The old horse took the medicine and went to find Qin ran carefully. Qin ran also let people stare at him at the beginning. After knowing that his people were thrown away, Qin ran was not angry, but had a kind of expected feeling.

The mysterious man's method is too magical. Even if his own people go to see someone, he will give the other person a head. There are many ways to control his subordinates.

"This is what my elder sister gave me and said she wanted to study." Lao Ma carefully opened the special medicine box in his hand and handed the test tube to Qin ran.

Because everyone, including Lao Ma, didn't know Yin Zhu's name, so they called Yin Zhu by the name of elder sister, aunt and grandmother. Anyway, they all knew which one they meant.

Qin ran just glanced at the test tube, then nodded and said, "send things to the Research Institute." Just a test tube, he can see something.

It's good to have something to do, and he can infer something from it. At least he knows what the mysterious elder sister wants to do.

Recently, Qin Ran has been thinking that the reason why the elder sister didn't see them is that she didn't want to be known by others. It's reasonable to say that all the people who have such mysterious means should come from extraordinary origins and have their own subordinates. However, the elder sister used the means of controlling them to find outsiders to deal with this matter. Why doesn't she have her own people After all, it's a secret thing to do with the laboratory.

Qin Ran has two corollaries at this time. One is that there is no available person around her. She is an ordinary person. Because of the opportunity, she gets the use of the spell. Most of all, this may be very small, but it is not without it. Another is that she is in a very dangerous position now, and there is no credible person around her. She would rather look for someone to do things outside I don't want people close to me to know.

After thinking about this, Qin ran knew that it was his chance. No matter what the reason, it was a result. No one could use this elder sister, and the most important thing he needed was people. He could cooperate with her, but Qin ran didn't want to be subordinate to others all the time.

Of course, if it's the first chance, he just needs to patiently find out the person behind him and then counter control the other party. Even if the other party's strength is weird, Qin ran knows that controlling people can't only be powerful. There are many ways, such as affectionate male stratagem or finding the other party's relatives. Of course, the most important thing is to find out the other party. If it's the second kind of person, it's hard Find the other side to cooperate and get the maximum benefits from the other side as much as possible.

He is a gangster. As long as he has interests, he does not do less desperate things.

But now the other party is hiding deeply, and it's not so easy to find people.

Yin Zhu is planning to go out for a tour. Of course, Bai Yangui can't be left at home. Yin Zhu plans to take Bai Yangui with him. If he wants to go out, he can only have his own car, or else any other car will not take him out.

Moreover, the city has been disturbed by her recently. Although Qin Ran has done nothing else, Yin Zhu can feel that the city is much more guarded. She'd better leave first to let Qin ran and them be quiet.

Yin Zhu told his parents about his plan to travel. Yin Zhu's mother couldn't help but want to travel with Yin Zhu.

Her daughter came back with difficulty. She wanted to have more contact with her daughter. She was really afraid that Yin Zhu would leave when the matter was finished. She would like to hang on Yin Zhu directly.

"Old man, let's go out with Yin Zhu. I miss her so much. " Yin Zhuma can't help but look at her wife.

Yin Zhu's father looked at his old lady, reached out and touched her head and said, "OK, we'll go out for a trip, but it's better not to go with Yin Zhu when we go out." He also missed his daughter and wanted to spend more time with her, but wasn't it for her safety?

When they leave the city, they will meet with Yin Zhu. If they go to a distant place, there will be fewer people staring at them.

Even when Yin Zhu lived in their house before, Yin Zhu made a statement. If someone found them one day, they would say that they were threatened by Yin Zhu. If they were found one day, other people would know about Yin Zhu's uncanny ability. At that time, they would directly say that they were threatened to give Yin Zhu a false identity. In any case, Yin Zhu was threatened People, this also said in the past.

Anyway, as long as their close relatives don't say it, who knows it's Yin Zhu who has already died.

Yin Zhu's mother doesn't want to think so much. She just wants to go out with her daughter.

When Yin Zhu knew that her parents wanted to go with her, she didn't refuse. She didn't have the heart to refuse. She was an unfilial girl. She was destined to abandon her parents for the sake of men and children. Now her parents are not afraid of danger and just want to spend more time with her. What's her qualification to say no?

Yin Zhu doesn't have many things, so he will pack up his things quickly, and then spend 20000 yuan on a cheap second-hand car and go on the road.

Bai Yangui is very excited and looks at Yin Zhu's car. As long as there is Yuehua to absorb, Bai Yangui will absorb it every day. For such a long time, Bai Yangui's weak body is much better. Compared with the physical quality of normal people in the orc world, it's still dregs, but it's similar to that of ordinary dogs, at least Yin Don't worry about Zhu. He suddenly hung up because of his bad health."You're more excited than I am." Yin Zhu looks at Bai Yangui lying on the window and shakes his head curiously. Of course, besides Bai Yangui, er Hei, who is Bai Yangui's younger brother, will also follow Bai Yangui to look out of the window.

This big and small action seems to be very harmonious. Yin Zhu thinks that the two black will become the second Bai Yangui, because no matter what Bai Yangui does, the two black will imitate.

"Take a good look at the world. Maybe you won't have a chance to see it in the future." Yin Zhu reached out and touched Bai Yangui's head. Bai Yangui paid such a high price to come to this world. After waking up, these memories are the wealth of his life.

Yin Zhu and his mother met several provinces away, and then a family of three and two silly looking dogs began to travel across the country. Yin Zhu didn't choose any place, but almost played one place at a time, regardless of any tourist destination or Xiaoshan village. The whole family had a great time along the way, and Yin Zhu also collected a lot of different kinds of things Since the reserve seed, later to the orc world.

It's a pity that the backpack can't store the way to live, otherwise Yin Zhu would like to take things like chickens, ducks and pigs with him.

Although there are a lot of meat animals in the orc world, the food on the earth is delicious and different.

On the other side, Qin ran took something and asked people to study it, while Professor Baker in the research room got the blood for a test and found Qin ran for the first time.

Professor Baker grabbed Qin ran excitedly and asked, "where does your blood come from? Get that man for me and study him for me. "

Qin ran looked at the professor's excited look, could not help but frown and said: "what's in it?" Who's blood can make a famous professor excited? Don't look at Professor Baker as if he is not famous. This guy is not famous in the eyes of ordinary people. In fact, he is a famous human body research expert in the dark net. He is crazy.

There must be something wrong with the blood, and it's a big problem.

Think of elder sister big said let them study the blood and find a way to rescue, that is to say, the owner of the blood should be sick, and it is not a general disease.

"You got the blood, and you asked me?" Professor Baker said in a bad voice.

Qin ran said coldly, "don't play tricks for me, talk well, otherwise you won't want to study." It's no use threatening Beck's life, but it's a standard for the research he's interested in.

"What's the mystery, but it's also a secret. I've studied a lot of people's (animal) combinations, but they can only connect some parts of the beast to the body. But that doesn't change a person's genes. After all, the one who connects is only foreign, and the inner core doesn't change. The blood you give me is different. Look at his gene master It's still human, but almost half of the wolf genes are fused in it, and the two are perfectly fused, not the kind that sticks together by force, you know? This is a werewolf. I always thought that the werewolf was a legend, but I didn't expect that it was true. I've told you all about it. I'll study the werewolf quickly, and I can see from the blood that the werewolf's health is very bad. You give the werewolf to me, and I promise to give you a healthy werewolf, OK? " Beck's eyes lit up as he said this, hoping Qin ran would agree immediately.

Qin ran couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "give the man to you. I'm afraid there won't be any residue left at that time." As for Beck's crazy appearance, there is no guarantee when he studies it. It is estimated that everything will be thoroughly studied at that time, and there is no residue. Besides, he does not have such a thing.

The werewolf turned out to be a werewolf. Thinking of all kinds of animal skins in his hand and the weird spell of eldest sister, Qin ran couldn't help thinking about where the eldest sister was. This is a fantasy world. Is there such a thing in the real world?

Qin ran was wondering if there would be a parallel world, otherwise how could there be such a strange thing? Of course, when I think about it again, I feel that I think too much. There is no such fantasy. It's just that the person who can take out such a magic thing, I'm afraid he can't touch it.

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