Bai Ji will take Yin Zhu to the array. The array is set on a high platform. There are a lot of runes on the ground. Yin Zhuzhi understands a little runes, and there are many other runes she doesn't understand. The inheritance she gets is limitless. The limitless is far worse than Bai Ji.

"How to do it?" Yin Zhu asked directly.

"You just need to stand in the array." Bai Ji puts Yin Zhuan in the eye of the array, and then smiles happily. As long as Yin Zhuan does it according to his own arrangement and doesn't act as a demon, the one who was taken by Yin Zhushun before will get something, even if it's a labor fee, otherwise he will have to peel Yin Zhu's skin.

"That's it? No other questions? " Yin Zhu looked at it and saw that through time and space, there is no science and technology in this world, but there are different techniques of science and technology. It's really amazing.

It's a pity that I didn't bring a camera with me. Otherwise, taking pictures of these runes would be of great research value. I don't know if I can survive this array after crossing back.

"Of course, you can rest assured that we are reluctant to do experiments with you." Bai Ji says very frankly that Yin Zhu is a treasure to him. He is not willing to do experiments with Yin Zhu.

"How can I come back?" Yin Zhu thinks that this array is too high-end. If she comes back, she can't make it.

"You just need to take this bracelet. When the first big bone bead on the bracelet lights up, it means that we are ready to welcome you back. When you are ready to come back, you just need to crush the bone bamboo." Bai Ji takes out a string of white jade bracelets and hands them to Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu took it at random. The bracelet felt cold and smooth. It looked like white jade. But Bai Ji said it was bone beads, and it was made of bones. I can't see that there are many runes on the beads, which should be used to echo the array.

Yin Zhu then put the bone bead on his hand. As for whether the bead made of bone should be diaphragmatic or not, Yin Zhu didn't feel it. First of all, he couldn't see it at all. Second, the orcs are used to making decorations with all kinds of animal bones. Yin Zhu has been used to it for a long time.

Of course, Yin Zhu is also very clear that Bai Ji must have done something to let himself go back so easily. It's not enough to use Tengxiao to threaten himself. Then another layer of hands and feet is estimated to be on the bracelet. Yin Zhu believes that there should be a time limit for the bracelet. It's estimated that he will be forced to come back if he doesn't come back for how long.

Otherwise baiji would not be so relieved. The reason why Yin Zhu took the bracelet with him so easily was to show her attitude. Anyway, she couldn't escape. It's better to be more straightforward. At least she would cooperate. Baiji would be good to Tengxiao. Once she didn't match, baikun and his family would have no good life in the nightmare world.

"The bracelet is very beautiful, but if it doesn't work, and the good things come in pairs, my other hand is empty and not very good-looking, give me another one. In case this thing goes on strike, I have spare one." Yin Zhu smiles and reaches out to Bai Ji.

Bai Ji almost didn't slip when he heard this. He grinned at Yin Zhu and said, "another one? My aunts and grandmothers, do you think this is a common commodity, and you can have it as soon as you stretch it out? Don't be so greedy. "

He has never seen greedy like this. This thing needs another one.

"Isn't it a worry that one thing is not safe? If something goes wrong, where can I go to repair it? If I don't give it, I won't give it. It's a small family. " Yin Zhu turned his lips.

Bai Ji can't help but pick his eyebrows when he hears this. What's the matter with Yin Zhu? Is this self releasing?

But this kind of Yin Zhu gives him a headache, or let the calm Yin Zhu come back quickly.

What's more, Yin Zhu is so happy to take off now. He's really afraid that Yin Zhu doesn't care about his own affairs, or what should he do if he takes off?

I was a little uneasy about the white sacrifice that I had promised.

He was worried about his life. He thought he could stop worrying, but now he is more worried. What should he do?

"Shut up and wait there." Bai Ji is not very angry. He thinks he will go crazy if he talks to Yin Zhu again.

After that, Bai Ji also carefully checked all around. There can't be any mistake in this matter.

"OK, no problem. Let's start." Bai Ji looked at it and carefully verified it with his subordinates. He nodded to Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu nodded, and then looked at Tengxiao, who was standing on one side. He looked at them carefully one by one, and then he looked back at his feet.

Yin Zhu watched the runes around him light up bit by bit, and then he saw the power of the whole dark abyss flying towards the array. Continuously, Yin Zhu felt that his side had become a red ocean, and his whole body would be engulfed by these forces.

With the injection of these forces, the array became more and more bright. Yin Zhu saw that the land under his feet had begun to be illusory and looked like a black hole.

Is this a black hole? Great, but it's just the beginning. Obviously, this power is not enough to open the black hole, and a steady stream of power is still flowing to the place under your feet.Yin Zhu didn't know how long he had been waiting. For a long time, Yin Zhu felt that the place under his feet began to sink. Is the black hole going to become?

Yin Zhu can't help but look up and want to see her relatives. At this time, she hears Bai Ji shouting, "what are you going to do for Ziji?"

Yin Zhu looks up and sees that Ziji is flying. It's not far away. Does Ziji want to stop this array?

Yin Zhu wants to say that if Ziji wants to stop him, he won't come early or late. But at this time, if he wants to succeed, he will come. What if he is involved?

All these little people like to involve her.

Yin Zhu began to curse the two. It would be better for them to die together. Then the world would be peaceful.

Bai Ji has already jumped out to stop Zi Ji. Before Bai Ji, he thought Zi Ji would not stop him. But Bai Ji is a little confused about Zi Ji. Is Zi Ji really going to do something bad for him?

"Yin Zhu, then, he is Bai Yangui." Purple sacrifice this meeting loudly cries, Yin Zhu helplessly watched a thing toward oneself smash to come over.

Yin Zhu subconsciously reaches for it. Then Yin Zhu sees a weak white wolf with a beautiful sapphire inlaid on its forehead and heart. It's obvious that this is not a beast, but an ORC.

Bai Yan GUI? How did Bai Yangui become like this?

However, Yin Zhu didn't have time to ask. She found that her feet were empty, and the whole person fell into the black hole with the white wolf in her arms. Yin Zhu couldn't help screaming, "ah."

Bai Ji couldn't stop him. He looked at the black hole that disappeared with Yin Zhu, and looked at Ziji fiercely, "ziji, do you know how much I've done for this, and do you know that if you throw an orc down, you will kill Yin Zhu."

Because this is too important, they dare not do experiments. They are all theoretical. Although it is said that the theory can be achieved, Ziji will even cross one foot. What if the way of heaven is angry with Yinzhu because of Bai Yangui?

Ziji shrugged his shoulders and glanced at Baiji, "don't worry, as long as your inference is correct, they will be safe. If Yinzhu dies, it's also because your inference is wrong."

"You're still quibbling." Bai Ji is very angry. Even Bai Kun and they are worried about Ziji.

Ziji looks at baikun standing in front of him and scolds him angrily, "although I didn't teach you many skills, I'm good for you at least. Baikun, you have no conscience. Are you going to cheat your master and steal your ancestors?"

"In my world, my partner is the most important, no one can match." Bai Kun said impolitely.

"Pretend, your people are not important. If you choose one with the life of your whole people and Yin Zhu's life, will you choose Yin Zhu? Hum Ziji looks at baikun sarcastically.

Bai Kun did not hesitate to choose, "I will choose the people. After all, there are so many lives, right? What's more, I can't save Yin Zhu after I choose a tribe? If I really can't save it, I will choose to die with Yin Zhu. I will never live alone. "

Ziji didn't say anything else when he heard Bai Kun's words. It's normal for Bai Kun to be so rational.

"Ziji, you'd better make it clear to me, or I'll never let you go." Bai Ji's face is very bad. If Zi Ji doesn't explain it clearly, he will go all out to find Zi Ji.

"It's very simple, because the people I lost have no reason. Although they are still alive, they only have the instinct of wild animals. They are nothing but a body. If according to your inference, the body can pass, so can Bai Yangui." Purple sacrifice very simply said, anyway now things have become, he is not afraid to say.

Bai Ji couldn't help sneering when he heard this, "ziji, you are very powerful. How can you cheat others to die willingly?"

When Ziji heard this, he sneered, "how can you calculate by yourself, but I can't? Fifty steps make a hundred. "

Bai Ji heard this, but he didn't quarrel with Zi Ji any more.

Bai Kun would be a little impatient. He would be very angry and asked, "can you put aside the crooked roads of the two of you? Can you tell me how Yin Zhu is now?"

"Wait a minute, we'll know the result in a minute." Bai Ji will be very excited to look at a string of bracelets in his hand. It's obvious that this should be a pair with Yin Zhu's string. This should be able to sense Yin Zhu's situation.

After a long time, the bracelet in Bai Ji's hand gave out a soft light. Bai Ji was very excited and cried, "it's successful."

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