Chumo couldn't help thinking that the palace master was very kind.

The palace master probably guessed Chumo's idea, but he couldn't help shaking his head and said, "I feel guilty for Baiji, and there is heartache. The reason why I say that even I don't know who I am is is because I devour the clansmen. In fact, it's not phagocytosis, it should be integration. I know all their emotional experiences."

Chumo's heart was silent when he heard this. That is to say, the master of the palace is actually the father of Baiji. At least the father has feelings for his children, so he will let Baiji go all the time.

"Palace master, what about you? Do you want me to be the leader of the dream clan when you tell me these things? And you? " Chumo can't help asking.

"Me? It's time for the blame I should not exist to dissipate. Besides, only when I, the culprit, disappear, will the way of heaven not hate the dreamers. " The palace Master said with a sigh.

As early as he knew that the two realms were merging, the palace master thought of his own way. Moreover, he felt that he had lived enough and had enough. Although his strength was strong enough, he had the most memories and emotions in his mind. There were too many sad things. He had enough of sadness.

"But, Lord, I don't know where the dream clan's way out is?" As for the palace leader, Chumo has little impression. Some of them just look down on them from the other side. Now, the other side's sudden commitment makes him feel helpless.

"Follow the orcs and they will lead you to a way out." The palace Master said calmly.

The dream clan has completely abandoned themselves. Fortunately, there are orcs and purple sacrifice. Although they sacrificed purple sacrifice, they still have the last trace of true spirit left. There should be something unfinished. He thinks purple sacrifice should know how to do it.

"Follow? Just follow? " Chumo asked in silence.

"Well, you can see the nightmare clan in the orcs. There are so many people who practice reincarnation, and there are also half orcs. They all have various problems. Yin Zhu, they should come to the rescue methods early. I think these methods basically come to the same end by different paths. At that time, the rescue methods of the dream clan should come out, so you don't have to worry too much. Just follow them." The palace Master said calmly.

"But we are the enemies of others. Will we follow them if we want to?" Chumo asked with a bitter face. He knew that if he wanted to fight with others, he should not fight this war. Many people died in this war.

"For the dead?" The master of the palace raised his head slightly and looked at Chumo.

Chumo can't help but feel a chill when he sees the cold eyes of the palace leader, and then he doesn't know how to defend himself.

"Do you think if we begged Yin Zhu to integrate the heart of the world from the beginning, would they have doubts and she would be obedient? What's more, there are so many people on the battlefield, and it's not a big war. If they die, it only means that they should die. Don't you see that there are still more people living well? " The palace Master said sarcastically.

Chumo couldn't help but bow his head when he heard this. He said that the palace master was kind before, and now he wants to take it back. The palace master's temper is so strange that he can't guess what he is thinking.

Since it doesn't matter, why do you want to find a way out for people in this world? Find a way for the dream people.

"Well, I've made it clear to you. You can go away." At this time, the palace master was probably tired of Chumo and directly drove people away in a vicious voice.

Chumo turns around and walks away when he hears this. He stays when he wants to use people, but when he doesn't use people, he tells them to roll. It's too fast to turn around.

But who taught him that he had no strength and could only bow his head? And how could the leader choose him?

Sure enough, before returning to his own place, he was surrounded by several other holy sons, who were inquiring about what the palace Master said to him.

Now their strength is decreasing one by one. They are all in a bad mood. If the palace master has any way to keep his strength, they also want it. Chumo can't have this advantage alone. Chumo has been very honest before. I didn't expect that he had caught up with the palace master behind his back. No wonder he didn't see them and didn't compete with them.

If Chumo knew what they were thinking, he would cry to death. Was he wronged.

Looking at Chumo who is surrounded by the crowd, the palace master can't help sneering. Those people know all day long that they are fighting for power and profit. The dream people are in this situation. They have never thought of a way out. In fact, baiji is the most suitable leader, but baiji is ambitious. The dream people don't need a leader who is too ambitious. Chumo is OK and has some conscience In this way, we should not seek expansion, but just keep the inheritance.

These people still have strength, strength has not completely disappeared, when the strength completely disappeared, their doomsday will come.

The palace master arranges his own affairs, and on the other hand, Jono has already met Leihe who is returning. Jono looks at Yinzhu and is held in Leihe's arms. He can't help but be very surprised, "Yinzhu, Yinzhu is OK." Surprise is followed by joy.That's great. He always thought Yin Zhu was gone. His heart was empty and he was at a loss. Xiao Jin was manic. Fortunately, Yin Zhu was OK and he was OK.

At this time, Jono rushed to the front of Yinzhu, snatched Yinzhu from Leihe's arms and held it in his arms. "Yinzhu, it's really good that you're OK. I always thought you had an accident." Jono finished and buried his head in Yin Zhu's neck socket.

Yin Zhu feels his neck Shishi, and Jono cries.

But her heart is aching. She wants to cry, but there are no tears.

Leihe can't help but feel heartache when he looks at Yin zhumumu. Yin Zhu wakes up after being taken away by them for more than an hour. Yin Zhu wakes up in his arms without any noise and noise, and they still take her away, but her eyes are always looking at the direction of Mengzu temple, where baikun is.

Fortunately, along the way, they gave Yin Zhu something to eat. Yin Zhu would still eat, but he didn't talk to them much. No matter what they said, he didn't respond to them.

"Well, Jono, you give me Yin Zhu first. Let's go back first." Reich patted Jono on the shoulder and picked him up.

At this time, Jono found that Yin Zhu's expression was very wrong. Yin Zhu was not happy to see him at all, not only unhappy, but seemed to have no expression or feeling.

"What's the matter?" Qiao Nuo can't help but ask Tengxiao. He glances at Tengxiao, and then finds that there is one person missing from his entourage, Bai Kun. They all came back, but Bai Kun didn't. combined with Yin Zhu's expression, Qiao Nuo knew that Bai Kun had an accident.

"Go back." Tengxiao said listlessly at this time that he was ready to sacrifice. As a result, he was ok, and something happened to baikun.

Yes, who knows that Bai Kun is the child of Bai Ji and Meng Ji? No one knows that. Even Bai Ji's former disciples don't know that his master has a child. Bai Kun's hiding is too deep. He hasn't shown it before. In addition, Bai Kun has always been defending Yin Zhu's interests. Who can think that Bai Kun's identity is problematic.

Of course, Bai Kun didn't betray Yin Zhu in the end, which is much more powerful than him.

Tengxiao is bitter and astringent in his heart. He is in a dilemma like Bai Kun. No, Bai Kun is more difficult than him. However, he betrayed Yin Zhu and said that he was ready to redeem with his life. As a result, he didn't do anything. Bai Kun was obviously so difficult, but no matter how difficult it was, he didn't attack Yin Zhu. He was much worse than Bai Kun.

Sometimes there is no harm without comparison. Looking at Yin Zhu's dull and wooden appearance, he is really sad.

Although he said he would go back, Jono couldn't help asking questions all the way, and then he connected all the stories by himself. Knowing that Bai Kun was the one who helped Yin Zhu integrate the heart of the world, Jono sighed deeply.

"Bai Kun is a good companion." Jono said with admiration.

He didn't know if he could be like Bai Kun, so he admired him.

"Well." Teng Xiao answered softly.

"Go back and accompany Yin Zhu, especially you. Don't feel guilty about leaving. Yin Zhu has lost a partner. Don't let Yin Zhu worry about your affairs. " Jono patted Tengxiao on the shoulder.

Tengxiao nodded. He knew that he had hurt Yinzhu, but Jono didn't say a word, didn't let him leave, and let him comfort Yinzhu.

Yes, now that there is no baikun in Yinzhu, he should be with Yinzhu. And after baikun, he should learn how to treat his partner. What he owed in the past can only be made up in the future.

Jono slowly follows Leihe behind Yinzhu. Yinzhu is not in a good state now, but he doesn't know how to persuade Yinzhu. Maybe it doesn't work. Yinzhu just needs them to accompany her quietly now.

Thinking of Bai Kun, Jono thinks that the guy is really conceited. He decides to do such an important thing without consulting them.

It's true that when he was alone, without relatives, and didn't treat them as brothers, but knowing this, why was he so sad and wanted to catch that guy and beat him hard, he didn't believe them?

All of the pressure on your own? But why do you admire this damned guy.

It's great, isn't it great? Isn't it that at the end of the day, Yin Zhu was so sad that he lost himself?

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