At this time, Mengji hurried to the north mountain with Baiji. Baikun was waiting for them there.

When they got to the top of the north mountain, they saw Bai Kun lying there in a daze. Meng Ji also felt the fluctuation of Ba Kun's soul and made sure that it was really her son, not a puppet with the same body.

"Bai Kun, Bai Kun." Mengji holds baikun with joy and tears.

Bai Ji looks at the dizzy Bai Kun with a complicated expression at this time. Bai Kun comes back. Is that what the palace Master said true? He hated to admit what the palace Master said. He could see that if the palace master had not brought him back, Bai Kun would not have come back. That is to say, the palace master would have exchanged his own life for Bai Kun's.

As a matter of fact, the palace master has integrated with the way of heaven. As long as he doesn't want to, even the way of heaven can't force him. After all, he has integrated with the heart of the world. Hurting him is equivalent to hurting the heart of the world. Only he is willing to integrate. Therefore, the palace master is really one of his father, so is he willing to change back to Bai Kun?

In fact, Bai Ji has already believed what the palace Master said before. Now Bai Kun's return is just confirmation.

Mengji looked at the silent Baiji standing on one side, and she whispered: "Baiji, let's take baikun back first. What's the matter? Shall we talk about it later?"

Meng Ji was very happy to see Bai Kun just now, and she was very excited by the feeling of being lost and recovered. But after the examination, Meng Ji couldn't help frowning. Bai Kun's spirit was seriously injured. I don't know if she can wake up. She has to go back quickly to make Bai Kun better.

"Baiji, don't be sad, father. He has already left, and the palace master is not father." Mengji can't help but open her mouth. The palace master has devoured too many people. Baiji's father is just one of them. When he is devoured, he has already died, leaving only memory.

Baiji doesn't know. In fact, his father left long ago. When he lost control, he chose to leave. The only one alive is the palace master, not Baiji's father. In fact, Baiji understood this truth. He only found out the truth in a flash, and then the palace master left.

Now, Bai Ji has already figured out that it is doomed that the palace master will merge with the heavenly way. When the palace master himself merges with the heart of the world, he has already chosen his own way. Only when the palace master, the culprit, chooses to sacrifice himself, the heavenly way will let the dream people go. Otherwise, the palace master, who can threaten the heavenly way, will never let the dream go The road of the dream people has come to an end. He is still with Meng Ji, the orc, early to have the son of Bai Kun. After all, the dream people want to change.

In fact, the palace master's choice to help save Bai Kun is just a personal favor. What heaven owes to Yin Zhu is also a debt to the orcs. The orcs will surely have a better life than the dream people. Bai Kun is Yin Zhu's partner. He is the dream people, and he also promises to protect the dream people. No matter what he does, Bai Kun will help him smooth it out, so Bai Kun and he are the dream people and the beast Does the palace master think that the dream people can live only by orcs?

Bai Ji looks down at Bai Kun. It's a pity that the palace master is wrong. His son died for Yin Zhu, but this guy also broke his own way. This guy erased Yin Zhu's memory about him. Is it so easy for them to catch up with the orcs now?

There is also the question of whether Bai Kun can still wake up. Bai Kun sighs, and then looks at the sky with some weakness. He has put all his efforts together. Now, he finally finds that he has nothing. The palace master finally takes advantage of him, but he has no way to refuse. Whether he helps Bai Kun or finally appears as his father, he has no way to solve it .

"Let's go. First take Bai Kun back to us and try to mend his spirit. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't wake up. Then I'll go to see how the heir selected by the palace master is." Bai Ji said faintly, but he wanted to see what kind of person Chumo was.

Bai Ji didn't think about usurping the throne. First of all, the dream clan is a mess now. It's better to meet the orcs. Moreover, the palace master does all kinds of things. There must be a lot of followers like himself. He will never be the only one.

And there is Yin Zhu. His son made himself look like that for the sake of a female. Yin Zhu forgot everything and left happily. There is no such thing as cheap.

Leihe carefully takes Yinzhu to leave the chassis of Mengzu along the way, and then he finds that it's very safe on the way, and let them return to the orcs smoothly.

As soon as Xiaojin saw Yinzhu coming back, she scrambled for the control of her body and ran out. Then she told Yinzhu, "Yinzhu, you've come back at last. You don't know. Originally I wanted to save you, but Jono didn't let me go out and suppressed me. It's very annoying. Fortunately, you're OK, Yin Zhu. Otherwise, I have to deal with this guy. " Xiaojin Niannian holds Yinzhu's hand.

Yin Zhu nodded comfortingly, "I know, I know, but Jono he has his responsibility, certainly can't run around, this can't blame Jono, besides, I don't come back well? You have to trust your brothers, Reich. They'll get me back. "

Xiao Jin nodded. If he had not gone to several places, he would not have gone back.When Jono saw Leihe and Yinzhu coming back, he couldn't help worrying. Xiaojin was too anxious to seize Jono's control. At this time, he felt Jono's worry, so he took the initiative to let his body out. "How can you two come back? Are they OK?"

Leihe said with an embarrassed smile, "it's OK. How can it be ok? Everything is OK?" Then he winked at Jono.

When Jono saw Leihe like this, he knew that something should have happened, and it was not easy to tell Yinzhu. Jono thought about it, so he arranged Yinzhu to have a rest first. "Yinzhu, you just came back, you must be tired. You go to have a good rest first. If you have anything, you can talk about it when you have spirit."

Yin Zhu was really tired and fled all the way. They were in a hurry and didn't have a good rest. Yin Zhu didn't see the hint between Jono and Leihe, so he went to bed and had a rest.

"What's the matter? Please tell me clearly. What about Bai Kun and Tengxiao?" Qiao Nuo asks very sternly, Tengxiao really doesn't like that he betrays Yin Zhu, but he doesn't want his accident, Teng is still here.

"Tengxiao is OK, but Bai Kun is gone, and Yin Zhu has forgotten her memory about Bai Kun. All the memories about Bai Kun are gone, and our memories are still there, even those in the dream family, so there is no Bai Kun." He said, gritting his teeth, and then he said all the things that happened that day.

Jono frowned when he heard this. That is to say, Leihe didn't know what happened. Or maybe Cheng an lied. Normally, Bai Kun shouldn't have had an accident?

"Because I was worried that Yin Zhu would have an accident in Mengzu, I asked Tengxiao to stay there to inquire about Bai Kun. I came back with Yin Zhu first." Reich talked about his arrangements.

"Qiao Nuo, do you think there will be an accident with Bai Kun? Some people say that the way of heaven has been integrated, but it's strange that the way of heaven has been integrated. He didn't take Yin Zhu's life or erase the palace master's contract. I think it's very strange that the way of heaven has been integrated." Said Reich.

"This should have been done by Bai Kun, who probably had an accident." Jono said.

"I also think it should be Bai Kun. Bai Kun is so powerful that he can find a way to separate Yin Zhu's way of heaven. But how can you be sure that something happened to Bai Kun?" Reich asked curiously.

Jono can't help but think of the question Bai Kun suddenly asked him some time ago. Bai Kun asked him whether he would like someone to remember him if he died one day. Bai Kun then replied that he didn't want the people he cared about to remember him because he didn't want them to be miserable. Bai Kun didn't ask such a boring topic if he had nothing to do. He also said at that time that Bai Kun didn't care How else would you ask such a question? However, now I want to come, I already have a notice.

"Let's not talk about this, Yin Zhu. Since she has forgotten, let's not talk about it." Qiao Nuo is sure that something happened to Bai Kun. This should be the way Bai Kun arranged for himself. He doesn't want Yin Zhu to remember, so he won't change for him. He'd better make a good inquiry about Bai Kun.

On the other side of the battlefield, Chumo has already made peace with Jono. He says that he has the antidote Yin Zhu needs. If there is no antidote, Yin Zhu can live well, but his strength will never recover. Although everyone's strength is declining because of the way of heaven, Yin Zhu's poison will not be removed, which will have a great impact on his future life.

Jono directly agreed to Chumo's request. Now the world is changing every day, and the speed is getting faster and faster, and everyone is being suppressed more and more. Even the strength of many orcs is gradually declining. All people are very uneasy, and everyone has no mind to fight. At least they won't fight again before the world changes.

Now I don't know what's going on, and it may not be useful to win. It's better to wait and see. If the world is destroyed, they will do nothing.

What's more, the reason why the orcs choose to fight hard is that they want to live and earn a future for themselves. If the people of the dream clan change and can't swallow their vitality, who will fight and kill? Not everyone likes war. Moreover, the orcs can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Although there was no more war, the people on both sides did not withdraw. They were all waiting for the result.

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