After Yin Zhu has sent Lao Ma away, he will be ready to go home. Now it's two or three o'clock in the meeting. Go back early so that his parents won't worry. Although his parents say he's going back to bed, Yin Zhu knows his parents very well. Maybe he's still frying fish in the room and can't sleep.

As for the mobile phone from Lao Ma, Yin Zhu first added some contacts, even wechat, and then threw the mobile phone into the backpack. He used his mobile phone to check the address and see if things could be found in the backpack.

Although he said that he had shocked several people in laoma, it's hard to guarantee that these people have a small mind. Yin Zhu doesn't intend to expose his residence, even a general address. Since Yin Zhu lives with his parents, someone will know what he goes in and out of. If he knows a general range, it's easy to be found.

After confirming that the mobile phone couldn't be found, Yin Zhu quickly ran to his home.

Although Lao Ma said that he had gone, he did not go far. These people are crying together. They have done so many bad things. This is the first time that they have been threatened by others.

Although it can be seen that Yin Zhu is not an ordinary person, this is what they are worried about. Yin Zhu is so powerful that it is not convenient for them to do some things. Doesn't it mean that it is not easy to do that thing?

"I blame you, but for your heavy taste, we would not have this disaster." Some feel uncomfortable and can't help complaining.

Lao Ma glared at Huang Ping, who began to speak. He said with disdain, "Huang Ping, we should know that we will be planted one day. Don't tell me that you never thought about it. Besides, I have discussed with you whether we should do it or not? Can I blame it all? "

Huang Ping didn't speak when he heard this. He didn't know that what Lao Ma said was all reasonable, but he was not at ease when something happened.

"Besides, have you ever seen someone who can spell? This is the man of legend, OK? If we follow such people, we may not have no way out. Maybe it's much better than us being such gangsters. " Lao Ma said with emotion, of course, this is no way, he can only think of the good side, and then think of the bad side, it is not intended to make himself uneasy?

"Yes, if only I could learn that magic too. It's amazing." Xiaobei, who was slapped by Yin Zhu, will be looking forward to it.

"You think it's too beautiful. Can people teach you this method?" Huang Ping said unhappily.

"Who knows, maybe we will be rewarded if we are obedient?" Xiaobei is still looking forward to it.

The old horse sighed, "all right, let's go back. Today we're scared. Let's go back and have a good rest. Tomorrow we'll go to the hospital and have a good physical examination."

Very good. No one dares to retaliate for the fierce skill of the female devil.

It's just that kind of untouchable means. Naturally, they are afraid. Lao Ma plans to go to the hospital tomorrow to have a good physical examination. If he can find out something, it's best. He doesn't need to be controlled by people. If he can't find out anything, he really wants to be a dog.

"Well, you should have a good physical examination." Several people nodded in a hurry, then dispersed and went back to rest.

Yin Zhu's parents will hear the sound of the key opening the door. They are relieved. It seems that their daughter is back, and they can finally have a good sleep.

Yin Zhu is so light handed that she quickly takes a set of clothes to change. Because she has been sleeping all day, Yin Zhu can say how sleepy she is. She cleanly takes a bath and goes back to her room to lie down.

Since she asked her mother to work, she must give money. She gave some things to her family before. Yin Zhu didn't intend to spend all those things, but she always wanted to leave some for her parents. On the contrary, she had a lot of fur in her hands, and her parents couldn't sell them. It was Lao Ma who was very suitable.

As for old ma, they will not be targeted because of these things. Yin Zhu says that he is not responsible for this. These guys have many means. Don't think that little gangsters have all kinds of ways. Sometimes they really need some crooked methods.

Old ma and Yin Zhu didn't plan to call on them right away. Those people may go to the hospital for physical examination tomorrow. They will always make those people despair and listen to their own words, won't they?

Hang them for a few days, and launch a few spells by the way to make those people feel painful. At that time, I'm afraid that Lao Ma and those people are more anxious than her. Only then can they really convince these people.

Tomorrow will be the weekend. She can see her brother Yin Zhi, his wife and children. Thinking of this, Yin Zhu is a little excited. After so many years, his brother has become a family, and his nephew has met for the first time. Although his father said to change his identity, it's the same for Yin Zhu.

Fortunately, there are still many good things on her side. This meeting will be in a hurry. The present will be ready.

After thinking about it clearly, Yin Zhu slowly fell asleep. When he woke up the next day, it was already more than nine o'clock in the morning. Yin Zhu would stretch his body comfortably, and it was better to go home.But this time she missed Tengxiao a few of them. Her world is so beautiful. If only she could bring them here. I don't know what they are doing.

By the way, she will be able to take the real thing back. She will go back to buy a laptop and take a lot of videos to show them. She will always let them know where she grew up.

Thinking of this, Yin Zhu quickly takes out her mobile phone and starts shooting. These are memories. When she goes back, these are her most precious treasures.

In addition to photographing himself, Yin Zhu did not forget to go out and photograph his parents and the corners of his home.

When Yin Zhu's mother saw that her girls were sleeping together, she was making a video. She couldn't help patting Yin Zhu on the shoulder. "OK, eat first. When you are old enough, you have to be called."

"Thank you, mom." Yin Zhu hugged his mother with a smile, and then washed quickly.

Yin Zhu washed his face and ate breakfast quickly. Then he took Yin Zhu's mother's hand and said, "Mom, you're going out later, right? I'll go out with you."

"All right." Although the girl's height is a little scary, it's not like she is not so tall. Moreover, when the girl comes back, Yin Zhu's mother is reluctant to keep Yin Zhu in her room for a long time.

"But I'll go shopping later. Your brother's family will come back and buy some delicious food, especially Xiaojia likes sea fish." Yin Zhu's mother is laughing and nagging.

Xiaojia is her nephew, whose name is Yin Jiaqi. She is her mother's baby.

"Well, let's go to buy fish. By the way, mom, don't buy meat. I've brought a lot of wild products from our side. After I get home, I'll take them out and let them have a taste. It's very delicious." She doesn't need to buy the ordinary meat in the vegetable market, but she doesn't have much seasoning. She will think about the seeds she needs and place an order online.

It's so convenient to have Internet. You can have everything you want. As for fabrics, Yin Zhu also plans to buy them, but Yin Zhu plans to buy more, so it's not convenient to buy them on the Internet.

"Oh, Hongmei, are these your relatives?" This meeting, aunt Yang of a community took a close look at Yin Zhu and said hello to her mother.

When Yin Zhuma saw this one, she shivered. She knew her daughter, but then she thought about it. As long as she didn't tell her, she didn't dare to recognize her. How could anyone recognize her? So she nodded with a smile, "well, my niece from my hometown."

"She's really strong, but women in the countryside need to be strong. This girl must be a leader in the countryside." Aunt Yang praised with a smile.

Yin Zhu looks at his rough hands with tears in his eyes, but he doesn't work hard. Yin Zhu says that he has a farming body and no farming brain.

Moreover, Yin Zhu said that he was not fat at all in the orc world. He was my fair lady.

I hate people saying I'm fat.

How can Yin Zhuma not know her daughter? This means that her daughter is not good-looking and she has to work in the farm. When was Yin Zhuma bullied? So she said without hesitation: "of course, her body is stronger, so that she won't be able to have a baby in the future."

Aunt Yang's face was not good when she heard this. There is a story in it, that is, aunt Yang's daughter lost weight when she had nothing to do. Her figure was weak and Liu Fufeng was good-looking. But she was not in good health. She often got sick. After she got married, she didn't get pregnant for a long time. Finally, Nanfang spent money to do surgery. As a result, the child still lost for several months. Then the man's family was preparing for divorce Well.

In this world, many people still value children, even girls, which will not be born. Some people can't accept it.

When Yin Zhu saw this, he quickly pulled his own mother away. His mother's method of pulling hatred was too powerful. In case the two old ladies fight later, it would be bad.

"You can't blame me for pulling me. She provoked me first." Yin Zhuma said she was very kind.

Yin Zhu wants to say that you have poked into the lung tube. If you don't hurry up, there will be an accident.

"Mom, I'm not in a hurry. What time is it? If you don't buy any more vegetables, you can make a table in time. You can let your son's family eat." Old lady, you don't mind a big deal.

"Don't hurry. You walk slowly." The old lady said that she went away, leaving Yin Zhu speechless. Well, it's all her fault.

Well, although this quarrel has something to do with her, my mother is so cruel that I'm afraid aunt Yang will spread it around later. The niece of Lao Yin's family is as strong as a cow.

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