If you want to go to another world, even the way of heaven should be arranged in advance. Yin Zhu and the people in the tribe just say that they want to go to a very distant place to find a way to cure Bai Kun. Except for some main people in the tribe who know that Yin Zhu wants to go back to her world, others don't know.

Three days later, Cheng an saw that Yin Zhu didn't come to find him. He was very happy, and then he went to find Yin Zhu with his things.

When he saw Yinzhu, Cheng an walked up with a bright smile, "Yinzhu, I'm here."

Jono nodded. "Just wait." A lot of people are waiting to say goodbye. There are so many messy voices.

Bai Yangui and Yang Wantong arrived at this time. Bai Yangui looked at Yin Zhu and his party, laughed, and then said, "have a nice trip." When you think about the meeting between Yin Zhu and him, it was a fate. At that time, everyone thought that he would not live to be 20 years old. Who knew that he would have such a day, and of course Yang Wantong, who was beside him. In fact, at the beginning, he really liked Yin Zhu. Unfortunately, what Yin Zhu cared about at that time was his partner, and there was no relationship between them Wearing this layer, with Yang Wantong in the back, it's not the same thing.

"Yin Zhu, if you go back, please bring me some things for my master and my parents. I wish you happiness." Yang Wantong sincerely wishes. She also wants to return to the earth, but the world is actually quite good. Yang Wantong takes a look at Bai Yangui standing beside her.

Bai Yangui reaches for Yang Wantong's hand and smiles gently.

"Good." Yin Zhu took things and then laughed. There were a lot of words, but he didn't know how to say it. In the end, he could only smile like this. No matter how much he didn't give up, he had to put it down. They could only live in each other's memory in the future.

A lot of people are talking around Yin Zhu, especially Meng Tai, who knows the truth. They are reluctant to leave Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu can't help crying at this time. She wants to go back to the earth, but the world is not her home. Now she is so far away that she will never come back.

Jono knelt down in front of the montaignes and kowtowed them respectfully. It can be said that in a group of people reluctant to part, Yin Zhu fled.

Jono walks in the front, Leihe walks in the middle with baikun on his back. After Tengxiao breaks, Yin Zhu looks back at the people who keep talking to him and waving. He is very reluctant. In fact, what he should say has been finished a few days ago. But at this time, people still can't help telling him again and again, that is, they are reluctant to give up.

On the other side, at the top of a mountain not far from daze tribe, Baiji and Mengji stand there, looking at the back of Yin Zhu and his party from a distance.

"Would you like to go down and have a look?" Baiji can't help but ask. Mengji is the most reluctant to give up baikun.

Meng Ji shakes her head at this time and says helplessly, "what do you say next? Bai Kun can't hear us and won't talk to us. Why? The others don't look good to us." Their husband and wife are sorry for their son, but now they can't save Bai Kun's life, so the best way is to let Yin Zhu do it. As for Yin Zhu, she still doesn't like Yin Zhu. A female who takes her son away doesn't even want her life for her. Any mother doesn't like such a female, although it's very difficult for male in Orc world to sacrifice for female It's normal, but she just doesn't like it.

She is such a child. How can she be willing to let Bai Kun leave herself like this? Moreover, the evils of their husband and wife have not been paid yet. Even when Bai Kun wakes up, she probably resents them. They don't want to.

"Baiji, are you sure you want to take risks with me?" Mengji can't help but ask, yes, they have decided to leave with Yinzhu.

Mengji is reluctant to give up baikun, and she feels that she must say sorry to baikun. What's more, she loves her children and doesn't really want to give up each other. If Yinzhu says that another world can cure baikun, they will. They don't see it. Who knows what Yinzhu will do to baikun?

They will not put all their hopes on Yin Zhu. As for taking risks, they really want to take risks.

It takes a lot of energy to travel through time and space, and it also needs the maintenance of the way of heaven. At the beginning, Baiji asked Yin Zhu to return to that world. Half of Yin Zhu's maintenance of the way of heaven was nothing. This time, Yin Zhu left with the protection of the way of heaven, but they followed secretly. They had done so many bad things, and the way of heaven didn't attack them. Why We will protect them, and no one knows what kind of mistakes will occur in the process.

Of course, according to Baiji's idea, Tiandao would like him and Mengji to leave. If the former palace leader was a big disaster, Baiji and Mengji would definitely come second. They would like to leave, and Tiandao would applaud and send them off, so they have a great chance to keep up with Yin Zhu. But it's hard to say what Tiandao will do to them after they keep up.

Bai Ji can't help but stare at Mengji when he hears Mengji's words. He grabs Mengji's hand and says, "Mengji, do you want to say that again? Is it difficult that you can pit the whole Orc tribe before, so I can't take risks with you. Besides, I don't take risks for you, it's for my son. "Dream Ji heard this shallow smile, and then the whole brother nestled in Bai Ji's arms, "Bai Ji, I have never doubted your feelings for me, so you let me do anything for you I am willing to."

"Me too." Bai Ji's answer is very positive. In this world, he and Mengji have no relatives. Bai Ji and Mengji had some subordinates. They had already let them develop themselves. As for those who wanted Bai Ji to help Mengzu before, Bai Ji said that how could they help when they went to another world?

Bai Ji is also gradually reacting now. In fact, the person who spoke to him at the beginning is not his father. It's just that the palace master absorbed his father's memory and deliberately said so to let him not resent. At the same time, he hopes that he can protect the dream clan. The palace master doesn't forget to count people's hearts at the last moment, which is really annoying.

As for why Baiji and Mengji didn't ask Yinzhu to come with them, it was because the couple wanted to take baikun away when Yinzhu woke him up. They still didn't like Yinzhu. If they didn't know how to save baikun, they would have given baikun away in another world where they had no clue I got it.

It is said that there are many females in Yin Zhu's world. Later, they found a female for Bai Kun.

As for whether Yin Zhugao is happy or not, Baiji and Mengji don't think about it. They are so willful to them.

Yin Zhu and his party walked in front, followed by Bai Ji and Meng Ji. Their destination was a valley not far from daze tribe, surrounded by mountains. At this time, they used array to send people away, which would not attract much attention.

The party soon arrived in the valley. Yin Zhu took people to the prepared array in the valley. At this time, Yin Zhu communicated with Tiandao, "Tiandao, I'm ok. You can take us away."

The way of heaven responded, and then quickly drew the power around the valley and injected the array. With the naked eye, the trees and weeds around the Valley turned yellow and withered quickly. Yin Zhu was a little surprised at this time. Last time he couldn't see how much energy he used in the Hanhai, this time he saw the surrounding trees. It seems that it's not so easy to travel through time and space.

The array starts soon, and Yin Zhu's figures become blurred slowly. There is a deep hole in the earth under their feet, like a monster's big mouth, which wants to engulf them.

Bai Ji had made an array to send Yin Zhu away before. He knew the power and rules of the array very well. At the moment when Yin Zhu and Meng Ji disappeared, he took Meng Ji and rushed to the cave. Then the two men disappeared in the cave.

Baiji and Mengji's actions are felt by the way of heaven for the first time. These two can be said to be disasters. The way of heaven wants all the powerful people in the world to leave, so that he can be stable. The way of heaven who has suffered a loss is really afraid of those powerful people.

So when the two of them are ready to leave, Tiandao is eager to send the two evils away. Just after the two enter the gate of time and space, Tiandao thinks whether he wants to pit each other for revenge. But finally, he thinks of Yin Zhu and Bai Kun. Tiandao still holds back. Bai Kun has given his life for his own integration, Yin Zhu is also his benefactor. When these two people have an accident, Yin Zhu and Bai Kun will feel bad. Forget it, they all leave their own chassis. If he is too fussy, he seems to be too small.

But don't think about protection. Anyway, these two people have great strength and know a lot of knowledge. If they can't die, they don't care. How strong their energy is, isn't it good for them?

After Yin Zhu entered the space-time tunnel, their bodies were distorted, but their thinking was very clear. Yin Zhu couldn't help frowning at this time. At last, she seemed to see something following them into the space-time tunnel. Who was following them?

When I think of the first time, Bai Yangui goes with me in this way. Yin Zhu doesn't want anyone to follow me this time. What if someone in the past doesn't understand anything, and then makes trouble or does evil things with his own strength?

When she arrives at her destination, she must wait more. She wants to see who is following her. When she comes back, she must deal with the stowaway. If she is obedient, she will not mind being cruel. After all, their identities can not be exposed.

Back on earth, she just wants to live with a few friends, but she doesn't want to cause trouble.

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