"Then we'll go back to find Bai Kun and see what he needs. We'll always get him back." Qiao Nuo said very simply, since Bai Kun still has a good chance to find people back, they are a family. Since they are a family, they always want to get together.

Yin Zhu was very glad to hear what Jono said, "thank you." Of course, even if Qiao Nuo doesn't agree, Yin Zhu will go to find Bai Kun by herself. She can't ignore Bai Kun.

No matter what happens to Bai Kun, she will always watch him. No matter where they take him, she will look for him.

"Thanks for what I do. Our family has finally got together. We can't lack a Bai Kun." Jono said, spoiling.

"We live in the tribe for a period of time, and then we go to find Bai Kun, Yin Zhu. Don't you always want to visit? In the future, there will be nothing big. Let's go and have a good time. Shall we accompany you? " Leihe grabs Yinzhu's hand and says.

Yin Zhu nodded and agreed.

Jono is very happy to see this, and he doesn't plan to stay in daze tribe for long. Although some of them come back, the old people of daze tribe are very happy and welcome them, but there are still more daze tribe people who don't know them. Jono has been away for a long time, and the tribe is developing rapidly. There are too many people from other tribes in it. Jono has no relationship with those people After not familiar with that strange feeling, Jono is not very like.

Even Yager is willing to return his position as patriarch to Jono. Jono doesn't accept it. What he has put down at the beginning will not be taken back. It's not appropriate.

What's more, Yager has paid a lot for this tribe, and he won't get people back.

Of course, they have done a lot for the world and are very popular, but this is not the time to snatch the credit of others, but it is also because their credit is too high, sometimes what they don't want will be pushed to that position by others, so it is the best for them to leave, so no one's life will be affected, and they will be welcomed if they come back occasionally Welcome.

Besides, Jono doesn't like to be the patriarch, especially the Daze tribe is so big and has so many things to do. If he is really the patriarch, he will be tied to the Daze tribe all his life. He can't be happy even if he wants to be happy. There is so much pressure between them and he has done enough things. In the rest of his life, he still wants to relax and take Yin Zhu out to play?

Besides, Yin Zhu is not the kind of person who likes looks. Yin Zhu is more of a little woman and has a good life. When she asks for money, she has money to spend. She is the kind of person who is just as rich as she wants. She doesn't need any glory. What Yin Zhu and I like is their company.

Sure enough, Jono accompanied his family and Yin Zhu, an old member of the tribe, to visit them one by one. As for other members of the tribe, Yin Zhu didn't contact them again. Although those people wanted to contact them, Yin Zhu said that he didn't have much energy to contact them.

It's Teng. After knowing that Yin Zhu came back, this guy was hiding from Yin Zhu at the beginning. Obviously, he didn't know how to face Yin Zhu.

In the end, Yin Zhu blocked Teng who was going out. Looking at the young man in front of him, Yin Zhu blinked his red eyes. In a twinkling of an eye, the child had grown up, so big that Yin Zhu could see the shadow of Teng Xi, Teng Cheng and Teng an brothers from him.

"Can you talk to me?" At this time, Yin Zhu doesn't know whether he should treat him as his own child. After all, Teng's spirit has a complete personality of Zichen. Moreover, because of Teng Xiao's work, Yin Zhu knows that Zichen's spirit is still dominant.

"Of course, mother." The last two words were very quiet, but Yin Zhu heard them.

When Yin Zhu heard the two mothers, he laughed. It seems that Zichen or other children all sincerely admit that they are his mother, otherwise they would not call him that.

"Are you used to it in daze tribe? What are you going to do in the future? " Teng is different from Jono. Jono can only be regarded as a hero at most, but Teng is the king of orcs, so Yin Zhu doesn't know what Jono plans to do?

"I'll probably go around too. Orcs don't need kings now. Every tribe has developed very well. I'll go around and have a look at the world." Teng chuckles softly. Because he is the king, his body can be said to be an ORC. It's the strongest. It's hard to find an opponent even if you go out. Teng doesn't have to worry about his safety if he wants to go out.

"Don't you hate me?" Teng looks at Yin Zhu with a complicated look.

Yin Zhu was stunned when he heard this. Then he reached out and patted Teng on the shoulder. Teng was obviously very uneasy. "You call me auntie. Do you think someone who is an auntie will hate her children?"

Teng was shocked when he heard this, and then tears came down. He really didn't expect that Yin Zhu would answer like this. After all, what he did hurt Yin Zhu.

Seeing Teng's silly appearance, Yin Zhu could not help reaching out to wipe his tears. "You are a silly child."

Think about when Teng Xi Teng Cheng Teng an, they all had Zichen's memory, but they didn't wake up completely. At that time, it also affected the character and memory of the three brothers. Besides, Zichen didn't do anything to hurt Yin Zhu from the beginning to the end, and even because she was against Baiji, how could she blame him Ann brothers became this one in the end. She was very disappointed and sad. After all, those three children became the present one. She always felt that they were not her children.But Zichen himself has nothing wrong, he is a very clever child, just be used by Baiji, this child is very good, even in the end did not completely according to Baiji's requirements, also try to undertake his mission, really, there is nothing wrong with this child, she has to do something for this child.

"You are very good, you are not wrong, so a good life, you grow up, mother can not give you anything, mother did not take care of you, feel very sorry for you, a blink of an eye you grow up." Yin Zhu is very sad to say that for several of her children, she didn't take care of them for a long time. After two years, it can be said that they were all taken care of by others. Now this ending is the best one, at least the children are not completely gone.

"Thank you, mother. Thank you very much Teng's eyes are red.

"Silly, by the way, your master and they are OK, you don't have to worry." Yin Zhu thought of Bai Ji and couldn't help mentioning that the child was also worried about Bai Ji.

In fact, she doesn't like Baiji in her heart. She will encounter so many things, many of which are made by Baiji. But now just think about it, she is still the daughter-in-law of others, and baikun is waiting for Baiji to save her life. Thinking of this, Yin Zhu has no idea. She is afraid that she will try to please others in the future.

"Thank you, mother. Master is so powerful. I'm sure it will be OK." Teng said with a smile, but he was still very happy that Yin Zhu could tell him the news, which showed that the mother had put down her prejudice against the master, otherwise she could not tell him.

Master and mother, they can put down their hatred, and both sides are well. This is the best news for Teng. This is what he has been striving for.

"I've seen them before, but I don't know where they are now. When you find them later, you can say that although Baiji doesn't treat me very well, he still has a heart for you. If you have time to accompany him, take care of him and be filial to him, I'm very grateful for him for keeping you well." Yin Zhufen asked.

In fact, Yin Zhu sometimes thinks about how to teach Zichen such a good apprentice just for the selfishness of Baiji, and Zichen's Three Outlooks haven't broken. This is the most rare thing, or Yin Zhu will cry.

Baiji and Mengji have different opinions about themselves. They won't see her at all. Maybe they will avoid her, but Teng won't. maybe they can find Baiji by Teng's hand.

Yin Zhu is not using Teng. What Yin Zhu said in the front is also true. Bai Ji and Meng Ji are the only children of Bai Kun. She will certainly abduct Bai Kun in the future. So it's fair to send her children to be filial. One for another, it's fair.

Teng would not be so grateful if he knew that Yin Zhu was thinking about these things.

Teng was very happy to hear this. He didn't expect that his mother was so good and told him to take care of his master, which was really beyond his expectation.

"It's very kind of you, mother. I finally know why several fathers like you so much." Teng said happily.

"You know how to please me." Yin Zhu smiles.

Teng also raised a happy smile. He was clearly a young man. Before, his face was very cautious and lifeless. Now he has the vigor of a young man. It's so good that he looks pleasant. Yin Zhu's conversation also completely untied Teng's heart knot.

"You are my mother. As a child, you must please me. Only in this way can you love me more." The big stone in my heart has been taken away, Teng is very happy.

For so many years, even if the three brothers haven't merged, their soul belongs to Zichen has actually awakened. For so many years, he has been carrying the pressure in his heart. Now that the pressure is gone, Teng can't wait to jump up and cheer loudly. He is really happy.

When Yin Zhu heard Teng's words, he couldn't help laughing. "If you have a good life, your mother will be very happy."

"Thank you, my mother. I will have a good life in the future. My mother will be happy in the future." Teng said happily. He knew that his mother's partner had lost one, and she had never come back before, because she was sad. Now that she came back, she should let herself go, but he didn't dare to mention something about Bai Kun.

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