Soon the two brothers returned to their bodies. Bai Ji took a close look at the tengxi brothers and said, "when will Yin Zhu come back?"

Tengxi nodded at this time and said: "yes, she said that the people in their world have checked the blood of orcs. She said that we can't be repaired by the blood of the people in that world. She said that we are born with genetic defects. As for what is gene, I don't know. She said that we should give her another half a year to see if we can find a medicine to repair genes."

"Well, I see. You can go back." Bai Ji waved his hand and said.

"If my father asked us what our master wanted us to do, how would we answer?" Teng Cheng asked impatiently that he didn't want to cheat his father, but he didn't know what to say.

"Tell father the truth." Tanche looked at the sky and talked.

"To be honest, in that case, master's side..." Teng Cheng has a headache. He doesn't know what to do.

"Teng Cheng, you don't have to worry. Master is so smart. Even if Father knows this, what do you think father can stop master? I'm afraid our father doesn't know anything, and we can't do anything at that time. If our mother has a chance, we can't be peaceful even if we die. " Tengxi said anxiously.

Now he is very worried about his parents. He roughly knows what the master is going to do, but he doesn't know whether it will hurt his mother. Moreover, his master has always been able to understand that in this case, they won't leave his mother alone. So his master won't tell them about his mother who has something to do with them To add some chances to his parents, tengxi plans to tell Tengxiao what he knows, at least not to be caught off guard. As for Baiji, as he said, what Baiji wants to do is sure to be successful, and he has done enough to help them.

"Well, you decide. You're the big brother." Teng Cheng himself does not know how to do, this will be willing to take the lead, no direction, he is a direction.

Tengxiao saw the two children coming back and asked, "what did your master ask you to do?"

Tengxi then said what he had done. Of course, he didn't say that his soul and Zichen had been integrated. He just said the relationship of contract.

"You said you saw your mother? How is she Tengxiao asked excitedly. After he left Yinzhu, he didn't know how to think about it. It would be very difficult for him to ask more when he got the news from Yinzhu.

"My mother, she has nothing to do for the time being. She grew up in that world, so she should be very adapted. My mother said that she found the orc gene defect, and it will take about half a year to study how to cure the gene defect."

"I found out the cause of the disease. Your mother is really good. We'll wait for her for half a year." Tengxiao said very comfortingly.

He is most afraid that there will be no result when Yin Zhu goes back. If Yin Zhu can really take out the medicine to cure the orcs, it will save the whole Orc world. Of course, the only bad thing is that Yin Zhu will be back for half a year, which is a long time.

"I know about this matter. I'll discuss it with your father Bai Kun in the future. Now you try to obey your master, so that they won't be suspicious of you and hurt you." Tengxiao stretched out his hand and touched the two children's heads. He was very pleased to say that the two children were standing beside them.

Tengxi nodded. It would be better to have baikun's father. At least baikun's father is smarter than his own father, even though they don't want to admit that his father has a simple mind and developed limbs.

"Go and rest, you are good children." Tengxiao said happily.

Tengxi and Tengcheng go back to their homes. Tengcheng will have a headache and ask, "brother, do you think the master knows what we do? After all, the master suspected US before."

Teng Xi couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart when he heard this. No, if so, what he did was not useless. Instead, he left a handle on Bai Ji's side.

"There's nothing he doesn't know about master Zha." Teng Cheng would mutter.

Tengxi's heart was still a little uneasy. When he heard his brother stabbing his knife, his heart was even more uneasy. He didn't want to betray his master sincerely. He just wanted to help his father and mother. Yes, what he wanted to do was to try to balance the gap between the two sides, so that no one could help him and Tengcheng.

"Can you shut up? There's no good way. It's a lot of annoying words." Teng Xi glares at Teng Cheng, turns his back to Teng Cheng, and obviously doesn't want to talk to Teng Cheng.

This younger brother, like his father Tengxiao, is a brainless one. Even the part of the soul that Zichen fused with him, the smart one, didn't fall to him.

He had been in a bad mood, all kinds of irritability, and then next to him there was a brother who added fuel to the fire, tengxi said that he was sad.

Teng Cheng knew that his brother was obviously angry, so he quickly covered his mouth. He said that if his brother was not happy, his brother would go back and find a needle to sew his mouth.Looking at his brother's sad look, Teng Cheng clenched his hand into a fist and gently knocked his head. It's useless. If he can't help his brother, he'll give it back.

Yin Zhu had a good time playing here, but suddenly ran away and locked himself in the car. Yin Zhu's parents came up in a hurry, just looking at the closed door. The two elders were very worried. Because of Yin Zhu's special identity, they didn't dare to call people to see him. If Yin Zhu changed into something, wouldn't it be a bigger problem?

Yin Zhu's mother would anxiously circle around the car, circle by circle, while Yin Zhu's father would have a headache and hold his wife, "don't go, you're walking so fast that my heart beats with your pace. If you go on, I don't need to breathe."

"I'll go my way. It's none of your business." Yin Zhu's mother gave the old man a white look, but she stopped after all.

"You've been talking about everything for a long time. Yin Zhu hasn't come out yet. Is there anything wrong?" Yin Zhuma asked anxiously.

"What's your hurry? At that time, our daughter seemed to be rational. It should be something unexpected happened. She closed the door tightly at that time. It should not make people find anything abnormal. So we'd better wait and don't surround the car all the time, so as not to make people see anything abnormal." Yin's father tried to persuade him.

"Yes, I'm the only one who's worried. My daughter was born from my hard work. You're just in a good mood. It doesn't hurt, of course." The anxious Yin Zhuma's words are full of fire. If you find one, you'll fight one.

When Yin Zhu's father heard this, he looked at Yin Zhu's mother angrily, "old woman, do you speak with your conscience? What do you mean I'm not in a hurry? If you're in a hurry, you can help your daughter? Is it true that I want to bump around like a headless fly and add endless troubles to my daughter just like you

When Yin Zhuma heard this, she was very aggrieved and said, "do I want to do this? Would I like to? Am I in a hurry? If you don't comfort me, blame me. "

Hearing this, Yin Zhu's father sighed, "when can I blame you? Let's sit and wait. Maybe Yin Zhu will come out in a moment." Yin Zhu's father can't help but pull his wife aside to comfort him.

It took Yin Zhu a long time to wake up. She looked at her hand. She went back to her body.

Thinking of what the two children said, Yin Zhu can't help but have a headache. The meaning of the two children is very obvious, that is, the two children are controlled by Baiji. Now they are just passing on words. I don't know if Baiji will promise to give him half a year. If the other party is not satisfied, they will communicate again, or they will directly let their children replace themselves.

Yin Zhu doesn't want to have the last situation. Yin Zhu has an intuition that if it is replaced, there will be problems between herself or her children. She can't accept them, either herself or her children. So she has to speed up her pace and urge Qin ran to hurry up.

It's just that we don't know whether this genetic defect is a big problem or a small problem. If it's a problem that has been conquered in the world, it's easy to solve. If it's not, it's hard.

Yin Zhu just thought about it for a while, but didn't think about it any more. She would think about her parents, and they should be worried about it.

Sure enough, Yin Zhucai opened the car door, and two old people over there had already crowded up. "Yin Zhu, tell us what happened. Although we are not smart, we can still give you some advice."

"I'm sorry to worry you, mom and dad." Yin Zhu looks at the beads of sweat hanging on their foreheads and feels guilty.

"Don't talk nonsense, you are going to be very anxious." Yin Zhu's mother gave Yin Zhu a push.

"Well, there's something. Let's go, mom and Dad, and talk as we go." Yin Zhu asked two old people to get on the bus. Just now, she did not know if she had attracted other people's attention. However, even if someone had paid attention, as long as no one checked it, there would be nothing wrong. Most people today are not willing to meddle in their business.

"In fact, it's no big deal. People in our world asked me how things were going and how long it would take. They contacted me and had a strange image, so they hid in the car." Yin Zhu explained a little. As for the tengxi brothers, Yin Zhu didn't say that they didn't have to worry about them.

When she came back, she didn't show filial respect to the old man, but it brought endless trouble to the old man. Yin Zhu felt very guilty. In fact, when she came back, she shouldn't go to the two old men, but she couldn't help it. It was she who disturbed the old man's peaceful life for many years. When she left, she would make the old man sad for a while. She was an unfilial daughter.

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