The palace master didn't look at Chumo's pleading face at all. If this boy really has no ability, he can't be the third sage son. It's just that he is lazy and doesn't want to take on the responsibility.

Chumo looks at the palace master's unswerving expression and knows that there's no way to change the way he accepts the dream clan. Moreover, seeing the palace master's appearance, he will solve the internal contradictions of the dream clan and then hand them over to him.

But what I said in my first meditation is that the most difficult thing to face now is the external difficulties. Another thing is that once the strength of the dream clan declines, the orcs and the dream clan have been hating each other for thousands of years. There are so many orcs. If we have the same strength, the orcs can kill them.

What to do? Chumo has a headache.

He has been reluctant to accept the dream family, not unwilling to contribute to the dream family, but afraid that he will not do well. The dream family is really in the most difficult time.

What scares him most is that the master of the palace has said so much, which seems to explain the future affairs. The master of the palace has always been the God of the sea of the dream family. The master of the palace doesn't show up. However, as long as he is there, everyone will be at ease. The main reason is that there is an accident in the palace. Can the people of the dream family hold on?

"Chumo, take care of the business here first. I'll go back to Mengzu first. How about you consult with the orcs to see if we can stop the war? " The palace master ordered.

"Lord, you must be well." Chumo originally wanted to stop it, but he thought about the use of stopping it. No one could change what the palace master decided, and he couldn't stop it, so he could only ask the palace master to do well.

"Don't worry, of course I will be fine. I also want to see the dream family's fine." The palace Master said with a smile and turned away.

Chumo can't help but feel a little relieved when he hears this. The palace master takes the dream family so seriously that nothing will happen if he doesn't know the future development.

The palace master soon returned to the dream clan and saw that the place where the heart of the world was originally placed had lost the heart of the world. Even now, he could only roughly feel that the heart of the world was somewhere, but the detailed place could not be found.

It's hard to find out the way of heaven. If it takes a long time to get to the heart of the world, I'm afraid that the heart of the world will shift its position. As time goes by, his last connection with the heart of the world will disappear.

"What should I do? It's all because we're not good enough, even for ourselves, and the heart of the world has been stolen. " Elder with a lot of dream people sobbing, they all know the importance of the heart of the world to dream people.

"Come on, don't be sad. I'll deal with the rest. You can settle down the clansmen and let them not panic. It will be OK. The dream clansman will be OK." The master of the Palace said firmly.

The master of the palace is the God of the sea. With this saying, all people feel at ease. No one has ever thought about it. If the master of the palace can't do it, maybe the master of the palace has never failed in history. All people believe that as long as the master of the Palace is there, no great difficulty can be overcome.

After all the people were sent out, the palace master went back to the palace where he lived. Looking at the empty palace, the palace master still found some interesting differences. Someone had been here.

"Come out, Baiji. I know it's you." The master of the palace sat in his own position and said faintly.

At this time, Bai Ji turned out from behind a big pillar, and then said coldly, "I didn't want to hide it from the palace master."

"You have the courage to come to see me. Don't you always hide from me?" The palace master looked at the white sacrifice in front of him coldly.

"I can't beat you. Can't I avoid you? I don't understand why you wanted to kill my father. Why? He has done so much for the dream clan and is a hero of the dream clan, but you have killed him. Even my father can't get a due honor even to his death. Why do you want to do this? " Baiji asked in pain.

This person used to be his belief, but it turned out that this person pushed him to hell. He didn't dare to see this person all the time. Except for his lack of strength, he felt sorry in his heart. He hated this person very much.

If it wasn't for the man in front of him, he would not have become what he is now, and he would not have been so unscrupulous.

"I said I didn't kill your father. Your father died of old age. Do you believe it?" The palace Master said quietly.

"You still want to cheat me. I saw with my own eyes that you have done harm to my father. You dare to cheat me with such lies. You are shameless." Bai Ji cried out.

The palace master looked at the white sacrifice whose eyes were red with anger. He could not help sighing, and then said helplessly, "so, so you fled from the dream clan, and then cheated the king of beasts daughter's trust, and planned to come back to me for revenge, didn't you? After all, I'm the palace master of the dream clan. I'm the most powerful person of the dream clan. Only the daughter of the king of beasts has the ability to help you fight with me, right? Baiji, you are blinded by hatred. You can really use everything. "

"What are you talking about?" White sacrifice at this time some flustered looking at a side not far from the pale dream Ji.

Mengji said quietly at this time, "palace master, you don't have to separate the feelings between me and Baiji. He has some feelings for me. I still know that our husband and wife come here because I want to ask the palace master to find a way to save our child baikun. The heart of the world is fused. From the standpoint of heaven, it won't be very good for orcs. Palace master, you see what we are Is it not cooperation that grabs the heart of the world? As long as you can help me get Bai Kun back, you can do anything for me. " Seeing that Bai Ji is still fighting with the palace master, the most basic thing has never been said. Meng Ji can't help but ask for her own request.Mengji didn't say Baiji, just said to let herself do anything. Now Mengji doesn't know what Baiji will do. When she finally receives the fruits of victory, she really doesn't know whether baiji is willing to give up the fruits for her son.

"Bai Kun, he's very smart. He's smarter than Bai Ji." The palace master laughs with a loving face.

Bai Ji looked at the familiar loving smile on the palace master's face, and could not help gritting his teeth. The palace master is always like this, a kind of fake, but all the people in the dream clan were deceived by his kind look.

"Palace master, how can you save Bai Kun? What conditions do you have for him?" Mengji looks at the palace master in supplication.

The palace master ignored Mengji and asked Baiji, "Baiji, do you hate me so much that I want to die?"

"Of course, monsters like you should have died long ago. You shouldn't have lived in this world." Bai Ji said bitterly that if he could, he would like to kill him.

"I'm a monster? It's true that I'm a monster. I shouldn't be alive. It should be over long ago. " The palace Master said very sad.

When Bai Ji heard this, he looked at the palace master with more vigilance. Such a person would have said that he would die. If he wanted to die, he should have died long ago.

"Bai Ji, do you want to save Bai Kun?" Asked the palace master.

Bai Ji rolled his eyes when he heard this, "of course, he's my only son, but I won't ask you, never. I'd rather I die." Bai Ji's last words were roared out.

"White sacrifice!! What are you going to do with Baiji, palace master? Please don't worry about Baiji. Please save baikun. " Mengji goes to Baiji and pushes Baiji.

"Baiji, you are from the dream family, aren't you? Do you still yearn for the dream family The palace master could not help asking at this time.

"What are you trying to say? Don't talk nonsense. Don't beat around the bush. " Bai Ji said impatiently.

"Well, let me just say that you are a member of the dream clan. The dream clan has difficulties in the future. I ask you to continue to guard the successor of the dream clan and help him lead the dream clan through the difficult period. How about I help you save Bai Kun? It's very cost-effective." The palace Master said very simply.

"Guardian? Where do I need to guard you? " Bai Ji sarcastically says that the palace master is the patron saint of the dream clan, and no one can replace him. It's not that he didn't want to expose the disgusting death of the palace master and kill his father before, but no one believed it. This man is very good at brainwashing.

"Baiji, I just said, will you answer my request? It won't be too difficult for you, Baiji. Do you want your son baikun to live? " The palace Master said lightly.

Do you agree? Bai Ji is silent. In fact, he is not tired of the nightmare people. Even the reason why he is so convenient to walk in the dream people is that the people of the dream people are helping him. He still has a lot of feelings for the people, that is, hatred. It's only against the Palace leader, not against the dream people. As for guarding the dream people, he looks at Mengji around him, and he doesn't know whether to guard, but he doesn't know He won't ignore those dream people who have a good relationship, and he won't watch the dream people exterminate.

Looking at Bai Ji's silence, the palace master guessed Bai Ji's mind. If Bai Ji hated the whole clan and didn't want to take care of the affairs of the dream clan, he would retort that he was a dream clan. If he really hated the nightmare clan, he would give up his identity.

In front of Chumo, Chumo's temperament is suitable for Shoucheng, while baiji is the person he arranges to guard the dream clan. Baiji is smart. With these two people, the dream clan can get out of the predicament.

At this time, Bai Ji said helplessly, "I want to save Bai Kun very much, but I can't believe you. You won't let me go so easily. You've been calculating a lot for a long time. I can't count you. I'm afraid I'll pay more in the future, or even what I can't pay."

Bai Ji refused himself. At this time, the palace master could not help sighing, "why can't you believe me once and give up the chance to save Bai Kun? You should know very well that no one can save Bai Kun except me, otherwise you won't come to me and beg me. Bai Kun has done so many things for you, and you owe him so much that you just give up the chance to save him? "

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