Isn't it hard for orcs to get pregnant? Yin Zhu and Tengxiao were so pregnant just once. Didn't they have to wait a long time for their son? It's not that Yin Zhu has Tengxiao's cubs. According to Yin Zhu's personality of loving Tengxiao, his son should have no chance.

"No, Jono, you said that Yin zhuhuai had Tengxiao's cubs, but didn't Yin Zhu choose Tengxiao?" Amy responded and asked.

"Yin Zhu said she would not marry Tengxiao." Said Jono.

When Amy heard this, she stood up and walked back and forth.

"Jono, do you like Yinzhu very much?" Her son is also proud. Amy also hopes that her son can find someone who is in love with her. She doesn't dare to expect that his son is the only one. But Amy worries that Yin Zhu doesn't have any snacks for his son and is with Jono. That's to use Jono to stimulate Tengxiao. In that case, she will give up for her son.

"I like it." Jono answered in the affirmative.

"Jono, is Yinzhu interested in you? She likes Tengxiao so much." Amy is in a bit of a dilemma. She loves her son and doesn't want to take care of his family.

"Niang, I know what you mean. You're worried that Yin Zhu will take advantage of me if he doesn't care about me, aren't you? Don't worry, mother. Yin Zhu likes mine. " Jono said with a smile.

Thinking that Yin Zhu said he liked him yesterday, Jono felt sweet in his heart.

Amy thinks about it and thinks that she knows what her son looks like. If Yin Zhu really doesn't have any idea about him, Jono won't say that he will marry Yin Zhu.

Besides, Yin Zhu doesn't like calculating people. She still doesn't want to think so much.

If there are cubs, there will be cubs. As long as a female has cubs, she will be happy. Of course, she will be more happy if Jono's cubs, but Yin Zhu and Tengxiao will have cubs at one time. It seems that Yin Zhu is a good breeder and will give birth to Jono's cubs sooner or later.

"Since Yin Zhu has a baby, do you want to move in and make trouble with her? I can tell you that in the past, you could only take care of Yin Zhu. Just watch and don't eat. Give me good food. If you dare to make a fool of yourself, I'll break your leg. " Thinking of Jono who moved to Yinzhu yesterday, Amy twisted Jono's ear and beat it.

"I know amu. People who don't know think you are Yin Zhu's own amu. I picked it up." Qiao Nuo was happy to see that he loved Yin Zhu so much.

"It's not a joke. It's hard work for both men and women to bear babies. You should serve me well, not only to eat well, but also to sleep well. The nutrition can't be broken. There's also something about the tribe. Let Yin Zhu do less snacks. I'll let Xia Bai have a look back." Although the quality of the child can be seen from the branches, it is better for Xia Bai to have a look.

Xia Bai is an old priest in the tribe. She delivers all the babies in the tribe. She knows how to take care of a pregnant woman. Besides, she can bless the children in her belly.

"OK, I'll go back and ask the priest to come and have a look." Jono replied with a smile.

"Mother, I'll ask you for my business. I'll leave." Jono runs out with a smile. Amy smiles. Jono grows up. She's old.

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