"I don't have anything to tidy up. Let's go." Bai Yangui looks at Yang Wantong and says nothing. She goes over the wall and goes out first.

Yang Wantong can't help laughing at this and finally turns the man to her home. Of course, for the sake of her previous lies, Yang Wantong sends a message to Yin Zhu, to the effect that she sees Bai Yangui living alone here, lonely and lonely, and she takes it away.

Yin Zhu can't help but have some doubts after receiving the information, but Bai Yan's merging is not stupid. Since Bai Yan's life knows that there is something wrong with her identity and goes to Yang Wantong's side, it means that he has considered it clearly. In addition, didn't she think Yang Wantong's identity would help them?

Since Bai Yangui doesn't think it's a problem, she won't take part in the rest. She also wants to see what Bai Yangui will do with Yang Wantong's hand.

"I see." Yin Zhu is light Piao Piao reply such a sentence.

Yang Wantong looked at Yin Zhu's indifferent words, saying that the boss is so relieved? However, when I think about the mysterious means of the boss, I feel that I think too much. What do people like them need to be afraid of.

Looking at the beautiful boy walking side by side with her cartoon, Yang Wantong is very satisfied. Even her long hair seems to be so matched. Of course, her clothes don't match.

So Yang Wantong waved her hand and took Bai Yan back to go shopping.

Although Bai Yangui has been sober for some time, he just hid from the crowd before, and for the first time, he had such close contact with human beings, especially those shopping malls and high-tech products, which he had never seen before. Of course, Bai Yangui knew his own background, so he didn't want anything along the way, just looked at them.

As long as Yang Wantong sees that Bai Yangui is interested in spending money to buy it, fortunately, what Bai Yangui looks at is not valuable, but the sum of 7788 is worth a lot of money.

At the beginning, Bai Yangui didn't react to Yang Wantong's purchase. She thought that Yang Wantong bought it for her. She just handed it to herself after Yang Wantong checked out. Bai Yangui was a little embarrassed.

He wants to borrow the other party's identity to check things in the laboratory, which Yang Wantong knows in her heart. But this time, Bai Yangui is embarrassed to let the other party spend money on him. Especially when she knows that the other party admires her, Bai Yangui can't accept the other party's things.

In the nightmare world, the female pursues the male to send things. If she is interested in the other party, she will accept the things sent by the other party. If it is not, she just refuses.

Now Yang Wantong's situation is similar to that of the female courtship in the nightmare world. Bai Yangui knows her identity, but she doesn't plan to have anything to do with Yang Wantong. This time, Yang Wantong gives herself something, but he doesn't dare to accept it.

"These things are worthless. Take them. I'll buy them all." Yang Wantong handed the things in her hand to Bai Yangui.

Bai Yan guize frowned, and Yang Wantong stubbornly stuffed things into Bai Yan GUI. "If you really don't want it, you'll lose it. If you think you owe me, when you have money, you can give it back to me, or I'll take you to make money?"

Yang Wantong turns her eyes and says with a smile. Bai Yangui's eyes on the world tell us that this is a child who doesn't know anything. If she teaches herself to make money and live in the world, is she very successful? Of course, the most important thing is, after a long time of contact, is it possible to go further with Bai Yangui?

Thinking of this, Yang Wantong is even more excited. She wants to take Bai Yan back immediately. It's good to follow her to be a bodyguard or Wu Ting. In addition, with Bai Yan's face, it's enough to enter the entertainment industry.

Bai Yangui frowned tightly. It had already cost money. It's impossible to lose it, and it's not good to accept it. As for paying back money, it's even more distant for him, but it's not good. Bai Yangui frowned and said, "I'll make money with you."

Of course, he has to go to the laboratory first, find out about the laboratory, and make money later. Now he doesn't know whether he can go back to the orc continent. If he can't, he will have to live in this world. If he wants to live in this world, he will always make money. Now there are still people with him, and it will be worse if no one takes him?

"Great. Let's see what else you need. We'll buy it again." Yang Wantong wants to put Bai Yan in prison. Of course, if you can spend some money to hold this man, Yang Wantong is happy to do it.

Maybe it's debt, plus they really need to buy some daily necessities, Bai Yan nodded and said: "yes."

So Yang Wantong took Bai Yangui to go shopping. Of course, many of the girls were attracted by Bai Yangui's appearance, and they were forced back by Yang Wantong's fierce eyes.

Yang Wantong took Bai Yangui to many places and told him some laws and regulations in the world. In a person's world, the most important thing is laws and regulations. This is common sense. Fortunately, Bai Yangui is very smart and has a good memory. Yang Wantong said it once and he remembered it.

On the other hand, Lin Chun wondered how his little apprentice had run out for so long and had not come back. Tiandou was going to be dark. Would nothing happen? The recent a city is a bit chaotic. When he is about to ask people to go out, he finds that Yang Wantong comes in with a beautiful young man."Master, I'm back." Yang Wantong exclaimed excitedly.

Lin Chun frowned and looked at Bai Yangui, who was walking towards him. The young man looked very young, but the way he walked showed that he was not an ordinary person. The young man was very defensive when he walked.

"Who are you?" Looking at the age of the young people is not the older generation, but the younger generation he really do not know when such a number one figure, normally such a powerful young man should be very famous.

When Yang Wantong looks at her master, she knows what she is thinking. When she thinks that Bai Yangui, who was seriously injured but couldn't be changed, can draw with her. Now Bai Yangui should be even worse.

"Master, he is not a member of this circle. He is just a friend of mine." Yang Wantong stands in front of Lin Chun.

Lin Chun can't help laughing at this. He knows what kind of person his apprentice is. Besides, he has long eyes and can see. Such a powerful young man even says that he is not in the circle. Can he be born like this outside the circle? Besides, if there is no problem with his identity, his apprentice will not be like this, Ming There's something guilty about it.

But the little apprentice knows all the people in this circle. Where did the little girl know such a powerful person? Thinking of the recent chaos in a city, no one would give him any advice. He is good at everything, but he is not good at all. She can't resist the temptation of beauty, and the young man in front of her is one of the best.

"Who sent you?" Lin Chun pulls away Yang Wantong, who is standing in front of him, and asks Bai Yan to return with a black face.

To the little girl is actually to him. What's the ability of the little girl? It's not him? Lin Chun said that although he also looked in the laboratory during this period of time, he didn't do anything and didn't offend others. How could anyone take a fancy to him?

What's more, Qin ran, because he was forced, was unwilling. On the surface, the lab was still his. In private, he put in whatever he could. He wanted the people behind him to come out. It can be said that he didn't play any role in this matter. How could he attract other people's attention?

Bai Yangui also has some regrets. He shouldn't just come out with Yang Wantong. He frowned and looked at Yang Wantong on one side. "You can solve this problem." Bai Yan's return is not that she has no conscience and doesn't want to take care of it, but that she doesn't know how to say it. When she doesn't know anything, it's better not to say it, so as not to make trouble.

Yang Wantong nodded in a hurry. Lin Chun looked at Bai Yangui who had gone to one side and couldn't help blowing his beard and staring, "boy, you stop for me, don't you cheat my little apprentice with a face? I tell you that as long as I'm here, your plot won't succeed. Please remember. "

When Yang Wantong heard this, she quickly looked at Bai Yangui. Seeing that Bai Yangui was not angry, she was relieved. She took Lin Chun and said, "master, what do you mean? Do you think I'm disturbing you when I bring my friends back? In that case, I'll take my friend out to live? "

When Lin Chun heard this, he raised his hand to Yang Wantong's head and said, "you heartless girl, who am I for? Dead girl, no conscience. "

Lin Chun said angrily, hoping to beat the girl out.

Yang wantongze hugged Lin Chun's arm with a smile and said, "master, I can assure you that Bai Yan is really not a member of our circle, and he won't hurt me. Master, you believe me, believe me once, you see that I grow up so big, there is a way to make trouble, there is really no big trouble, isn't there?"

"It's too late for you to make a big mistake." Lin Chun is not angry and says, fortunately, the little apprentice also knows to bring people back. He has his own side to watch, and he can see something even if the other side has something.

"Is that what I am? I'm very sensible. " Yang Wantong is coquettish.

"Well, I'll tell you, be nice to me, and watch your friend. I won't be polite if anything happens." Lin Chun said angrily.

"Thank you, master. You are the best." Yang Wantong said with a smile. She knew that her master was the softest, and she was never willing to say anything serious to her. How could she take Bai Yangui out to live? What Bai Yangui had to do still needed the help of her master.

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