Since Bai Ji wants to calculate Yin Zhu, he should not pull down Tengxiao. After all, they all come here like this, don't they?

"Jono, do you think we're doing this for nothing?" Xiaojin was a little puzzled. Every step they took was not good. How did Baiji get there.

When Jono heard this, he said with a smile, "Baiji may not be able to count every step we take, but if we don't take this step, he will probably arrange us to take another road. Anyway, different paths lead to the same goal, which is the same in my opinion."

Xiaojin was silent when he heard this. Yes, Baiji might not know what they would do, but baiji would not let them go. It's certain that as early as the moment they were together with Yin Zhu, this matter was doomed and could not be changed. Even if they did not go, baiji would use other ways and other intentions to let them go that way.

"Well, let's go when we've seen it." Jono sighed.

Xiao Jin was a little reluctant, but he still listened to Jono's advice and went back step by step.

When Qiao Nuo and Xiao Jin leave, Yin zhuruo looks up and looks out of the window. Unfortunately, there is nothing out of the window. She is a little disappointed. At this moment, even she doesn't know what she is losing.

The people in the room immediately felt Yin Zhu's emotion. They all thought that Yin Zhu was sad because of Bai Kun. They began to comfort Yin Zhu, "Yin Zhu, it's OK. Bai Kun is so smart. He won't let himself have an accident."

Yin Zhu grinned bitterly, then shook his head faintly, "it's OK, let's have a rest." Now they really don't have the right to be happy. They still have a lot of hard battles to fight.

Bai Kun has returned to his room. Yin Zhu takes a look at Tengxiao and Leihe, "I want to accompany Bai Kun."

Tengxiao and Leihe heard this very understanding said: "go." They want to have more contact with Yin Zhu, but Bai Kun still says that he wants to leave and return to the orc mainland. Yin Zhu can't see him for a long time, so he should accompany him now.

Bai Kun looked at Yin Zhu, who entered the door with his heel. He couldn't help frowning, "Yin Zhu, what are you doing here?"

"With you." Yin Zhu said with certainty.

"I'm not a child. I don't need company." When he was a teenager, he left for the sake of the tribe. He endured all the loneliness. Now it's nothing.

"I need someone to accompany me. I need my partner to accompany me. When I come back from the earth so hard, what I miss is you, each of you. Bai Kun, do you want to push me away?" Yin Zhu looks at Bai Kun wrongly.

Seeing this, Bai Kun sighed, and then held Yin Zhu in his arms. "Since you are not afraid of death, I will."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he laughed and raised his hand to hit Bai Kun. "I'm really afraid you'll stay away from me."

If he doesn't give Yin Zhu this time, Yin Zhu will do more crazy things, such as forced to stay with him. Yin Zhu is soft hearted and stubborn, saying that she is soft hearted is that she is soft hearted to the people around her, To say that she is stubborn is to say that she is stubborn about her feelings.

As far as Yin Zhu is concerned, she is affectionate, but she is not. She has several partners, but these people didn't give her a choice at the beginning. With the influence of the surrounding environment, Yin Zhu also accepts the fact that she has several partners. Some of them are right, but Yin Zhu can't treat her partner like an ordinary Orc Female. She is still emotional and emotional.

"How can I, how can I be willing to push you out." Bai Kun touched Yin Zhu's head and said with a smile.

"Bai Kun, you remember that no matter what you become, you can't avoid me." Yin Zhu grabs Bai Kun's clothes and says.

Bai Kun looked at Yin Zhu and said with a gentle smile, "OK."

He won't hide from Yin Zhu because of his own changes. Is it fun to hide? He is not willing to let his partner run around for him. In his opinion, living is the greatest luck. Of course, when his health problems will endanger Yin Zhu's health, he will look at him from a distance and tell him where he is, so that Yin Zhu will not rush around because he can't find him.

Besides, Bai Kun absolutely doesn't believe that things can't be solved. Since these things are caused by the day after tomorrow, there is absolutely a way to solve this problem. If no one knows the way, he thinks that as long as people or people have hope.

"It's very kind of you, Bai Kun." Yin Zhu leans in Bai Kun's arms with a smile. When he comes, he is afraid that Bai Kun will refuse him. He did not expect that Bai Kun would accept him so calmly. It's just that Yin Zhu feels uncomfortable after accepting him. It seems that he is willing to accept him regardless of everything. Bai Kun can accept it twice this time, but Bai Kun won't let her get close to him for a long time.

"Silly, it's you who suffer." Bai Kun is very helpless to pinch Yin Zhu's nose.

Yin Zhu shakes her head. She wants to say that the real losers are just a few of them. Without him, Bai Kun is still a very free and handsome man. He wanders in the orc continent and works hard for the nightmare clan. Every one of his friends can live well."Go to sleep. I'll bear the fall of the sky." Bai Kun touches Yin Zhu's head and presses him in his arms.

Yin Zhu cleverly buries his head in Bai Kun's arms and says nothing.

When he woke up the next day, Bai Kun took Yin Zhu's hand and walked out of the door. He looked at Tengxiao and Leihe, who were not far away. He gently pushed them to the two people, and then said, "take good care of Yin Zhu. I'll give them to you."

Yin Zhu's eyes turned red when he looked at Bai Kun, who was striding away. As expected, yesterday was the last dinner, and then the warmth.

Leihe held Yin Zhu's shoulder and asked softly, "do you want to follow up and have a look?"

Yin Zhu gently shook his head and said: "no, Bai Kun go to talk. Even if he wants to leave, Bai Kun will tell me."

Bai Kun has a beginning and an end. She doesn't have to worry about this. As for negotiation, she's not good at it. Don't affect Bai Kun's mood. It's better to leave it all to Bai Kun.

Bai Kun looks at Bai Ji sitting at the door waiting for the barbecue under the tree. He looks like he is waiting for him. Is he going to come to him?

Thinking of this, Bai Kun's face couldn't help getting overcast. It's a bad feeling that every step is considered good.

"Yesterday, Jono and Kim went out, just standing outside your room, listening to you chatting over there. Well, they are perfectly integrated, forming one body. They are both sober and can be replaced at any time. Then they go back to Mengji's body." Bai Ji said with a smile.

Bai Kun's face sank when he heard this, "what do you mean by telling me?"

Jono is sober. He knows something about Jono's temperament. He is calm and has an overall view. However, Jono chooses not to meet them and enters Mengji's body again. What does Jono want to do?

"It doesn't mean much. I just think you are one of the few smart people. I want to see your choice. Jono has chosen it." Baiji is laughing.

Seeing that smile, Bai Kun rushed forward and broke his face. He was really annoyed.

"Don't you see my choice? I'm standing here, isn't that your choice? " Bai Kun is cold. He is standing here. Bai Ji will not know what he is doing? I didn't know before. Can I still not know now?

What did Jono know so he chose? What about him? Where is his way forward.

"Well, you are also a rare intelligent person. Bai Kun, let me tell you, where is Mengji's road ahead, where is your road ahead, but Mengji's road ahead is not good, so you know, do you want to go this way?" Bai Ji had a faint smile.

"Mengji's road ahead is not good. What about your road ahead?" Bai Kun asked.

Bai Ji laughs at this, "do you think I'm different from Meng Ji? Don't worry, my ending will not be good. Are you happy to hear that? "

When Bai Kun heard this, he couldn't help but scold him. He was crazy.

"Don't worry, baikun. I've done so many evils. I want to pay them back." Bai Ji said in a light voice, but Bai Kun was quite clear.

If the previous baiji is still high spirited, then the baiji who says this is like a hero's twilight.

"I'm going to the orc continent. I think you must have a way to go to the orc continent, right? Ziji has already gone to the orc continent. You don't want Ziji to do anything bad for you." Bai Kun said word by word.

"Yes, you are right, but why do you think I will believe you and help me stop Ziji? It would be nice if you didn't help him destroy it. " Bai Ji said.

"No, I won't help Ziji, and I won't help you. I just want to fight for the future of me and Yin Zhu. No matter you or Ziji, you are not kind-hearted people. I can't trust you, but when I go there, as long as Ziji does something harmful to the world, I will stop it. Are you satisfied with the answer?" Bai Kun turns his head and looks at Bai Ji.

Bai Ji laughed and said, "well, I like your honesty. What I want is to protect the world. I like your answer very much."

"There is still an array on the side of the nightmare world that leads to the orc continent. The connection between the two continents can't be completely sealed. For example, orcs can enter the nightmare world unilaterally, and people on the side of the nightmare world can also enter the orc world naturally, but they are all unilateral. Bai Kun, you're the nightmare people, otherwise you can't go back." Bai Ji explained with a smile, and then took Bai Kun to the ground.

Bai Ji waved, and a secret array appeared. Bai Ji pointed to the place and told Bai Kun, "this is the array. If you want to go back, just use your mental power to start the array."

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