Bai Kun always wanted to meet Bai Ji, but he didn't think of the scene of two people meeting.

"I specially gave you several days to get together. It seems that you get along very well." Bai Ji went to the place where Yin Zhu lived without any precaution.

"Do I have to thank you?" Bai Kun is not very angry.

Bai Ji didn't get angry when he heard this. He just said with a faint smile, "you have great hostility to me. In fact, you don't have to. Although I calculated Yin Zhu, I didn't harm her. Ziji should have told you."

"You are wrong. My master didn't say anything. Do you think my master will speak for you just because of your relationship?" Bai Kun says very impolitely that Bai Ji is powerful and has a high status, but he doesn't think this kind of person needs respect. Besides, he doesn't believe in Bai Ji's lies. If it's really harmless and good for the world, why did Bai Ji explain things clearly at the beginning? Why did he beat around the Bush?

Bai Ji was silent for a while after hearing Bai Kun's words. Then he looked up at Bai Kun seriously, "you are very similar to Ziji. You are really a master and apprentice."

Bai Kun didn't feel good when he heard this. He just glanced at Bai Ji, then bowed his head to think. To tell the truth, Bai Ji looks elegant, but it doesn't feel good to Bai Kun. It seems that there is a poisonous snake staring at him.

"I'm here to tell you that the teleportation array to that world has been completed, waiting for Yin Zhu? Yin Zhu, when are you going to leave? " Bai Ji said directly.

Yin Zhu nodded when he heard this, and then said, "I've seen this dark abyss, but there's a place I haven't seen yet. Can I see Mengji?"

Yin Zhu also said that although Bai Kun had seen it, Yin Zhu still wanted to see it by himself.

Bai Ji nodded and said, "yes, do you need me to lead the way?"

"Whatever you like." Yin Zhu smiles faintly. She has discussed with Bai Kun before. Bai Ji must know that Bai Kun exists, but he doesn't care about anything. So it certainly doesn't matter. Yin Zhu deliberately puts forward to see Meng Ji, just to try. In the end, Bai Ji still doesn't matter, because he thinks that if he sees Meng Ji, he won't change anything else.

Bai Ji smiles when he hears Yin Zhu's answer. Then he looks up at Bai Kun and smiles at him.

Bai Kun can't help holding his fist when he sees this. It's a bad feeling that he is controlled by others.

It's the first time that he is so weak that he can't do anything. No, he can't. He must muddle the water so that he can fish in troubled water and find a way out for Yin Zhu.

"Since you want to see Mengji, I'll take you there." Bai Ji said and led the way straight ahead.

Seeing this, Yin Zhu quickly followed, especially Tengxiao. They haven't seen Mengji yet. No matter what Mengji looks like, it's the goddess of the world, the unattainable one. It's also a qualification to be proud of.

Teng Xi and Teng Cheng are also in a hurry to follow. They have lived in the nightmare world for so many years, and their admiration for Meng Ji De is better than that of Yin Zhu. They have long wanted to see this legendary goddess.

With Bai Ji, there was no need to hide. A few people soon came to the front of the palace. Yin Zhu was also surprised by the cold in front of the palace.

Baiji explained a few words: "the reason why it's so cold here is because of the dark soul. For example, some bad places will naturally feel cold, and the dark soul here is too strong, so it will be very cold, but it's not material cold. As long as your spirit is strong enough, you can get close to it. Of course, if you win If it's too weak, I'm afraid my soul will freeze. "

Yin Zhu's face is very bad. That is to say, they may not see Meng Ji at all. Is Bai Ji deceiving them?

Bai Kun also frowned, because now he has no totem stone, and there is no way to stop the cold.

"Since I have promised you to meet Mengji, I will always let you see Mengji." Bai Ji said, and then waved his hand. Then the chill, which was as cold as bone marrow, disappeared immediately. However, Yin Zhu still rubbed his arm and felt goose bumps all over his body.

"Let's go." Xiaojin came forward and hugged Yinzhu. Yinzhu, except Xiaojin, was suffering from the cold. Only Xiaojin had nothing to do under the cold pressure.

Baiji has known Xiaojin's particularity for a long time, but this meeting can't help but look at Xiaojin more. People in this nightmare world are afraid of the soul of the dark side. Xiaojin is like a fish in water and lives more comfortably. It's a freak.

He really wants to make a good study of Xiaojin. After all, the most troublesome thing in the nightmare world is the soul of the dark side. Obviously Xiaojin is immune to this, and he can use these dark forces. If he can figure out why Xiaojin is immune to these forces, is that tantamount to touching the drawback of cultivating reincarnation God? But now his plan is imminent, he can't give to Xiaojin, lest Yinzhu turn over.What's more, Xiaojin is a little different, because he came from the soul of the dark side when he was born. Maybe because of this, although we can't study Xiaojin, we can study it first according to Xiaojin's idea.

Xiaojin looks at Baiji in disgust. He doesn't like Baiji very much. Although Baiji's eyes are very obscure, he still feels it.

As early as Xiaojin was arrested to absorb spiritual power, Xiaojin didn't like the people on this side of the dark abyss. No matter whether those Xi people are sober or not, they can deprive one's soul power and devour others so blatantly, so they don't want the favor of others. Those devoured people should be completely dispersed in this world.

Bai Ji's eyes are full of evil intentions. He must want to do something to him. He is so special and precious in this nightmare world. Xiaojin naturally knows that, but now he has to take Yin Zhu into consideration. Another thing is that his strength is not enough. Although he has been talking for a while, his strength is growing rapidly every day, but it's not enough. It's far from enough Not enough, he has to be faster, faster, faster, his strength can further grow, only with enough strength, he can protect Yin Zhu.

A group of talented people entered the palace under the protection of Bai Ji. Yin Zhu looked at the tall double faced man sitting in the main hall. He looked really amazing, especially on the dark side. Even if he didn't feel it now, Yin Zhu just looked at the energy that was constantly coming out.

"As you can see, these dark forces, Mengji, are almost out of control. Once they are out of control, the whole nightmare world is afraid that they will no longer exist." Bai Ji said very sad.

However, at this time, Xiaojin, who was standing on one side, broke away from Baiji's protective cover directly. Baiji could not help but frown when he saw this, "Xiaojin, what are you going to do?"

Xiao Jin's eyes will be red, looking at the tall and majestic dark soul in front of him. He has a lot of energy. If he can absorb this energy, can he protect Yin Zhu?

Baiji watched Xiaojin approach Mengji's soul slowly, and could not help shouting, "Xiaojin, what do you want to do?"

Xiaojin will turn around and smile at Yinzhu, "Yinzhu, don't go back. I'll help you solve this so-called hidden danger. Yinzhu, wait for me, wait for me, I will protect you." Then Xiaojin rushed to the dark soul.

"No, Kim." Yin Zhu cried out.

However, at this time, not to mention her, even Baiji can't stop Xiaojin. Yinzhu watches Xiaojin rush into Mengji's soul, and then she can't see anything. She sees Xiaojin being swallowed up by that soul.

At this time, Bai Ji waves his hand and throws Yin Zhu out of the main hall. Yin Zhu stops. At this time, he feels the whole dark abyss shaking. Then the original palace falls apart. Bai Kun quickly protects Yin Zhu and Teng Xi and Tengcheng, and they retreat.

"Yinzhu, let's leave first." Bai Kun pulls Yin Zhu back.

No one thought of Xiaojin's choice. Although Xiaojin can devour the dark soul, Xiaojin is so small. The dark soul is so big that Xiaojin rushes in. They dare not think about the consequences.

"How can this happen? I shouldn't have come to see Mengji. Xiaojin, baikun, you said Xiaojin would be OK." After they had left the palace for a long time, Yin Zhu trembled, grabbed Bai Kun's arm and asked.

"I don't know." Bai Kun's voice was shaking. The guardians of the dark abyss had already run to this side. Bai Kun looked up at the sky. He saw that a double faced man had been up for half a day, and his closed eyes had already opened.

Bai Kun doesn't know how to describe those two eyes. Yes, whether it's the soul on the positive side or the soul on the dark side, the two eyes of both sides will open.

The two sides didn't say anything. They just looked at the people below with those contemptuous eyes. Bai Kun felt like a tiny insect in front of Mengji. The other side could kill him with just one look.

This will be all standing below the people are frozen, one by one do not dare to move, do not dare to speak, staring at the sky that person, afraid of a blink of an eye, never see the world.

However, that person just opened his eyes, and then quickly closed his eyes, which is like the illusion of all people, but all people know that it is not an illusion, Mengji wake up, this will Mengji's eyes are closed, but people are still floating in the air, and did not stop.

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