After several people take Bai Kun back, it's going to be daybreak anyway. Yin Zhu stops for breakfast and goes to bed one by one after eating. On Bai Kun's side, Yin Zhuze turns on the computer. Although Bai Kun forgets, he knows something about knowledge, even though he doesn't understand it at first. After reading the knowledge, Yin Zhu teaches him to search by computer, no matter what he wants to know , can go to the Internet to find, there are text, some video explanation, can be said to be very simple.

Of course, they don't know the word baikun, but they don't know how to type. In order to make it convenient for them, Yin Zhu specially made a voice input device, so that they can use the computer. The Internet is the best way to understand the world. There are all kinds of things, and they can learn what they want to learn on the Internet.

Bai Kun can see that everyone is very tired and hard, so he asked several other people to have a rest. As soon as Bai Kun wakes up, Yin Zhu accompanies him first, and the others naturally have no opinions.

After Bai Kun had a general understanding of the operation of the computer, he said to Yin Zu, "take a rest first. I'll find out for myself and go to sleep."

"Can you be alone? I really don't want to be accompanied by me. In fact, I'm not very sleepy now. After the most sleepy time, people will feel energetic. It's not difficult to stay up all night. " Yin Zhu doesn't care. In fact, she is a little sleepy, just worried about Bai Kun. If Bai Kun has memory, it's OK. The problem is that Bai Kun has no memory now.

When Bai Kun heard this, he raised his eyebrows and squinted at Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu felt that his heart was beating a little fast. Then Bai Kun's head had been stuck to Yin Zhu's ear by this time. The voice of deep temptation sounded in Yin Zhu's ear, "do you want me to sleep with you? Can't sleep without me? "

Yin Zhu blushes when he hears this. After Bai Kun forgets his memory, he becomes particularly provocative. Looking back, Yin Zhu thinks that Bai Kun used to be so cold, probably sultry. Otherwise, it's just like this. It's also clear that she's an old husband and wife for many years. How can she be made red in the face by a few words? Her heart beats faster, and her concentration is not enough.

"To be frank, we are not outsiders, are we?" By this time, Bai Kun had already fallen to the bed with Yin Zhu in his arms.

At this time, Yin Zhu pushed away Bai Kun in a panic, "you, didn't you say you couldn't sleep? And you don't remember me. Do you mean to tease me like this? " Yin Zhu said angrily.

At this time, Bai Kun took back his hands, then stood up with his chest in his hands, looked down at Yin Zhu and said, "even if I lose my memory, you are also my partner. Why can't I tease you? I'm not stupid. After listening to so many things in the Orc world, the status of male and female is not equal, right? Jonoreh, those people cling to you every day. If I'm far away from you because of losing my memory, won't they be cheaper? I, Bai Kun, do everything well, but I don't suffer losses. Do you understand? "

Yin Zhu looks at Bai Kun stupidly when he hears this. It's over. Bai Kun has completely changed.

It's a dark belly. If it hadn't been hidden for so long, Yin Zhu didn't know that Bai Kun still had such a side. It's a miscalculation. I knew earlier, I knew earlier that this guy was like this. She wanted it, and her partner was her. Anyway, she wanted it.

However, Bai Kun's haggard attitude and the fact that he even has to settle his feelings really surprised Yin Zhu. At the same time, he was also a little happy. In the past, Bai Kun's high cold was high cold, like a male god, but without a trace of popularity, it's much better now.

However, when you think of Bai Kun's identity, you know that Bai Kun tried his best to suppress his liking for Yin Zhu. After all, he came to Yin Zhu with bad intentions. At that time, he directly saved his life and became Yin Zhu's closest friend. Because he was smart enough, he became Yin Zhu's think tank. He was afraid that he had feelings for Yin Zhu, so he was rare It's good to get in touch with Yin Zhu. At that time, Yin Zhu did a lot of things, but he really didn't find the abnormality of Bai Kun.

He is also an unqualified partner. If he is qualified, he will always find something wrong with Bai Kun.

"But if you have no memory of me, you have no feelings. Don't you think it's strange?" Yin Zhu said something awkward.

Bai Kun looked at Yin Zhu contemptuously at this time, "how can I find that you are very stupid, so you and I will see it?" Finish saying very dislike of pie mouth.

Yin Zhu's face is black when he hears this. Before that, what he thought Bai Kun was cute was nonsense. It's not cute. It's a nuisance.

"You are my partner, which can't be changed. I can't have another partner. Even in this world, I can't harm others. On this premise, I don't want to be with you. Who do I want to be with? No memory does not mean no feelings, at least close to you I feel very comfortable, don't always say stupid words, or you dislike me, think I'm uncomfortable? " At this time, Bai Kun looks at Yin Zhu very seriously. He looks like Yin Zhu chokes her if he dares to dislike himself.

Yin Zhu quickly shook his head, "how can I, I love you the most, I look forward to you every day, looking forward to you wake up, how can you say such heartless words." Yin Zhu stares at Bai Kun.

When Bai Kun heard this, he relaxed and said, "that's almost the same. I tell you, don't think about it. I don't know what you think. When you are sleepy, you go to bed. You are sleepy to death. Do you still have the heart to quarrel with me here? Go to sleep. I'll stay with you. " At this time, Bai Kun grabbed Yin Zhu and lay down beside him.Yin Zhu lies in Bai Kun's arms and looks at him seriously. Then she closes her eyes and goes to sleep. Yes, she always said that no matter how Bai Kun is, she will make him fall in love with him again. What Bai Kun says now is rational and realistic, but it's also a reassuring truth. This guy is really smart. Well, people think about realistic problems, but she thinks about real problems It's feelings. In fact, the results are the same. That's it. It's very good. It's a familiar embrace and a familiar taste.

Yin Zhu soon fell asleep. Looking at Yin Zhu's sleeping appearance, Bai Kun did not look at the computer at this time. Instead, he looked at Yin Zhu seriously and looked at his partner, who would live a lifetime in the future.

As for what Yin Zhu said, in fact, when Yin Zhu said it, Bai Kun had a few scattered pictures, but not many. This was only when they said it. I don't know whether it was true or not. However, Bai Kun felt that the kindness of these people to himself was true, so those things should also be true.

Another is to be close to Yin Zhu, which makes Bai Kun feel at ease. Bai Kun thinks that there should be very few people in the world who can make him feel at ease. In addition, when he didn't wake up, what Yin Zhu said around him confirmed that what Yin Zhu said was true one by one.

A partner? It's not bad, it's just a little stupid. After thinking about it, Bai Kun shakes his head helplessly. Maybe before, he also felt that his partner was stupid, so he protected him a little more. If he didn't protect him, what should he do? His partner, stupid, can't be lost. He can only admit it.

Yin Zhu doesn't know that the impression he left on Bai Kun is stupid. If he knows, Yin Zhu will jump up. What's wrong with her? Can she be admitted to university if she is stupid?

Bai Kun clearly wants to read some materials and know more about the world. He can see that Yin Zhu is sleeping sweetly by himself. He doesn't want to get up any more, so he just lies down naturally. Then Yin Zhu skillfully retracts into his arms and holds him to sleep. Bai Kun looks at Yin Zhu's skillful action, smokes the corners of his mouth, reaches out and hugs Yin Zhu, and closes his eyes to rest.

According to Yin Zhu, this is a strange high-tech planet. Now the earth is mainly developing science and technology. For example, the computer that Yin Zhu just opened for him is very strange. Even if there is a computer, you can know what is happening in the other hemisphere in the distance on the Internet, as well as the iron machines that can fly in those videos It's the first time for Bai Kun to see these things. It seems that he only needs to look at the things he has learned before, but he has no impression of them.

A brand new planet seems to be fun, especially the machines. Bai Kun feels itchy. He wants to study the machines to see what's going on.

But these will be put down first. They have nothing in the world. They are destitute. Now they are trying to make money. According to Jono, they are still soft eaters. Now they are relying on Yin Zhu's parents.

Bai Kun holds Yin Zhu in his arms. He thought he couldn't sleep, but he didn't realize that he was still asleep.

When Yin Ping and Huang Xiaoling get up, they find that the whole yard is quiet. You know, whether it's Yin Zhu or Qiao Nuo, they usually get up very early. Yin Ping also knows that they will go out to practice at night and come back in the middle of the night. He doesn't care. However, he can't help but worry that no one gets up. Huang Xiaoling goes into the kitchen at this time I couldn't help crying.

Yin Ping quickly went in and asked, "what's the matter? What's the matter? What's the matter?"

At this time, Huang Xiaoling handed Yin Ping the note that Yin Zhu had pasted on the kitchen cabinet and said, "look for yourself."

The note was left by Yin Zhu. What Yin Zhu wrote was also very simple, that is to tell them that Bai Kun woke up, they cooked breakfast, they didn't sleep at night, they had a nap during the day, and when they woke up, they would get up naturally.

"My son-in-law wakes up. I don't know if he looks good." They have seen several sons-in-law, but Bai Kun has become a beast because of his injury. They haven't seen you in human form.

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