Looking at Qiao Nuo's sincere eyes, Yin Zhu almost can't control it. Qiao Nuo's request is very humble. She is pregnant and is equal to looking for Qiao Nuo to be a dish collector. What qualifications does she have to ask for Qiao Nuo?

"Jono, you don't want to be like this. Actually, actually..." Yin Zhu wants to say that she doesn't like Tengxiao at all. She likes the owner of Tengxiao, but she doesn't know how to answer.

Qiao Nuo didn't think of his confession, but Yin Zhu didn't give a response. His bright eyes gradually became dim, and even the joy of Yin Zhu's promise to marry him was gone.

Yin Zhu suddenly felt his guilt, "Jono, you, don't do this, I, I also have a little like you, really, otherwise I won't always work with you, and tell you to work, don't you think I'll look for you when I have something, and don't look for others, right? So don't be sad, OK?" Yin Zhu takes Jono by the arm and acts coquettishly.

Jono's face was expressionless. When he heard Yin Zhu's words, his heart was full of joy. Yin Zhu would care whether he was hard or not, which was enough for him. He suddenly found that as long as he pretended to be poor, Yin Zhu would take care of himself. After he found that this move was used by Yin Zhu, Jono felt that he could use it more.

"Just a little bit like it?" Jono asked, disappointed.

"More than a little, more than a little." Yin Zhu can't help comforting.

"A little more than a little bit. How much is that?" Jono kept asking.

"Jono, don't break the casserole like this. I like you a little now. I promise I will like you more every day." Yin Zhu fawns on Jono.

"It's a deal. If you can't do it, I'll be sad. I can't bear to live. Life is not like death." Jono tried to get serious.

"No, no, I promise." Looking at Jono's smiling face, Yin Zhu was relieved.

"Well, you go to the cave and have a rest. I'll go back and get something." Qiao Nuo thinks that Yin Zhu is pregnant, and there are still a lot of fur in his cave. He moves all of them here and cushions the cave here. It's not good to save where Yin Zhu will knock.

Looking at Qiao Nuo, Yin Zhu's hand was too late to take back, "no, she didn't promise to let Qiao Nuo move here."

After a while, Jono had already brought more than a dozen skins. "Jono, I didn't promise you to live in my cave."

"Yin Zhu, sit down for a while. I'll take the fur to the cave and pad it. You're pregnant. Pay attention." Jono didn't give Yin Zhu the chance to refuse at all. He took the things into the cave directly, and then quickly got busy.

Fortunately, orcs are born with night vision, and even darkness can't stop them from working.

Looking at the fur on the floor, Yin Zhu seems to say that it's luxury. It's real leather. Who uses real leather to pad the floor? She enjoys a good treatment.

Looking at Qiao Nuo who pours on the ground carefully inside, Yin Zhu feels that Qiao Nuo should like children very much, so he was so angry when he heard that she didn't want cubs. Now he pours in her cave so carefully that he's afraid that she won't feel comfortable. It's good to be the father of cubs.

So she married herself. She married Jono. After that, she had a family, a husband and children.

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