Tengxiao is running towards daze tribe, but when he runs to the gate of daze tribe, he can't help but stop. He hasn't appeared before, and he's still hiding from Yin Zhu. If he will go back, OK?

But as long as he thought that Yinzhu would probably leave, and that he would never see Yinzhu, Tengxiao couldn't help it. In the end, he was entangled and embarrassed to enter daze tribe.

People in the tribe have been looking for Tengxiao. As soon as Tengxiao appears at the gate of daze tribe, Yin Zhu and Qiao Nuo receive the news. Tengxiao's tangled appearance is also in the eyes of several people present.

Jono said to Leihe directly, "Leihe, if Tengxiao dares to go out of daze tribe, you fight me to death, no matter what." Think of this period of time, they in order to find Tengxiao painstakingly, Jono's heart is a bit angry, Tengxiao will appear, or Teng forced out.

It's just a little thing. They're going to die and live before they can make Tengxiao any better. If it's really a big thing, what's this guy going to do?

Tengxiao is really not as good as Bai Kun. Qiao Nuo can't help sighing, but in case of such a situation, we can't ignore it, especially Qiao Nuo or Zheng Fu. We should manage Tengxiao well.

Leihe was also angry in his heart, so he answered positively, "don't worry, if he doesn't go to the tribe, I'll kill him."

Jono and Leihe's words Yinzhu also heard, Yinzhu said he doesn't care, Tengxiao really need someone to clean up.

Although Tengxiao was tangled, he didn't go. Finally, he firmly went to the house where daze tribe originally lived.

Tengxiao walked up to Jono's face and said, "ouch, the first master of our tribe has come back. He didn't come back before. I thought you went there to hook up with a little girl and didn't want to come back."

Tengxiao can't help but feel angry when he hears this. Yin Zhu is still standing on one side. What's Jono talking about? What's colluding with other females? Is he such a person?

"Jono, you know I can't do such a thing." Tengxiao can't help gritting his teeth.

"It's very loud. It's still very loud. It seems to be very reasonable." Jono sneered, and patted his hand, carelessly.

Tengxiao remembered that he was guilty. Yin Zhu hadn't settled with him for his previous mistakes. As a result, Tengxiao was very single. He knelt down in front of Yin Zhu and said, "Yin Zhu, I know I'm wrong. You can punish me as long as you don't drive me away."

Yin Zhu was stunned by Tengxiao's kneeling. When Jono saw this, he walked forward and kicked Tengxiao away. They all said Tengxiao had no heart. As a result, his heart immediately fell on Yin Zhu. Knowing that Yin Zhu's heart was soft, he begged him and knelt down. Don't you know that Yin Zhu doesn't like other people kneeling?

Tengxiao was kicked to the ground, and he didn't dare to say anything. Who told him that he was wrong.

"Isn't it beautiful outside? Come back to do what, the outside world is so big, so beautiful, let you linger, why do you have to come back At this time, Jono directly takes Yin Zhu into his arms to comfort him, for fear that his previous rude actions will frighten him.

If Tengxiao's kneeling makes Yin Zhu dumbfounded, then Jono's kicking makes Yin Zhu dumbfounded. In the past, several partners would compete with each other, but they are basically giggling. Jono now speaks with a straight face, let alone a little scary.

"Yin Zhu, I am your husband, and your partners are in my hands. So I has the final say in how to deal with Tengxiao." Jono looks down at Yin Zhu.

Jono is asking Yin Zhu for power. The orc's Zhengfu can really manage other partners, but the premise is that the female doesn't want to manage them, otherwise, it's mainly the female's will.

Yin Zhu didn't know how to deal with Tengxiao, not to say don't Tengxiao, or to punish him. For Yin Zhu, Yin Zhu has no way to say it to him. Since Qiao Nuo takes the initiative to take this matter over, let Qiao Nuo handle it well. Qiao Nuo won't go too far, and she can rest assured.

Yin Zhu nodded in affirmation, "OK, give it to Jono."

Tengxiao turns his head and looks at Qiao Nuo pleadingly. Tengxiao and lo Nuo are the first people in daze tribe. Tengxiao, as the first master of daze tribe, has no little contact with Qiao Nuo. Tengxiao still has some understanding of Qiao Nuo. Because of the understanding, Tengxiao knows that he will suffer next.

Yinzhu is much easier to coax than Jono, but Jono doesn't give him a chance at all.

"Jono, I know I made a mistake. I'll change it later. I must stay with Yin Zhu. I will go wherever she goes. " Tengxiao has soft words and soft words in front of him, and strong demands behind him. He will never give up some things.

At this time, Qiao Nuo slightly raised his eyes and glanced at Tengxiao. Then he lowered his head and took a table from one side to peel and feed it to Yin Zhu. From the end, he could say that he was very contemptuous of Tengxiao.

Tengxiao looked at this heart, and didn't know what Jono was going to do with himself.

"Jono, you can tell me exactly what you want to do to me, no matter what kind of punishment I will accept." The atmosphere in this room is a little dull. Tengxiao is the first one to bear it."Right? If you want to leave, if you want to come back, you need my permission. Aren't you capable? If so, here you are. Go away. People like you don't deserve to stay with Yin Zhu. " Jono said rudely.

Tengxiao's face turned red when he heard this, and then he cried out, "Jono."

At this time, Jono pressed Yin Zhu, who wanted to talk, and then grabbed a fruit on the table and threw it to Tengxiao. Then he said contemptuously, "Tengxiao, do you need me to tell you the orc's rules for female partners? What happens to a male who hurts his partner? Do you need me to tell you this? "

"Do you want to say that you have to save Yin Zhu afterwards? In a few words, you will be cheated and hurt your partner in turn. Then you come to tell me that you have to. Do you still want to tell me that you are excusable? " Jono spoke louder and louder and angrier.

"Save Yin Zhu, have you saved him? If it wasn't for Bai Kun, Yin Zhu would be gone long ago. What can you do at this time, so that you can die together and get rid of everything? What about me? What about me and Reich? We're going to taste the consequences of you, aren't we? Why? And do you think that if you live and die together with Yin Zhu, you are affectionate, and you are right about Yin Zhu? Bullshit, you're the only one. I wish you'd die earlier to save Yin Zhu. " Jono yelled angrily.

Jono didn't want to drive Tengxiao away, because there is Tengxiao in Yin Zhu's heart, but this thing can't happen for a second time. If everyone thinks that his uncle can make a mistake, then who will take Yin Zhu as one thing in the future? According to the agreement between the orc partners, who cares if you have a cause? As long as it's a betrayal, you can drive Tengxiao away Let's go, and if we don't punish Tengxiao severely this time, Tengxiao won't learn a lesson. He won't take Tengxiao's life, but he won't let Tengxiao go so easily.

Tengxiao could not help gritting his teeth at this time. "I know I'm wrong, and I won't make it again. I know I'll be punished if I make a mistake. What punishment do you say? My next step is to go up the mountain and down the sea of fire, and I will do it."

Jono said with a smile, "what do I want you to do in the fire? When the time comes, you will be injured all over, wasting medicine and manpower to take care of you. Can you still win sympathy in front of Yin Zhu with your injuries? "

"What do you want?" Tengxiao can't help but ask, isn't it all kinds of punishment to make mistakes before? Even half his life was acceptable, but Jono didn't follow his old tricks.

"What do I want? It's simple. After punishing you, you can be Yin Zhu's mount. Wherever Yin Zhu wants to go, you can carry her on your back. In the orc world, you will become an animal. When Yin Zhu's world comes, you will become a servant of the whole family. If you persist for ten years, I will spare you. Remember that you are a servant, not a partner. " Jono said rudely.

Tengxiao can't help biting his teeth when he hears this. Ten years, not one or two years, Jono is too cruel. He says that he is not a partner. That is to say, he has worked hard to take care of them and can't get close to Yin Zhu when he comes back. He has to say that this move is too cruel. Tengxiao really wants to get a cruel punishment. He can survive it. This ten years is just killing people.

When Leihe heard this, he laughed in his heart. It's so good that they can get closer to Yinzhu without one.

"Why do you think ten years is too little? It's also like you. You should be driven away directly. " Jono said coldly.

Tengxiao clenched his teeth when he heard this. He looked at Yinzhu pleadingly, "Yinzhu..."

Yin Zhu looks up at Jono at this time. She knows Jono won't do anything to Tengxiao, but she doesn't think it will be the punishment. Jono pats Yin Zhu on the shoulder, and then his mouth is close to Yin Zhu's ear and says, "I'm just saying, Yin Zhu, if you really want to join him then, can I stop it?"

Yin Zhu is embarrassed to hear this. She doesn't want to see Tengxiao's face at this time. Now she just wants to bury her head. How can Jono say this? It's more and more unorthodox.

Tengxiao can't help but look down in disappointment when he sees Yin Zhu's performance. Jono says that unless he doesn't want to talk to Yin Zhu, he will listen to Jono's arrangement obediently. At this time, he can only bow his head very reluctantly, "I know."

Tengxiao said that ten years is too long, and Jono can still stare at himself for ten years. When he comes back, he will please them more and make atonement. At that time, Yin Zhu's heart will be soft, and Jono will be better than Yin Zhu. In this way, he must make atonement and show his attitude.

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