Guilt is not emotion, which Yin Zhu knows clearly, but now the biggest problem is that she can't make up for it, because she will leave here soon, which can't make up for Cheng an. If Yin Zhu stays in the orc world, she will have enough time to make up for it. One day, Cheng an will find a new partner, and she will be at ease. The problem is that now she has no time.

Yin Zhu doesn't want to owe others because he has a bad conscience.

Qiao Nuo doesn't disturb Yin Zhu at this time. He asks Yin Zhu to think clearly. If Yin Zhu wants to understand and doesn't like Cheng An, he can only say sorry to Cheng an. To tell the truth, he doesn't want many people around him. But if Yin Zhu likes Cheng An, he will definitely bring him. Even if Cheng an doesn't want to, he will try to persuade people. Of course, this is not true possible.

On the other hand, Cheng'an happily walks to Chumo. Chumo sees Cheng'an smiling and asks eagerly, "Cheng'an, has Yin Zhu accepted you?" He said that Cheng'an was so kind-hearted. How could Yin Zhu not?

Cheng an shakes his head at this time. Yinzhu doesn't agree. On the contrary, Yinzhu doesn't agree. However, Jono comes to him and says that he will persuade Yinzhu. Seeing Jono's appearance, he has a great chance.

"I'm not sure. Yin Zhu is still thinking about it." Things have not been settled, Chengan will not say.

Chumo couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "that's also good news. Since Yin Zhu will think about you, it means that Yin Zhu still has you in her heart. I guess I'll go back to discuss with her partners. It's good that Yin Zhu can be your partner. Yin Zhu cares about her partner and respects her partner's opinions. She will be happy to be her partner." Chumo said with a smile, very happy for Chengan.

Cheng an nods. Yin Zhu doesn't just care about his partner, he just cares about them. Of course, Tengxiao doesn't count. Tengxiao is still punished for his mistakes. Cheng an also thinks that Tengxiao is not a thing. He can't do such a thing. Even if he is in a dilemma, he can't attack his partner. If he can't help it, he would rather die by himself Cheng an hasn't been Yin Zhu's partner yet. She has subconsciously brought herself in and will consider the people and things around him.

Yin Zhu thinks for a long time that she still has no way to respond to Cheng An's feelings. The main reason is that she is really distracted. Since she can't give others good things, why tie people to her side.

Yinzhu didn't go to Chengan, anyway, he has refused Chengan, so it's better not to see, so as not to be embarrassed, but before Jono asked about this, she can say.

"Jono, I like Cheng'an a little, but I don't want to be a partner. The reason why I can't let him go is mainly because of guilt. But guilt is not love. I can tell this clearly. Jono, I only like you. I don't want to take another partner. Jono, you say I want to compensate Cheng'an. What's the better way?" Yin Zhu couldn't help asking.

Qiao Nuo was happy to hear what Yin Zhu said from his heart. Of course, he was more grateful for Yin Zhu's trust in him. Yin Zhu always procrastinated when he faced his feelings. For example, he decided his previous partners. He thought Yin Zhu was the same to Cheng'an, but he didn't expect Yin Zhu to firmly refuse. This was something Qiao Nuo didn't think of.

This thought that Cheng an had a chance, that is also a clever child, but did not expect Yin Zhu refused, it seems that he will go back to Cheng an there to be a bad man.

"Yin Zhu, have you thought it over?" Jono couldn't help asking.

Yin Zhu nodded and said, "don't worry, you can tell me whether you love me or not. Jono, my heart is very small. I can't pay attention to so many people. You four have already separated me. What can I do? Follow me, I can't give him happiness, he will find a true partner for him in the future

When Jono heard this, he thought that it had something to do with them, but did Yin Zhu misunderstand the female?

"Yin Zhu, I said don't think about us, think about yourself, and Cheng an. It's very difficult to find a female who is better than you. In our world, you know the relationship between females and males. You even know how females treat males. It's more about making do with themselves. There are very few females who really treat their partners like you. I'm very glad Your partner is yours. " Jono said with a smile.

Yin Zhu can't help but have a headache when she hears this. This is the fact. That is to say, those beautiful things before are her imagination, and Cheng an probably won't care about it.

"What am I going to do?" Carrying a person's deep feeling is very heavy for Yin Zhu. She can't bear it any more.

When Jono heard this, he gently touched Yinzhu's head. "Yinzhu, do you know why I let you think about it? Because we're going to leave. You have only one chance to choose. Once you miss it, there's no chance to make up for it. Unlike before, there's Yin Zhu. You have to let go of your stubbornness. You remember that you're a female, and you can have several partners if you want. As long as you don't force the unwilling male to exercise your right to change use it, the female should choose several partners, you know? "

Jono said and gently patted Yin Zhu on the shoulder. When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help retorting, "but I'm not the female of the orc world, and we're going to earth soon. Do you know the world we live in? Our world is monogamous, that is, a female can only find a male partner. You are all excellent people in our world. Believe it or not, Jono, when you go to our world, as long as you like and smile, there are many females who like you and have all kinds of personalities. But I'm just an ordinary girl in our world, you know Do you know the way? ""And then?" Jono couldn't help asking. After asking, he asked very seriously, "even if those people are good, what's the matter? I only met you. It happened to be you. That's fate. Do you understand? Yin Zhu, think about me, Bai Kun and Lei he. How long have we been with you? We have experienced so many things. You don't think the females in your world can lure us. If you have such an idea, I have to teach you how to write about trust. "

Yin Zhu couldn't help feeling guilty when she heard this. She really thought about this problem. After all, when she got to the earth, many girls would like to be attracted by these guys because of their appearance. She was really worried about so many temptations.

But this thing can't be said, said Jono will strangle her.

When Jono heard this, he sighed, then touched Yinzhu's head, "are you stupid, Yinzhu? If you think about who we are, we are orcs, and your world is full of people. If we go, then only we are the same. For others, we are different. Do you think we will abandon you and choose other people? At that time, can we hide our identity? What's more, we don't know anything and we have to rely on you to eat in that world. We can only be little white faces. Who likes our little white faces? "

Sometimes Yin Zhu is clever, sometimes he is stupid. I don't know how his brain grows.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he thought that only they can rely on each other to become a family. Otherwise, once they get news from another world, they will have to spend the rest of their lives in the laboratory.

Think of here, Yin Zhu can't help but rest assured, think a little more about her, Qiao Nuo several will never betray themselves.

"If you don't like Tengxiao and don't trust him, Yin Zhu, let's just leave him behind and don't take him. Anyway, he has betrayed you. It's fair to leave him behind. No one can say you are not." Qiao Nuo wondered if it was because Tengxiao's betrayal that made Yin Zhu feel insecure and even distrust his partner. You should know what kind of trust Yin Zhu had in them before. If that's the case, he must kill Tengxiao, the troublemaker.

Tengxiao has been obedient these days, and he is very worried to follow Yin Zhu. These days, he also sees Yin Zhu in the temple of heaven. When he talks to Yin Zhu, Yin Zhu will respond to him with a smile. He doesn't say anything or blame him. In fact, Yin Zhu thinks that since Jono has already made a punishment, it's meaningless for her to toss again.

Tengxiao will leave Yinzhu not far away, he is now staring at Yinzhu, Jono this will say he also heard, Tengxiao at this time rushed to Yinzhu's side, holding Yinzhu's hand, flustered said, "Yinzhu, don't listen to Jono nonsense, I know wrong, also regret doing that, you can't leave me."

Tengxiao then glared at Jono. Jono was too much. He had already punished him, and he accepted it. Why do you take this thing out from time to time and say that it's going to nail him to death all his life.

Now Tengxiao really regrets it. At first, he thought that after the event, he just had to fight to save Yinzhu. Now he doesn't have to fight to save Yinzhu. As a result, baikun fought to save Yinzhu, and he won't die. Now it's time for liquidation. What's wrong with Qiao Nuo? He even said that it's too much to leave him.

Yin Zhu couldn't help but feel embarrassed when he heard this. However, looking at Tengxiao's careful appearance, Yin Zhu is still proud of making mistakes. He tells you how dare you make them again.

Jono turned his mouth at this time. Tengxiao didn't look in his eyes. He was the husband and had the right to manage other partners. Who called Tengxiao criminal in his own hands.

"Yin Zhu, you can't leave me. If you leave me, what's the point of my life? If you leave me, I'll die." Tengxiao can't help gritting her teeth. She can't let Yin Zhu leave her. Yin Zhu is the softest. When people who have nothing to do with her die, she will be distressed, not to mention that he is her partner.

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