It took about a month for the way of heaven and the heart of the world to merge completely, and the strength of the people of the heaven and the people of the dream all weakened to the beginning. At the beginning, all the orcs were afraid to go out. After all, the decrease of their strength represented the decrease of their hunting ability. For a time, there was a real chaos. But then they found that the strength of those powerful beasts was also similar Yes, the reduction is not as great as that of human beings, but the living conditions are much worse.

Fortunately, in the orc world, although the various cultivation and breeding technologies that Yin Zhu spread before have not yet been completely transformed to rely on farming and animal husbandry, at least most tribes grow about half of their staple food, and hunting is not a big problem.

It doesn't matter to the nightmare people. They are born to enslave wild animals and become the most powerful breeding masters. They don't lack food. The most difficult thing is the dream people. The dream people used to be powerful and could get a lot of food if they went out. Now they are really in the most difficult time.

As for the orcs and the nightmares, although they have signed an agreement with the haunters and don't care about what happened before, it doesn't mean they don't hate each other. They don't want to help the dreamers, but the orcs and the nightmares help each other and have a very good life.

Chumo looks at his people with a lot of headaches at this time. They are sad to go to Chumo one by one, while others who were envious of Chumo getting the leader's position are very happy at this time. It's OK, otherwise they would not be able to make a mess now.

He was in a hurry. He felt that he was free and strong enough. He no longer had to look at people's faces carefully. He was planning to teach the dream people and the orcs a lesson. After all, he suffered a lot from these two people at the beginning. Even if the orcs treated him half, it was also reflected in the low strength of the orcs, So even the orc is not ready to let it go, but when he is ready to show his bravery, he suddenly finds that several people are beyond his control. Thinking of this, the way of heaven is very angry. Both the dream clan and the orc are old crafty things, which makes them angry.

And the most important thing is that he is not complete. However, the missing part has been completely refined. He is the one who can't get it back. Because he is incomplete, his rules always have loopholes. This loophole doesn't have much impact on most people, but for Bai Kun and Bai Yangui, that is the fatal flaw of the way of heaven.

Because that part has completely broken away from its body and become a part of others. For the things that the Lord of the holy palace did, the way of heaven was so angry and hated, but there was no way. Even he had to take the initiative to go to Bai Kun and form a complete rule with him, so that he could better control the world.

Because the way of heaven looks at Bai Kun who has been in a coma and can't help being jealous. It's time for someone to save him regardless of everything. Then the heart of the world has been completely integrated with Bai Kun's body and become a part of him. If Bai Kun dies, he will be afraid of missing some rules forever.

Bai Kun is still awake, so he doesn't know what the way of heaven requires, but he can't stand a white sacrifice. Even if it's not good for him, he can strip people of their skin, let alone wait for others to ask for him.

However, Bai Ji finally remembered the palace master's last request this time. In addition to returning Bai Kun's soul, Bai Ji's requests were all beneficial to the dream clan. The way of heaven was so angry that the dream clan would come to such an end. It was their own cause that he would not help change it. It was the way of heaven's retribution.

As for baikun's soul, he has integrated it and wants to return it all. It is impossible to change what he may have, especially some things that have been integrated into the core. However, the way of heaven says that he will try his best to separate part of it and return it to baikun. The reason why the way of heaven is so straightforward is that with the heart of the world in baikun, he will get those souls from him sooner or later Since we have to return strength sooner or later, why not use it for some benefits?

Although Tiandao is very unhappy, he has good sense for baikun. He has enough soul power to sacrifice, but the people of Mengzu can't do it. They have to be punished. In the end, Tiandao gains the upper hand. Tiandao painfully changes two fifths of baikun's soul. Because of forced separation, it has the power to carry a lot of the heart of the world Go, the way of heaven, because of this, it's always said that it's a loss.

Baiji carefully put the two fifths of the soul into the body of Longjin baikun. Looking at it, you can see the angry baikun. Baiji is full of information. It was originally baikun's body and soul. As long as baikun had a good pregnancy and soul, he would wake up soon.

Mengji is very happy when she knows about this, but it also makes baikun and Tiandao completely bound together. Moreover, Tiandao belongs to the strong one, and baikun is in the weak one. However, as long as baikun can live, baiji is very satisfied.

In addition, the way of heaven does not dare to go too far for Bai Kun, because once he goes too far, he will also be injured, which can be regarded as mutual suppression.

Moreover, due to the completion of rules and the weakening of strength, those who have gained great strength begin to return to themselves one by one. For example, the orcs originally did it in order to gain great strength, which will change back to normal orcs one by one, and they will not have great strength. In addition, those who have practiced the formula of reincarnation are the same, probably the only one has not changed It's the dream family.However, the people of the dream clan didn't live well, so they went to the nightmare clan to trade with the orcs. After all, the orcs had a lot of good things in their hands, while the nightmare clan had a lot of wild animals. Then a female of the dream clan followed an ORC.

Soon, the female became pregnant. This time, the record of no new life was broken. Then they began to try. Finally, they found that the punishment of heaven for the dream was still there. If two dream groups were together, there would be no cubs, but if they were with other groups, there would be cubs, because heaven does not limit other groups to have cubs.

So because of this, the dream people are very keen to find the nightmare people and orcs. Even though the nightmare people and the orcs don't like the dream people, they can't stand it. The dream people want to be crazy about their babies. In order to realize this wish, they are willing to do anything. The dream people are not stupid. They are proficient in all kinds of ways to please their partners. After all, there are a few hard hearted people who have a long time As time goes on, the people of the dream race find their partners in another race one by one. At that time, the races begin to merge.

However, it is also because of the shameless behavior of the dreamers that the contradictions between the original races have narrowed down a lot. After all, people say that if there are relatives here, there are reasons there. It's easy to solve any problems, but it seems very happy.

At the beginning, Yin Zhu lived in the ancestral land of the dream clan for a period of time, and then she embarked on the journey of Ziji alone. This time, no one oppressed her and forced her to make continuous progress and efforts. This time, she was really walking and watching. The scenery around her was very beautiful, but in the end, she was the only one. Yin Zhu was very beautiful The loss of points, she found that even the best scenery, can not make her happy.

It's very easy to travel, but Yin Zhu often recalls the past days, the days when she followed Tengxiao. At that time, they followed her. Although she was forced to move forward, she always had a good life and never worked hard. In addition, those people always tried to make her happy.

In fact, several of her partners are very good, very good. At first, she doubted her intentions towards them. But along the way, Yin Zhu has seen a lot of people, especially the dreamers. When they pursue their partners, many of them start with a purpose, but it can't be said that they are not happy, or there is no real love between them.

Take her for example. At first, some of her partners were more or less for some reasons. Then they contacted each other and found that they were actually very good. For example, she always enjoyed their care.

Habit is really a terrible thing. In fact, she has been used to their care for her for a long time, but she unconsciously falls into their gentle trap. She just hasn't felt it herself, which is very deep after she left.

No matter Tengxiao or Jono, or Leihe, each of them has deep memories for her. Yin Zhu can't help laughing at herself at this time. She is really philanthropic and greedy.

But it's all of them who come to provoke her, so we shouldn't blame her. Yin Zhu smiles. She has straightened out her heart. She can't wait to go back to see them.

I don't know if they will be surprised when they go back. I just think that Bai Kun and Yin Zhu, who are no longer there, are a little sad. She feels guilty and uneasy. Can people like her really get such happiness? What's more, she was afraid that she would never let Bai Kun go. I wonder if they would care? However, she will Miss Bai Kun, and will not be silent in sorrow. She will live a good life for her, so that she can live up to Bai Kun's sacrifice.

Yin Zhu is ready to turn back, which Leihe felt for the first time, because Yin Zhu's route is no longer the one without direction before, but the one with a destination. Look at that place, that's the direction of his family, daze tribe.

Is Yin Zhu going home? Seeing this, Leihe would like to rush forward and ask Yinzhu to go home together. Finally, he thought that he would hold back and secretly follow Yinzhu. It's good to watch Yinzhu walk through the tribes and follow him. It's also a kind of happiness.

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