and mild. Although there was a dark part, he felt that the dark part was not strong, but the bright side was stronger.

"This kind of goddess statue is everywhere on the land of the satis. Each tribe has one. Bai Yangui said that the goddess statue is used to protect them. If there is no such goddess statue, the wild animals in the forest will rush out every night when the moon rises. Why do you think Mengji has to put her own statue in each tribe?" Yin Zhu is very puzzled to say."Gather the power of faith." Bai Kun would be very sure to say that since Mengji once fought against the belief of ORC mainland, the satis would not let it go.

"The power of faith?" I still know a little about Yin Zhu's belief. After all, Buddhism in any world has belief. But what is the power of belief used for?

Bai Kun will bring his totem stone here, and it turns into a soul stone. The so-called totem is just to form a contract with the people of the Xi nationality through totem, and then it can improve the spirit of the orcs and their fighting power. What they have to pay is their own belief. The totem is used by Zichen to collect the power of belief, and it's only a symbol It's the totem that hasn't been publicized for a long time in the orc continent.

Maybe that's why Wuji didn't promote totem because he thought he had been calculated by QingHan. Otherwise, Yin Zhu couldn't think of any other reason. Now QingHan is dead. Although Wuji is not dead, it's more painful than death.

"And then, you go on." Yin Zhu found that it was better for Bai Kun to come. She had been in Xijie for a long time, but she didn't find anything useful. When she asked her what she had done for such a long time, she couldn't say that she had provoked another male. Think about Yin Zhu's throwing out the answer in a hurry. If she answered like that, she would die miserably. She had some friends She couldn't resist, especially when Xiaojin was staring at her. Because she thought of Xiaojin's active concession and didn't know if Xiaojin would have a chance to come out in the future, Yin Zhucai turned a blind eye to Xiaojin's way of competing for favor. Anyway, Xiaojin didn't go too far, but all four partners were here. Yin Zhu couldn't help touching his waist.

Later, Bai Kun explained the function of totem power, and then explained why he had practiced reincarnation formula. He also explained why he came here, including that he had seen Mengji before, and Mengji's strange state. Then he said that the purpose of Ziji was to kill Mengji.

Several people were stunned when they heard this. "Do you mean that the power of faith can suppress the dark side of the soul? You also practice reincarnation formula. Do you know the consequences of practicing reincarnation formula? " When Yin Zhu heard this, he was very angry.

Bai Kun nodded at this and said, "yes, Yin Zhu, you should know that there is no way to reverse when people die. In fact, I should have died at the beginning. The so-called divine punishment is just to use Zichen's hand to make me neither human nor ghost. In fact, at that time, I had practiced lunhuishenjue, but I didn't take the initiative to practice at that time. We didn't know it At least now I don't have to be punished every month. "

"But what are you going to do?" Yin Zhu looks at Bai Kun anxiously.

Bai Kun looked at Yin Zhu and said, "Yin Zhu, do you remember what I said before? Irreversibility, especially some things done against the weather, if one day, I will choose to extricate myself. "

Bai Kun looked at Yin Zhu's face, which was about to turn into a bitter gourd. He reached out and pinched Yin Zhu's cheek and said, "what can I do with such a sad face? Even if I'm going to die, I have to wait for thousands of years. In this way, I should live the longest among us. Look at this one, I'm suddenly unhappy. If one day you're gone, I'll live alone What's the point? I don't want to be a monster like Maggie. "

"Irreversible? You mean this can't be changed? That is to say, the orcs are the same. The orcs are also made by practicing reincarnation formula. Are these irreversible? " Yin Zhu grabs Bai Kun's hand very hard. Her goal is to save her partner and children. As a result, Bai Kun says that everything is false.

"At least that's what my master Ziji said. At least there is no way in this world. I don't know about your world. Maybe that's why baiji is looking for you. At least there is hope." Bai Kun said in a calm voice this time.

Yin Zhu hasn't told Bai Kun what Bai Ji asked him to do. He didn't expect him to guess it.

"Well, Baiji hopes that I can go back to the world where I live, and bring the blood donation of the people in the world where I live, so that the people in the world can be cured." Yin Zhu said this directly.

"Bai Kun, do you think the blood donation of people in our world can help you?" Yin Zhu asked calmly.

"I don't know."

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