"All right." Yin Zhu's father simply answered why he didn't want his daughter's things. In addition, there are no few things that Yin Zhu wants to buy and it costs a lot of money. He is willing to take out his coffin book for fear that his coffin book is not enough.

"Mom and Dad, Xiaozhi, he's coming back at the weekend." Yin Zhu couldn't help thinking about his brother. Of course, there was more guilt. He, as a sister, didn't help him. Instead, he left the responsibility of supporting his parents to him.

"Well, he has a family, a son, and you are an aunt." When it comes to her beloved grandson, Yin Zhu's mother is very happy.

"Well, it must be lovely. What's its name?" Yin Zhu asked curiously.

"His name is Yin Sheng. He's a beautiful little guy. He's very sensible. He's only four years old. When he sees me, he'll knock me on the shoulder and help me pick vegetables. He's much more sensible than you two." Yin Zhu's mother said with a smile, it can be said that now she has put down her son and daughter, and her beloved grandson is always on her mind.

"Ouch, I want to be jealous when I see you like this." Yin Zhu said sour.

"Big girl, when you become a mother, you still compete with your children for favors. Don't be jealous. Bring some of your children back to me one day, and I promise to spoil them." Yin Zhu's mother also heard Yin Zhu say that she would go to the world and want the soul of the world. She would never see a few sons in law or grandchildren in her life.

"Mom, I'm sure I can see it. I don't believe there's no way. I'll study it later and take you to play." Yin Zhu thought that if he could make it, he would invite his parents to visit him. What's more, the air environment in the orc world is much better than here.

"By the way, Yin Zhu, you came back to find people to find out the cause of the orc's physical defects. You don't want to hand over Bai Yangui. What are you going to do?" Yin Zhu's father said very embarrassed.

"Dad, didn't I learn a lot of techniques? I'm going to ask someone who knows this type of people, and then use the technique to control them, help me study, and clear their memory when it's done. " Yin Zhu doesn't think that she can learn these things when she has strong mental strength. It's better to let those people do it when she spends more time. As for the immorality of controlling people, Yin Zhu wants to say that she has to do it. Anyway, she doesn't do anything harmful to nature, and she won't kill them. At that time, she will leave some valuable specialties for them, which can be regarded as her own employment They just help themselves with the research.

"Is your technique reliable?" Yin Zhu asked curiously.

Yin Zhu nodded and said, "it's safe and feasible in the orc world, and it should be OK in our world, right?"

"Why don't you experiment with me? Anyway, it doesn't mean not to hurt people, does it? " Yin zhupa directly offered himself.

"No, I'll do it." Yin Zhu's mother objected directly.

"Old lady, what are you talking about?" Yin Zhu's father said angrily.

"You can. Why can't I?" Yin Zhu's mother asked angrily with her waist inserted. If there was one thing that Yin Zhu's father didn't explain clearly, she had to tear him.

"You just make trouble out of nothing." Yin Zhu's father turned away from his old man.

When Yin Zhu saw this, he felt hearty and uncomfortable. His parents were always for the sake of their children. "OK, you two don't have to fight. I'm not going to do experiments with my family."

"Isn't it good to look for outsiders at random?" Yin Zhuma sighed.

Of course, if you don't have to hurt your own family, it's best. If you don't want to kill your friends, you'll be the same.

"Well, I'm going to hang out later. I'd better meet some outlaws or something." Yin Zhu said with a smile, and then he squeezed his fist.

When Yin Zhuma saw her daughter clenching her fist, she could not help but feel a cold sweat for those who came out to do evil things at night. This kind of daughter is really not suitable. Her daughter is not always lazy and does not move at home, so she would go straight to martial arts.

My daughter is about to change.

"Can you go out as a girl?" Yin Zhu's father said with some worry.

"No problem, Dad. Don't worry. If you meet brave people, believe it or not, I'll just turn into them and scare them to death." Yin Zhu says that he is a bear. A bear can beat those people to death with his hand.

When Yin Zhu's mother heard this, she patted Yin Zhu directly. "A girl will scare you to death. Who dares to ask you in the future?"

"I already have four beautiful families. I can't be too greedy." Yin Zhu said that he could not bear to eat any more, but he did not dare to provoke others.

"Well, since you're ready, Dad won't advise you. Since you're going to look for those hooligans, you'd better take them and let them contact you. Then you can control the experts and don't let them see your face. This will also ensure your safety. You'll wear a mask, I guess I think every person will treat you as a man. " Yin Zhu's father put forward his own opinions directly.

Yin Zhu thinks that's right. This idea is very good and misleading. It's good."Thank you, Dad. I'll take care of it." Yin Zhu said with a smile.

Yin Zhu's father looked at Yin Zhu, who was very happy with his fist. He shook his head and said, "OK, we don't care whether it's the Yin family or not. We don't need those people to follow suit. They are all good people. No one can think of their family.

"Well, it's very late. We'll talk about it tomorrow. You go to bed early. I promise you'll come back well." Yin Zhu looked at his watch. It was almost twelve o'clock, so he rushed the two old men to bed.

On weekdays, the old man goes to bed at nine o'clock. It's not good to listen to her story so late today. Staying up late hurts his health.

"OK, you must come back safely when you go out, you know?" Yin Zhu's mother nagged that although she knew her daughter had the ability, she would still be worried.

"Don't worry, mom. I promise I'll be fine. Go to bed." Yin Zhu doesn't dislike this wordiness. No one has been so concerned about her for many years. Although several partners are very good to themselves, their love is different from that of their mother.

"Good, good. I can't stand sleeping. " Today, I went shopping for a long time. I was very tired, but now I'm talking late. I'm really sleepy.

"Go ahead." Yin Zhu watched the two old men enter the room. Then he turned to Bai Yangui and said, "Bai Yangui, I'm going out for a while. Would you stay at home?"

Looking at Bai Yangui lying on the ground, Yin Zhu turns to open the door and leaves. However, at this time, Yin Zhu finds that Bai Yangui is following him.

"Bai Yangui, I have something to do when I go out. You can't follow me. Would you like to have a rest at home?" For Bai Yangui such can not be angry, Yin Zhu can only slowly persuade.

However, seeing that Bai Yangui didn't flinch at all, Yin Zhu wanted to say that he was going to go fishing. With such a big beast as Bai Yangui, which stupid fish would be fooled?

"Come on, Bai Yan belongs to you. You sleep in the room." Yin Zhu understands Bai Yangui's room and is ready to let him sleep, but Bai Yangui doesn't follow him at all.

Yin Zhu can't help but have a headache. Bai Yangui can't scold him. Now he is like a dog who doesn't know anything. When he needs guidance, the more angry he is, the worse he will be. Moreover, it will be in the dead of night. It's not good to make any noise.

In the end, Yin Zhu has no choice but to hypnotize Bai Yangui and let him sleep. She really has no way to take Bai Yangui out with her.

Seeing that Bai Yangui has fallen asleep with her head down, Yin Zhu can't help scratching her hair. Bai Yangui has been following her all the time. Moreover, she can't keep Bai Yangui in her room. If Bai Yangui wants to be good, she should contact the outside world more. Ziji is a super trouble for her. She must find herself when she goes back Settle accounts.

In the heart, Yin Zhu has been secretly thinking about how to go back to find Ziji's trouble.

But Bai Yangui's appearance is really bad. It doesn't look like a dog. In addition, the hair is too white and beautiful. Yin Zhu is afraid that the Yin family can't protect him. Why don't Bai Yangui get better and find a wild forest to let him go?

No, no, No. Bai Yangui is human. If you really throw people into the mountains, Bai Yangui is afraid that he will steal a wolf. He will not have a chance to wake up in the future.

The reason why Bai Yangui is willing to lose his mind is that he is ready to work hard to find a way to solve his body with the technology of his own world. What Ziji asks him to do is a plot of Yang. At the same time, Bai Yangui is also gambling on Yin Zhu's friendship with him to see if Yin Zhu really doesn't care about him at this time.

Yin Zhu wants to say that it's really trouble, and she hates trouble the most.

Bai Yangui, you have provoked me successfully. Calculate me. When you wake up, I will let you peel off your skin.

Yin Zhu stares at Bai Yangui, who is asleep. He wants to poke a hole in Bai Yangui, so that he can get rid of his anger.

After staring at the wolf, Yin Zhu turned and left.

Yin Zhu's parents will lie on the bed, but they are very sleepy, but they can't sleep.

Yin Zhuma grabbed Yin zhupa's hand. "Old man, I suddenly feel that I'm not sleepy. Let's get up and watch TV in the living room."

Yin Zhu's father sighed and grabbed his old lady's hand. "You'll never end your heart."

"You don't care, don't you worry? Don't worry. Why can't you sleep? " Yin Zhu's mother stares at her old man, and she will make sarcastic remarks. If you want to say that the old man with Cao heart is the most Cao heart.

"If you can't sleep, just lie down and sit all night. I can't stand it tomorrow." Yin Zhu said with a sigh.

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