Turning left and right in the cave means that she can't sleep, especially outside the cave, there is a Jono guarding for herself. She begins to say that Jono doesn't go into the cave to sleep with herself. She is at ease. However, thinking of Jono sleeping outside the cave, will she be cold or catch a cold? Thinking of these messy problems, Yin Zhu felt that he could not sleep at ease.

In the heart hangs Qiao Nuo not to sleep well, Yin Zhu finally can only headache to get up, climbed out of the cave.

When Yin Zhu went out, he saw Jono sleeping alone at the entrance of the cave. He looked very pitiful.

Yin Zhu walked over and called softly, "Jono, Jono, are you asleep?"

Jono didn't answer. Yin Zhu touched Jono and found that her hands and feet were cold. This time, she felt more guilty. She quickly pushed Jono, "Jono, wake up, you wake up, you can't sleep here, you will get sick."

In fact, when Yin Zhu came out, Jono woke up. He just wanted to see what Yin Zhu was doing. When Yin Zhu pushed him, he woke up.

"Yin Zhu, what's the matter?" Jono opens his eyes and looks at Yin Zhu in wonder.

"You don't want to sleep outside. The dew is heavy outside at night. You will get sick. Come to sleep in the cave. It's big anyway." Yin Zhu tried to be very relaxed.

"But don't you mind?" Jono's heart was full of joy, but his mouth asked deliberately.

"If there's anything to mind, I'll turn back into a beast." Well, that's what Yin Zhu thinks. It's normal for animals to live in groups.

"Yin Zhu, pregnant females have no way to transform." Jono reminds me weakly.

Well, Yin Zhu's head is full of black lines, and then he looks at Jono weakly.

"Well, I'll be a beast." Qiao Nuo smiles. No matter what the reason is, it's a good phenomenon as long as you can go further into Yin Zhu's life.

"Then go into the cave." Yin Zhu said happily.

After entering the cave, Jono transforms directly. Looking at the huge white sculpture, Yin Zhu can't help but feel shocked. Every time he sees Jono's transformation, Yin Zhu can't help but sigh that it's really amazing that a person turns into an animal. How do some of these bones move.

Looking at the beautiful white carving, Yin Zhu couldn't help reaching out and touching the beautiful feather, "Jono's feather is very beautiful."

At this time, Jono has squatted down to relax, and then a pair of beautiful Phoenix eyes looking at Yinzhu with a smile, "Yinzhu like it?"

"Yes." The feather is smooth and bright. It feels very comfortable.

"Go to bed, Yin Zhu. It's very late. Have a good rest. " Jono said gently.

"Good." Yin Zhu looked at the big bird lying beside him and closed his eyes.

Just forcing her eyes, Yin Zhu still couldn't sleep. She always felt that there was a burning eye beside her looking at herself all the time. Yin Zhu couldn't help opening her eyes and said angrily, "you close your eyes to sleep, you look at me, I can't sleep."

When Jono heard this, he was not angry. Instead, he answered meekly, "OK, I'll sleep with Yin Zhu, too."

Looking at Qiao Nuo obediently closed his eyes, Yin Zhu turned around and closed his eyes.

Still can't sleep, around suddenly more than one person, how can we ignore, even if Jono has become a sculpture, besides, Jono's words before good ambiguity.

Yin Zhu suddenly found himself as if he had been caught by Qiao Nuo, and then put it on the chopping board to be slaughtered at any time. He couldn't escape his hand.

I'm so upset.

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