On the orc side, Jono strives for the opinions of most of the orcs. We don't want to have any disputes with the dream people for the time being. The main reason is that the orcs lost part of their people in the previous war. If it wasn't for survival, so many tribes in the orc world had not been able to fight together. This would have been a crisis, and many people would have been reluctant to fight. Jono doesn't like fighting After thinking about it, Jono felt that he made peace with Chumo.

Chumo is happy with this. If the stalemate really goes on, the current dream clan will not have the capital to continue to fight. If the two books agree, everyone will be happy.

After solving the problem here, Jono asked someone to send a message to Bai Yangui and let them go to Daze tribe. He had some opinions to discuss.

Bai Yangui left the battlefield and didn't know where to go. Since they were ready to leave, they had to say something about it. Bai Yangui's partner Yang Wantong was still from the other side of the world, and she didn't know if she wanted to go back.

This is an opportunity, and it's estimated that Tiandao doesn't like Yang Wantong's existence.

Jono arranged these things well, and then he took the people back to Daze tribe. Daze tribe has become a huge tribe, which can't even compare with the previous Orc city. Now all the people in the dark city have become orcs. Reih went back to Daze tribe and said that those who are willing to go to Daze tribe will accept them. If they don't go, they should obey daze If someone dares to act recklessly, no one will give them face. Of course, it's OK to go to other tribes. Anyway, Leihe says that he won't take care of the dark city in the future.

Although these people have now become orcs, they used to be arrogant and arrogant. There are also those who are arrogant and don't listen to discipline. It can only be said that the people in the dark city had some psychological problems. Leihe still warned them before they let them go.

But fortunately, most people still like to be normal people. The reason why they used to be like this is because the world looked at them with strange eyes, otherwise they would be honest and good orcs.

The city of darkness is located in a remote place, where life is inconvenient. At the beginning, they were driven here. Now the world has changed, and they are no longer cursed. Naturally, they do not want to live in such a bad environment as the city of darkness. Most people are willing to leave. Of course, some people miss the city of darkness and do not want to If you want to leave, it depends on everyone's choice.

Many people celebrate when Jono and his party return to Daze tribe. Daze people are very excited. Jono Yinzhu is now the hero of the whole Orc world. Now people from daze tribe are looked up at, not to mention the culture passed by daze tribe. Especially now that the world has changed, the planting and breeding techniques of daze tribe are more popular with surrounding tribes The Daze tribe has always been willing to take care of the people in the surrounding tribes. As long as there are people who come to learn, they are willing to teach. Because of the selflessness of the Daze tribe, many tribes do not hide their own technology and exchange it with each other, which can be said to promote the development of the world.

Jono and Yinzhu didn't tell everyone about their departure. They just told someone close to them. Of course, Yinzhu also informed Meili, their biological mother.

Meili always thinks that Yinzhu is her child. She doesn't know much about many things about Yinzhu leaving the tribe. Yinzhu doesn't tell her that she has left. She is a simple and ordinary female ORC. Besides, she is very good to Yinzhu. Yinzhu doesn't want to make each other sad.

But now I'm leaving, I always have to tell the other party.

"Mother, my partner Bai Kun is very ill. I want to go to a very distant place. Only there can cure Bai Kun. But when I go there, I probably won't come back. I'm an unfilial daughter. I will only let my mother worry and not accompany her." Yin Zhu looks at Mei Li sentimentally.

Melly shook her head at this time. "No, no, I'm very proud to have a daughter like you. You don't have to worry about me. I live very well in the tribe. The people in the tribe take good care of me. You should save baikun. You are all good children."

Meili doesn't know what Yin Zhu has been doing outside for so many years, but she knows that Yin Zhu has been living a hard life. There is no female like Yin Zhu who has been working hard all over the world. The changes of the world and daze tribe are all brought about by Yin Zhu. Meili knows this. Moreover, Meili's life is really good now. The people in the tribe are just watching For Yin Zhu's sake, no one will embarrass her.

Although we can understand Yin Zhu's way of doing things, Mei Li is still a little sad when she thinks of what Yin Zhu said, going to a very distant place and never coming back. She also takes advantage of this time to get along with Yin Zhu. Mei Li is eager to be good to Yin Zhu.

Mei Li didn't ask where Yin Zhu was going. Since Yin Zhu said that she couldn't come back in the future, it should be true There are too many places in the world where her daughter has run. She has never said that she can't come back. It's just the length of time. But this time, Yin Zhu said that she can't come back, which should be true. Although she said she would miss her daughter, Melly knows that Orcs live more by their own partners. She didn't see that orcs are basically separated from their children when they grow up I still care about it, but it's not the whole of my life.Because of this, Meili will not be particularly sad, which is a good thing.

Mengtai knows that Yinzhu is going to leave. He knows a lot of things, and then he asks clearly. Yinzhu tells her where she is going, including the taboo of Tiandao. Mengtai nods to make sure that the children are not in danger After the insurance, he was relieved.

As for how Jono will go to another world, Montaigne is at ease. His children will live a good life in any world, as long as there is no danger. Besides, Yin Zhu said that the world is so beautiful, he has no chance to see it. It's good for his children to have a look for themselves.

Montaigne is really free and easy, but it probably has something to do with that he is a patriarch. He has a broad vision, and he is very willing to go out and see the outside world.

His biggest wish in his life is to see the Daze tribe become better and let the people in the tribe eat, dress and warm. Now daze tribe has become the largest tribe in the orc world. He is very happy that he can face the ancestors even if he dies.

At this time, Bai Yangui also received the news from Yin Zhu. Everyone was very happy with the gathering of good friends. This time, the settlement of the matter was beyond many people's expectation, but it was also a perfect ending.

But when Yin Zhu asked Bai Yangui if he would like to go to the earth with him, Bai Yangui was silent and said that he would consider it.

Yang Wantong is a little miss the earth, heard that there is a chance to go back, nature is more than anything happy, but she has to consider the person and Bai Yangui, at the beginning she can give up all for Bai Yangui, came to this strange world, now whether or not to leave, naturally also depends on Bai Yangui's attitude.

Of course, Bai Yangui didn't say that he would not leave. He just said that he would think about it carefully, but that he would want to leave. The reason why this guy came to the orc world is to devour the animal elixir of the orc world, and then evolve. After all, it's too difficult for him to evolve on the other side of the earth. Now the rules of the orc world have changed, and he can't get any better On the contrary, he will be suppressed. Now that he has the chance to leave, he wants to leave.

After thinking seriously, Bai Yangui said that he didn't want to leave. Although it's very good on the other side of the earth, he didn't adapt to it. In addition, Ziji left something for him. Now he's almost clear about what he wants to take out. That should be the inheritance of Ziji, and the people who got the inheritance of Ziji should protect the orc tribe well.

If Mengji was the first descendant of the orc king, Ziji was the high priest of the orc king, but later Mengji was fooled by Baiji. Ziji left behind and wandered in the orc world to find a way to save the orcs. Finally, he left the legacy before sacrifice.

Yin Zhu understands that Bai Yangui is not easy to come back. Now the orc world is getting better. It's normal that Bai Yangui doesn't want to leave. Moreover, every one of them has left, and every half of them are more powerful. Who knows what the way of heaven will do? It's good to leave a strong one here to intimidate the way of heaven.

Yin Zhu didn't force her, but Yang Wantong probably won't feel very well. After all, she is an outsider, but Bai Yangui should have a solution.

Yang Wantong is still different from Yin Zhu. If Yang Wantong does something that is not conducive to the development of the world, or takes out something or technology that is out of balance, then Tiandao will not be polite to Yang Wantong. Yinzhu is different. Tiandao owes Yinzhu, and has no confidence in it.

Relatives and friends came to meet, the only thing that bothered Yin Zhu was that tengxia did not appear.

Yin Zhu doesn't know what Tengxiao thinks. They are looking for people. As long as Tengxiao is still in the orc world, he can receive news. But Tengxiao hasn't appeared, so he doesn't plan to see her, does he? If Tengxiao doesn't appear in the end, Yin Zhu won't continue to wait.

Tengxiao a man how so stingy, she did not blame him, but he hid out of sight, as if it was her who did the wrong thing, if not for this urgent matter, Yin Zhu did not think about whether or not to forgive Tengxiao, the result of their voice to find someone, Tengxiao did not appear, really angry.

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