After hearing his mother's question, Yin Zhu hesitated for a while and said, "I still want to go back. Mom, I'm sorry." Yin Zhu is very guilty underground head.

How happy the two old people were when they came back. The old man was still trying to get her an ID card. According to the old man's temperament, it was estimated that the future life arrangement would be considered.

When Yin Zhu's parents heard this, their faces froze. Then Yin Zhu's mother patted Yin Zhu's shoulder gently. "I know, I understand. When a girl gets married, she always has to be with her husband. What are you so sad about? Do you think I'm the kind of cruel old woman who will forcibly separate my daughter from her son-in-law and grandson?" Yin Zhu's mother frowned and looked at Yin Zhu angrily.

Yin Zhu was very sad to hear his own mother's words. He held his mother with joy and guilt and said, "Mom, thank you."

"Get out of here, you little ones. They're debt collectors." Yin Zhu's mother pushed Yin Zhu away.

When Yin Zhu saw this, he moved to his mother's side and hugged her again with a smile, "Mom, I love you the most."

"Go ahead, the meat is numb to death. I have my old man. What do you want to do with it?" Yin Zhu's mother is not very angry.

Hearing this, Yin Zhu's father turned red. "Old lady, I only want you."

Yin Zhu held his chin in his hands and said pitifully, "you two, pay attention to the environment. This is a public place. You need to spread dog food back to your room."

"Envious? I won't give the old man to you if I envy you. " Yin Zhuma said triumphantly.

"I'm an old man and wife, and I'm still mixing oil with honey. After so many years, don't I feel greasy?" Yin Zhu joked mischievously.

"You've been eating rice since you were a child. I don't think you're tired of it." Yin Zhu's mother stares at Yin Zhu.

"Come on, old man, let's go to clean up and have breakfast. We thought there was a thief in our house. We are going to catch the thief." Yin Zhuma took her little old man to wash.

Yin Zhu quickly grabbed his old lady, "mother, did you open the door of my room? I want to wash too."

Yin Zhu's mother just opened the door of her room. Today's surprise is too big. Although Yin Zhu had a dream for them and said that she would live well in another world, they didn't see anyone at the beginning. Moreover, they always thought that it was just Yin Zhu who wanted to reassure them. Although they also expected their daughter to be like what she said Like good, who can think of, daughter unexpectedly came back, came back from the different world.

Yin Zhu will look at his room. It's very clean and there's no dust. It seems that his mother often cleans it. The clothes she used to wear are gone, too. No one is here. It's also a pity to leave those things here. In addition, it's bad luck. It's so many years that she shouldn't keep them.

"Yin Zhu, there is a new set of pajamas and towel on the mother's side. You can make do with it first, and mother will go out to buy clothes for you later." Yin Zhu's mother is probably worried about the clothes that Yin Zhu hasn't changed, so she finds out a suit of pajamas that she hasn't worn yet. Yin Zhu's mother estimates that even if she hasn't worn the pajamas, Yin Zhu is reluctant to wear them.

Ouch, where is she going to buy clothes for her daughter later? I don't think any shop can find clothes that her daughter can wear. Mother Yin Zhu will have a headache.

As far as her daughter's height is concerned, the best way is to make it to order. But is it in the 1980s or 1990s, or is there a kind of custom-made shop? All the custom-made ones are high-grade. She has to think about it.

Yin Zhu didn't give up either. He took his clothes and went to take a bath. He still missed the water heater at home. If he wanted to take a bath, he would have hot water and the soft cloth. As for underwear, he could only use what he made in the orcs for the time being.

After taking a bath, Yin Zhu came out wearing her mother's uncoordinated pajamas. Yin Zhu's mother looked at her loose pajamas on her daughter. It was funny. She couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

Looking at his mother's face, Yin Zhu could not help laughing into a wrinkled orange peel. "Old lady, take it easy. If you continue to smile, there will be more wrinkles on your face. It's because you are old and don't look good. If you go on like this, be careful that the old man doesn't want you."

"Fart, smile for ten years. If I have wrinkles, I'll be angry with you, heartless son of a bitch." Yin Zhu's mother went to Yin Zhu's side and directly took out her trainer's son taming Dafa and put out her hand.

Yin Zhu jumped up at the meeting, "old lady, mother, let go, it hurts. As for you, I told you the truth, and it's really the most venomous of all."

"Remember to think about it when you swear. We are the same." Yin Zhu's mother smiles with pride.

Yin Zhu can only shut up when he hears this. Well, she can't fight the old lady. Besides, the old man always obeys the old lady. This is equal to the comparison between her and the old lady. In fact, it's one to two. How can she compare.

"Come on, old lady, have breakfast first, and then nag on. The food is cold." Yin Zhu's father laughs at the mother and daughter who are still bickering over there."I know, I know, the old man is just wordy." Mother Yin went directly to the dining table and sat down to eat.

"It's a good porridge. I'm good at it." Yin Zhuma was eating and commenting.

"It was." Yin Zhu is elated.

"Yes, they are all married. If they can't cook a few dishes, they can't be rejected." Yin Zhu thinks his mother is fighting her addiction.

"Mom, are you not afraid to beat me directly?" Yin Zhu looks at his own mother with a sad face.

"You're eight feet thick. You can't cross it." Yin Zhu said contemptuously.

Yin Zhu heard this can only say, well, she'd better eat well, shut up her mouth, so as not to be hated to death.

My mother doesn't like me at all. What should I do?

Forget it, the old lady is estimated to be with the age, she does not care with him in general.

I haven't eaten porridge for a long time. This rice fragrance will bring out all the greedy insects in her stomach.

Yin Zhu quickly ate five bowls of porridge. When Yin Zhu's mother saw it, she frowned. No wonder she has such a body. She can eat it so much. In the future, she will have one more bucket.

"Have you had enough?" Mr. Yin asked with concern.

"I'm full, but I haven't eaten for a long time. I'm greedy." Yin Zhu said excitedly.

"You don't even have food? Not enough? " Yin Zhu's mother will look at Yin Zhu very painfully. She wanted to say that her daughter ate too much, but she didn't have to eat. How can she survive such a big body?

"Some people eat different species. Without rice, they can eat enough." Yin Zhu felt that her mother's tears of sympathy and heartache were coming out, so he quickly explained.

"Oh, just eat enough." As for what to eat, Yin Zhu's mother didn't care. After all, there is a custom in one place, that is, some places on the earth can't eat rice, so they can't compare.

"Well, you can have a rest after eating. Didn't you stay up all night? Sleep well. " Look at my daughter's eyes.

Yin Zhu nodded. Before she came back, she didn't sleep all night because she was worried. Then she stayed up all night last night. She really wanted to have a rest.

Yin Zhu then takes a look at Bai Yangui. Yin Zhu is going to take people to his room. After all, Bai Yangui is inhuman now. What if he hurts his parents?

"Yin Zhu, you, how can you hold him in your room? No, it's not suitable." Yin Zhu's mother asked.

This white wolf should be a man. Before, she jokingly asked if she was her son-in-law. If she was a woman, Yin Zhu would not answer no, but would directly answer, "Mom, is she a woman?"?

Her daughter is not because she went to a different world, because of her four husbands, and then she has no heart to guard against the opposite sex. Is her heart so big?

"Mom, I let him sleep on the ground. Besides, he is an animal now, which is not taboo. Besides, I'm not worried that he will hurt you if he wakes up and doesn't know you? This guy has a lot of fighting power. " Yin Zhu thinks his mother's eyes are not right.

"OK, I see. I'll take a carpet and put it on the floor for him." Yin Zhu's mother went to tidy up in a hurry. Since Yin Zhu said it was a person, even if it was injured and turned into a beast, it was also a person. Yin Zhu's mother couldn't treat each other as a beast.

Yin Zhu's mother quickly made a place with carpet in the open space of Yin Zhu's room. Yin Zhu carefully put Bai Yangui away. Yin Zhu's mother looked at it carefully. It was a beautiful white wolf, and it didn't smell like wild animals. It was very clean. "By the way, Yin Zhu, you can also become. What kind of animal are you?" Yin Zhu asked curiously.

"Bear, black bear, want to see it?" Yin Zhu asked directly.

When Yin Zhuma heard this, she was about to nod her head, but she was patted by Yin Zhu's father, "what are you looking at? What are you looking at? If you want to see a bear, I'll take you back to the zoo. I'll get there early enough."

Yin Zhuma can't help but shrink her head when she hears this. The old man is angry. It's also a big change of animal. It's better not to look at it. It's not good if people notice it. It's not good if curiosity is too big. Once there's a second time. It's not good.

"Yin Zhu, have a good rest, and your parents will go out and buy some things." Yin Zhu's father pulled Yin Zhu's mother out of the room and closed the door.

Yin Zhu's father put his old lady on the sofa, looked at her very seriously and said, "old lady, I can tell you that you are not allowed to tell me anything about your daughter. You are not allowed to say a word. This girl is my distant niece from my hometown, remember?"

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