Yin Zhu looks at Bai Ji and his wife, whose temperament will change greatly in the future. It's really amazing. At the beginning, Yin Zhu was worried that they would make trouble. After all, neither of them is the master of peace. He didn't expect to be safe here for the time being. Is it true that if some things are put down, the whole person will be sublimated? Seeing these two people's enthusiastic research and food, Yin Zhu really hopes that these two people will always be like this.

In other words, Yin Zhu and Yin Ping have not discussed with Bai Ji and Meng Ji about their future arrangement or getting up. It can be said that Yin Zhu directly ignores these two people, and Yin Zhu also thinks that these two people should not be happy to live with her.

"What are you two going to do?" After all the arrangements on his side, Yin Zhu finally asked, even for the sake of Bai Kun.

Bai Kun starts to absorb the moonlight at night now. Although he hasn't come to his senses yet, Yin Zhu believes that Bai Kun will be well soon.

At that time, how will Bai Kun face Bai Ji and Meng Ji?

"Don't you come to ask us what we're going to do after you've made all the arrangements?" Bai Ji rolled his eyes in displeasure.

Yin Zhu couldn't help laughing when she heard this. She really did it on purpose. After all, she always let Bai Ji arrange how to go, just like a puppet who was restrained by others. Although she succeeded in her resistance, now Bai Ji is in her hands, and she still can't resist. She must take revenge.

The reason why Bai Ji and Meng Ji are so good now is that they are not familiar with the world. Another reason is that they are worried about the danger outside. After a period of time, these two people may not return to the way they are now.

Yin Zhu said that she was careful. She almost told the couple to plot against each other. Even if Bai Kun was there, she could not take revenge. She could have nothing to do with them.

"Why, if you have different opinions, you can leave. I don't mind." Yin Zhu doesn't care. It's best for them to leave. At that time, she can't stop them. Can Bai Kun blame himself?

When Bai Ji heard this, he was cold. Be careful. Is he stupid? Yin Zhu, a native, doesn't dare to take people out for a walk. He and Meng Ji don't know anything, but they just wait to die?

To put it bluntly, Yin Zhu's arrangement is the best. As long as he follows Yin Zhu, there won't be a big problem. He left by himself.

As for Yin Zhu's attitude towards himself, the most important thing is to ignore him, not even to make trouble. In the past, in order to achieve his goal, he had never suffered anything, not to mention that the material life here is very good, not to mention suffering at all. The only bad thing is that he is not very free. But what they mean by Yin Zhu is that when he comes to the countryside, he won't suffer any more There are mountains and forests in the countryside, so they can run to their heart's content.

Although the city is good, the space is too small and there is no place for them to develop. It is not necessarily bad to go to the countryside.

As for Yin Zhu's attitude towards himself, Bai Ji and Meng Ji don't care. If they are calculated, they are not as good-natured as Yin Zhu.

"Why should I leave? According to your side, aren't you my daughter-in-law? I'm old with Mengji, and I'm waiting for you and baikun's filial piety. " Baiji Old God said shamelessly.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't hold his face. "You and Mengji are young, waiting for someone to raise them. Do you want to be shameless?"

Bai Ji and Meng Ji shook their heads when they heard this, "we are very old. According to your algorithm, we should have retired thousands of years ago."

Yin Zhu couldn't help but cover his head when he heard this. He also forgot that both Baiji and Mengji are powerful. In addition, they have absorbed a lot of ORC's strength and vitality. They are very old, but their bodies are still very strong and powerful. They are not the kind of people who are dying. Where do they need human support? They are planning to help themselves Well, why is it not annoying to watch the couple playing rogue? Maybe it's because they are more popular than before. They are not as cold as before.

"You think it's beautiful. When you get to the countryside, you'll farm for me to raise chickens and ducks. If you don't work, there's no food to eat." Yin zhuleng hum also said that he couldn't afford it. One Orc's appetite is equivalent to that of four or five normal people here. Who can afford it.

Dream Ji heard this smile, and then stretched out her hand to hold the finger of Bai Ji, "Bai Ji, I think it's good to come to this world." Before they discussed coming here, they were still worried, mainly about the life after coming here. Yin Zhu fiercely said that she didn't care about them, but arranged everything well. Now she has some understanding of Bai Kun. How can she be indifferent to the people who are so soft and devoted to you?

Bai Ji nodded. It's true that besides the delicious food here, there is moonlight. Absorbing the moonlight will make them stronger. It's different from absorbing other people's power in the orc world. Although there is little power now, it's really their own.

What's more, in the orc world, the orc's power is suppressed to a certain point, and then it doesn't grow any more. In the orc world, they have reached the top and have no strength to move forward, but in this world, their strength can be further improved, which is also a good thing. If they had known about this, there would have been more people You want to leave the orc world.Bai Yangui should know about this. After all, he was here at the beginning, but Bai Yangui was willing to stay there because Ziji still had responsibilities. In fact, Ziji did better than him and Mengji. At least they did their own protection and responsibility. He and Mengji were selfish, so they failed.

"Well, I'm glad to be in this world." Baiji is very happy to hold Mengji's hand.

Mengji is also happy in her heart. She always wanted to come to this world and watch baikun get better. This has always been Mengji's insistence, and Baiji came here because of Mengji's choice. If Baiji felt uncomfortable and regretted after coming here, then Mengji would not be happy. Moreover, she was afraid that their lives would not be easy. From now on It's a good thing to come, and Mengji is more willing to find the beauty of the world. After all, after the failure of Baiji, Baiji can't turn around for a long time. The purpose that she always insisted on suddenly disappeared, and she can't find the motivation to go on. It's very good.

Meng Ji is more and more glad that she has chosen to come to this world. Besides, Yin Zhu and Bai Kun have made a good choice.

Yin Zhu looks at Bai Ji and turns to talk to Meng Ji. These two people have a good relationship. If they have nothing to do, they will scatter dog food. Bai Ji is cold hearted, but the only true love is Meng Ji.

Yin Zhi came back home late at night and was in a good mood. His wife, Lin Zhiyi, couldn't help asking curiously, "do you think it's good to see you happy?" The mother-in-law specially called her husband back, but she didn't know what it was.

Since it's impossible to say about Yin Zhu, but Yin Zhu used the name of a distant cousin before, Yin Zhi said with a smile, "do you remember that seven or eight years ago I had a cousin from the countryside who came to our house? She got married and brought her family to visit my parents. When my parents were happy, they asked me to come over. They also said that they would invite my parents back to their hometown to play. "

She has seen very few relatives in the countryside over there. Even if she has, she has forgotten that she seldom deals with them. However, those people don't bother themselves. They just come here once in a while, which is not the best. Lin Zhiyi is also very welcome. But when it comes to going to the countryside, is that appropriate? How long has it been since my mother-in-law went to the countryside, and the environment there is also very good.

"Why do my parents suddenly want to go to the countryside? Is it not good for them to grow old? " Lin Zhiyi is worried.

At this time, Yin Zhi said with a smile: "there's nothing to worry about. It's all a family. I'm sure I'll take care of my parents. Although there are no relatives in my hometown, my father sometimes misses the past. It's OK to go and have a look. My parents are in good health and the countryside is beautiful. Except for the bad traffic and medical conditions, it's not bad There's no big problem, and they're both retired, and now they're stuck at home and going out for a walk. I think it's very good. "

Yin Zhi thinks that his dear sister has come back. His parents think that their hearts will all fly to his sister. Moreover, Yin Zhi is worried that the two elders may not come back after they go to the countryside with his sister. This kind of thing is very possible. In fact, he wants to go, but he has to go to work, and life does not allow him.

With Yin Zhi's admiration and the willingness of the old people, Lin Zhiyi naturally has no other idea. No matter how she travels, she doesn't have to pay for it. She doesn't stare at the old people's money like other people. The old man has worked hard all his life, and it's ok to go out for a walk, as long as he doesn't spend money carelessly or be cheated.

It's not to mention that the old man still goes back to his hometown. He's only this old age. If he's a little older, he won't go even if he wants to.

"OK, I'll prepare something for my parents and go back to give it to the villagers in the countryside." If you go back to this big city, you have to bring some candy or something.

"Wife, it's very kind of you." Yin Zhi said happily. He was embarrassed to hide Yin Zhu's identity, but his father was right. It's better to know less about Yin Zhu's identity.

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