The family had a night's rest. The next day, Yin Zhu said to start work. Yin Ping saw that Yin Zhu were all ready to start work, but he didn't say anything. They didn't look very tired or strong. It's better to do the work in the field earlier.

Yin Ping rents a whole valley next to the village. It's terraced fields. It's said that the land used to be quite fertile, but it has been abandoned for several years. Now the land is full of all kinds of weeds. It's not so easy to clean up the whole land.

Moreover, there are terraced fields, where large-scale machinery can't be used. Basically, it depends on manpower. Because of this, these fields will be abandoned. If the whole site is flat and machinery can be operated, the land will not be abandoned. Of course, remoteness has the advantage of remoteness. No one will come. Yin Zhu doesn't want many people to hang out here. Besides, there are canals and irrigation canals not far away Irrigation is relatively convenient.

"It's very good here. It's not far from where we live. It's a good 20 minute journey." As for there is no road here, it's nothing for them.

"If you don't mind." Yin Ping said with a smile.

Yin Zhu doesn't plan to grow all the rice in the whole valley. In other words, Yin Zhu Zhi plans to grow some of the rice they eat. The rest of Yin Zhu plans to buy some fruits and vegetables. After all, they live here. They can't be self-sufficient. They still need to make money, and Yin Zhu doesn't plan to go out in public. So the best way is to open an online shop , I plant it by myself, and I'll open a shop on the Internet. At that time, I'll cooperate with the express delivery points in the town. Now the express delivery is relatively developed. There's no express delivery point in yangshucun, but there's one in the town. At most, Yin Zhu says that she has to work hard to get people to send it to the town. Of course, the online store will be next year at the earliest. Now she hasn't planted anything.

Jono several at this time also one by one over there angry question, "this place is very good." This place is at least much better than the orc world. Yin Zhu of the orc world also said about planting. But as far as the fertility of the apprentices is concerned, the land of this place is better than that of the orc world. The apprentices of the orc world are very poor. It should be better to plant here. There are many unique plants and some seeds in Yin Zhu's space. Of course, those things are yin Bamboo will not be sold. Even if it is planted, it will only be eaten by itself.

Leihe had picked up the hoe consciously and was ready to start.

"They use hoes? Will they farm? " Yin Ping asked in surprise.

"Well." When I think of the wet world, I use stone tools. All stone tools have to be cultivated, and they are so smooth, let alone iron.

At the beginning, Yin Ping was worried that each one would not be able to farm, or could not bear the hard work of farming. Then he found that it was himself who could not bear the hard work of farming. Even Yin Zhu could dig the ground quickly when he took a hoe. The speed was really fast. The hoes were very fast. They seemed to have endless strength, and they would not be tired, and their waist would not be sore .

"You don't have to work hard. Take your time." Yin Ping didn't start at this time. He and Huang Xiaoling picked up the waste grass in the field and put it on the ridge to expose to the sun. In this way, the grass would die easily.

Mengji takes care of baikun at home, and Baiji also helps in the field. After all, he has his own partner to support. He doesn't like to be said to eat free food.

Baiji has never planted a field, but he can't stand it. He studies very fast and has great strength. Farming is actually physical work. It's really no big problem for him.

"Old man, you are not very arrogant. You can do everything. You just have to turn the floor a few times. How can you be like an old dog out of breath?" Bai Ji Leng hum, at the beginning, he didn't feel much about the word dog. Orcs have it of any race, but now he knows that dog is a curse word.

Yin Ping can't help but roll his eyes when he hears this. He finds that Bai Ji likes to argue with himself now, probably because he doesn't give him a good face.

He didn't mean to aim at Bai Ji. He said that when he met a cheeky rascal and stabbed you twice, who liked such a person?

When Yin Ping heard this, he threw the grass in his hand and said, "what if I just don't work? I have a pension. I can eat and drink when I want to. When I'm happy, I can travel and do anything I want. I don't have to drag people down. It's still a problem to be qualified to eat and drink, even if I have strength, I can only work as a coolie. Even if it is like this, I can't earn money to support myself. At that time, I will not rely on my daughter. "

Bai Ji's face froze when he heard this. When he passed the exam, he always relied on himself, but he didn't have any money. He thought that because he didn't have money, he and Mengji ate something from the dead old man, and then the dead old man hated him until now.

"What if you have a pension? Your little money is only enough for you to eat. I'll get rich sooner or later on my own. You'll see it in 30 years." Bai Ji Leng hum, the world is not very good for him. He wants to make money by the fastest way, and then he is angry to death. However, the treatment in this world is really good. He can retire after 60 years old, and then he has money to take. He has nothing to play with. He has already reached the retirement age, but he has no money. He has to fight for himself. Bai Ji, who has been fighting for tens of thousands of years, expresses his self-confidence He is very hard. He has to work hard when he is so old. I don't know when he will work hard. Besides, his son, who is not filial to him, is filial to himself. He has a son who is so angry that he can't pay for his life. I feel sad when I think about it."Thirty years later, I'm afraid you'll be poorer by that time. Maybe you won't even know you've been taken away by that research laboratory." Yin Ping is cold.

Bai Ji can't help biting his teeth when he hears these unkind words, "if I'm sliced, I'll be accompanied by your daughter. I'm not afraid."

Huang Xiaoling looked at the two old people still bickering. She couldn't help saying, "if you're not tired, you'd better work fast and don't talk nonsense."

In front of Yin Zhu, hearing the angry words of the three old people behind, he couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing. His life was very good and he felt very popular.

"After Yin Zhu, this large area of land is ours. We can grow a lot of food. Rice is delicious and flour is good. Can we grow both? In addition, Yin Zhu, I've read many delicious food Posts recently. Can I make some for you later? " Cheng an gets close to Yin Zhu at this time and asks while working.

Cheng an looks at Yin Zhu standing beside him and thinks that the days are very beautiful. With Yin Zhu and delicious food, the world is really good.

In addition, even the weak Cheng'an is still strong for ordinary people. He can't work as well as Jono, but he can't work as powerless as he can in the orc world, and he can do well. This sense of achievement makes Cheng'an feel very good.

"Well, Cheng'an, have you thought about what you will do in the future?" In addition to farming, Yin Zhu also asked Qiao Nuo Tengxiao to find a hobby to learn. Even if they can't go out to learn to make money to support their family, they can edify themselves. Besides, they can't keep farming like this. Yin Zhu doesn't intend to turn Qiao Nuo into a farmer.

It's not that the farmers are bad, but that it's a waste of them to confine Jono to the mountains and become a farmer who can't do anything. Fortunately, the Internet is so convenient now that no matter what they want to learn, they can learn online.

"I want to be a cook. Can I learn how to cook? I find that the food in this world is very magical and delicious, but I'm not sure if I have such talent, and I'm afraid of wasting things. " Cheng An said that he couldn't help but smile shyly. Although he saw all the videos and understood all the ingredients, many people said that it looked very simple and would be useless as soon as it was done. He didn't know if he could do it.

"Since you are interested, try it. I think you can cook well in the orc world before. I believe you can learn it well. Then I can taste your good skills." Yin Zhu smiles and encourages Cheng an.

Cheng an smiles at this and is very happy. "Well, when I learn it, I'll cook it for Yin Zhu." Yin Zhu also likes to eat delicious food. When he learns those skills, he can cook for Yin Zhu every day. Moreover, there is a saying in the world that if you want to hold a person's heart, you should hold her stomach first. When Yin Zhu is used to cooking, will he leave himself?

Yin Zhu didn't know Cheng an had such a careful machine. She said with a smile, "well, I'll wait."

Xiaojin looks at Yinzhu and Chengan talking and laughing, and her heart can't help but feel sour. Chengan really flatters her.

"Jono, I feel that you have led wolves into the house. Cheng An is very agreeable. Look at Yin Zhu's happy appearance, I think I will lose my position." Xiaojin murmured, originally among several partners, Xiaojin was the most clingy and coquettish, but now Xiaojin felt that his status was threatened.

When Jono heard this, he said with a smile, "Xiao Jin, you think too much about Yin Zhu. As for Cheng An, he's still peaceful. If he doesn't have a little thought, I doubt his heart to Yin Zhu."

When Xiao Jin heard this, he was silent. Then he said unhappily, "I'm poor and generous. I'm not happy in my heart, but I'm generous. I don't like people like you most."

When Jono heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry. "What should I do? I like you best among the brothers." Jono was laughing.

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